Is marvel studios the only studio good at casting?

Is marvel studios the only studio good at casting?

Other urls found in this thread:

>redheads less than 1% of U.S. population
>blacks 15% of U.S. population
>somehow replacing a redhead with a black is "more diverse"


diverse just means more blacks. there's more hispanics in america than blacks yet you only ever see praise for black diversity


NBA gets an 'A' for diversity

>Zendaya confirmed to not be Mary Jane
>Agent Venom garbage will never happen
>people didn't know Valkyrie from their ass til this movie was announced

How come no one whines about Laurence Fishburne being Perry White or Will Smith being Deadshot? As long as you're a famous negro it's fine?

Because this board is full of DCuck shills. All that "mouse shill" shit is projection for these faggots.

I'll never forget the thread where we found out not a single one of them could produce a picture to prove they were white either, even with a femanon putting tits on the line. They couldn't muster a single fucking one.


Hispanic isn't a race dipshit. Anyone of the people in the pic could be Hispanic

Keep telling yourself that you pajeet.

>Not including Idris Elba's Heimdallr, "Whitest of the Gods"

marvel is one of the shittiest companies around and is only alive because the first iron man movie was decent and big bang theory made being le nerds cool, it will die in 10 years when nobody watches movies anymore since its comic book part is basically dead

Sony did the casting for spidey

Valkerie is bonable

the last one is the worst

the one role where they can cast a hot redhead

Uhm excuse me. They literally call themselves la raza.

>white people have income to buy shit like comics
>characters look like them to sell
>[current year]
>other races are a viable market
>I forgot what I was going, stoned, there's more than white people, grow up and enjoy stuff

Michelle =! Mary Jane

Sup Fevasu

>muh redhead
whatever racist made this picture chose the worst picture of Zendaya from the movie to make their fake ink drawn waifu look better.

People would throw a tantrum if a black person was played by a white person. So people want to find any reason to scream

Post the webm


Again, Michelle =! Mary Jane

I feel like I'm the only person who actually cares about Valkyrie as a comic character and hot shit am I so mad at that casting. She looks like shit in the role.

I was fine with based Heimdell even though it doesn't make much sense, but hey, neither does Hogan. But mah Valkyrie, mah perfect woman...

No one cares about a character like Perry White. Will Smith is also one of the biggest box office draws there is for some reason.

People don't get mad if you make a change but make it interesting or pack it with talent.

They're also not the biggest characters in the world. Black Superman would never happen, no matter the actor. Minor characters they feel free to fuck with.

Problem here, at least, is Mary Jane is a main character. Shouldn't have been fucked with

>OP mad at diversity changes even though he never read a comic book in his life
This is a bait thread. Ignore.

Shut up pajeet you faggot paki.

>Sup Forumsmblr glad about interracial sex scenes in their comics
lmao what a bunch of cuckolds

A more accurate synopsis would be;

>white people have income to buy shit like comics
>since white people are creating this mythology for white people and for white children, specifically white boys, to have characters to look up to they make most of the characters white
>[current year]
>spend the last 50 years teaching white children to hate themselves, to regard any sense of white identity as evil, and to blame themselves for everything bad that ever happened in history (glossing over the parts where whites create the modern world, 97 percent of the entity of science, and most of the things that makes peoples living standards today immeasurably better than their ancestors, in fact if it's ever mentioned at all it was done by "theft")
>it works, and white people and white children now hate whites more than any other race, and think all they have done is terrible things to everyone else on earth
>in fact wouldn't it be better for everyone if they just died out!
>at this point they see replacing a white character with a non-white character as good and even righteous and justified, because they have been taught to despise their own identity. For the same reasons they see replacing a non-white character with a white one as evil and monstrous.

Shubham seethin'

Im not glad or mad, im neutral as you, triggered tumblrite, should be.

Those are Mexicans that say that, and apparently they're too stupid to understand Mexican isn't a race either

go jerk your dick off to some cuckold porn

yes because they chosen the best actors for the job

>we will never get this Mary Jane

Don't you have goats to fuck, abdul?



>diverse just means more blacks

This, I remember when they were bitching an moaning about the oscar being "so white" when they were hispanics nominees (and at least 2 of them even won their respective oscars)

>Left is facebook comments on Zack Snyders facebook

>Right is facebook comments on James Gunns facebook

really makes you think


>Perry White

Literally who?

>Will Smith as Deadshot

Will Smith is a mega star and a legend at this point, that´s why he got a pass.



>Also per PostTrak, the combination of African American and Hispanic moviegoers made up a huge 41% of the audience with both audiences giving the film a whopping 81% positive score.

>Suicide Squad has a 73% total positive score


t. Assblasted Mojado



what race are people south of the US border to you?

John Wayne did Genghis Khan.
Jim Caviezel was Jesus
Lots of whites did gods of Egypt.

Hollywood is really good at casting!

>what is Nick Fury

They're been literally doing this since their first foray into capeshit.

Please never post this webm again.
thank you

Are you one of the people on there?

Don't be triggeered or complain about this that we all can see, just be quiet and if you don't like it don't watch the movie.

You don't want to be called a pol retard right?

>Perry White who?
Laurence is a good actor so who cares
>does Deadshot take off his mask ever?
people like Will smith

all the people in OP are put there because they are not white. thats why people dont like it.

>Being racist one way makes it ok to be racist back the other.
Do you have the tally when it's not going to be ok anymore because it's equalled out?

>Everybody south of the border is one race
You're so fucking dumb

lol i know what you mean but everyone else doesnt it seems. Heimdallr is supposed to be the perfect Aryan being. it triggered the hell out of my naiz uncle.

haha ill ask again. what race do you think they are?

There are whites, blacks, asians(technically includes the Native Americans also) and mixed breeds. Are you fucking dumb?

according to most reliable records Genghis Khan was a tall red headed white man. ill give you john wayne isnt much of a red head.

It's Elba though. He can do any role

>No one cares about a character like Perry White

Not gonna lie, for some reason I've always wanted to see Harvey Keitel portray him.

Cap looks exactly like BJ Blaskowicz in that pic, makes sense since they're pretty much the same person.

>wwn see ultraviolent Cap fighting alternate history Nazis

Feels bad man

Kindly do the needful

She's not Mary Jane though.

Sony still has plans to bring Mary Jane in if the movies lead to Peter's college years.

If anything Zenday is basically playing Gwen. Peters first love, who dies.

you are saying the majority of people south of the US border are white? so you take someone from poland or demark and mexico or chile and put them next to each other they will be the same? i am saying the majority not the "few" you know in your life.

>He doesn't think it's supposed to be the same character
Are you fucking stupid?

I am genuinely upset that we'll never get a proper MJ.



Proper MJ coming through.

He never said that

The common "" hispanic"" is a native American dumb fuck

Redheads aren't a race dumb fuck

bottom left looks like..

he did with
>There are whites, blacks, asians(technically includes the Native Americans also) and mixed breeds.
which means they have to be a majority in the mix. and i keep asking the same question over and over again: what race is the majority south of the US border?
Hispanic is a race, they are not white, they are not black (most will kill you if you compare them to blacks) and they are not asian. they are their own race over hundreds of years of evolution.

uh sweetie

>Red hair is also found amongst the Ashkenazi Jewish populations.[24] In 1903, 5.6% of Polish Jews had red hair.[25] Other studies have found that 3.69% of Jewish women overall were found to have red hair, but around 10.9% of all Jewish men have red beards.[26] In European culture, prior to the 20th century, red hair was often seen as a stereotypically Jewish trait: during the Spanish Inquisition, all those with red hair were identified as Jewish.[27] In Italy, red hair was associated with Italian Jews, and Judas was traditionally depicted as red-haired in Italian and Spanish art.[28] Writers from Shakespeare to Dickens would identify Jewish characters by giving them red hair.[29] The stereotype that red hair is Jewish remains in parts of Eastern Europe and Russia.[30]

You're literally fucking retarded

The "" hispanic "" you're thinking about are the mensitos and they're just regular native Americans. Whites are castillian and the mutts are mulatos.

Mexico is white

So red hair isn't a race? Thanks



They're near perfect before Disney takeover.

why bother wearing a bikini top when theres nothing to show?

ill ask you again, what race is the majority of people south of the US border? white, black asian or hispanic? or according to you, melatio? you have never once answered my question, are you a politician per chance?

yeah but samuel jackson is a badass negro and a good actor, so its a pass

She literally says to call her MJ at the end of the movie. Are you a shill, or just delusional?

It's because she's pale dude. She's actually got a pretty decent rack. Not gigantic melons like Mary Jane, but not itty bitties.

Zendaya is playing Michelle not Mary Jane.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean she's Mary Jane. Sony has stated that they DO plan on bringing in the actual Mary Jane should the movies lead to Peters college years.

Proving your point, both Valkyrie and Flash Thompson's actors are Hispanic.

They are mostly mestizo (Native American mixed with Spaniard). There is no "Hispanic race". "Hispanic" doesn't show up on a DNA test. All Hispanic means is that you come from a Spanish speaking country.

Example: Cameron Diaz, Eva Mendes and Gina Torres are all Cuban, but of different races (Diaz is white, Mendes is mestizo, Torres is black).

To help further illustrate your point.

This girl is Hispanic.


Mostly Native Mexican descendant from Aztecs


There is little evidence to support the idea that Hispanic people in the USA will go out to see a movie due to being motivated to a very large degree due to many of the most important roles being played by Hispanic actors. This is not the case for African-Americans. There seems to have been an increase of this lately so that might be why they made Spider-Man: Homecoming have many black people.

You can also factor in who Hispanic people living in Central and South America are most used to seeing in tv shows and movies that are Hispanic. It seems like this is mostly actors with mostly European or completely European ancestry. Many American movies are shown in these countries, however people living in these countries don't necessarily go in seeming them with the same expectations that they have for movies and tv shows that are created in these countries.

For Marvel, you can also factor in that their characters for some reason generally don't seem to be as popular among Hispanic people in general as DC characters are except maybe for Spider-Man. So Marvel might be preferring to market to African-Americans instead.

You can some several Marvel movie superheros have black partners: Iron Man & War Machine, Cap & Falcon, Dr. Strange & Mordo. Future: Capt Marvel & Monica Rambeau, Thor & Valkyrie.

No, she's not. Her parents are white, but they grew up in a south american country, can't remember which one. So she was raised speaking spanish and shit, but ethnically she's white.

fuck the haters ebony valkyrie is cute,CUTE!

user that's exactly what Hispanic is. Her race being white doesn't stop her from being Hispanic. Argentina is 98% white. Still Hispanic. Dominican Republic is 75% mulatto. Still Hispanic.

Yes, she is. She's Hispanic. You seem to think Hispanic is a race, it's not. It's a regional identification.