How the fuck does this even happen?
Some of us have principles.
By being a hideous social outcast like me.
>9 years and it could be me
He's a mormon and he goes by skippy and he looks like that. Asked and answered.
You are all joking about being virgins right?
Putting the pussy on a pedestal and being a "nice guy". It creeps women out. Even a weirdo like him could get laid if he wasn't so obviously desperate to get his nut off.
I cant keep conversation long enough to get to that part
being a cringeworthy nice guy surely helped him. plus not wanting to date prostitutes and uggos is probably the cause
I also feel that /r9k/ types tend to have standards for female attractiveness that aren't reasonable with regards to their own appearance.
hey im 23 and im not even socially awkward or bad looking and im just as virginal as he is
All women marry out of their league
I'm only 3 years away from this, but looking at me, you would never guess I'm a kissless virgin. I'm overweight, but pretty normal looking otherwise. I just don't feeling like dating.
What is an /r9k/ "type" exactly?
Being incel is a principle now?
>inb4 357 posts and 78 image replies omitted
i'm 27 and i never even kissed a girl
Similar to me
I lift and actually model occasionally so while I'm not a 10/10 I know I'm pretty good looking. I just don't feel like dating/fucking/talking etc
Can't watch this, hits way too close to home.
Yeah, this. Absolutely. So many of the people on this site who can't get fucked are completely unable to have the self-awareness it takes to take stock of their own assets (not just in terms of appearance or money, social status as well for example) and figure out who they're desirable to and come to the realisation that maybe they either have to lower their standards or improve themselves to attract the kind of person they want.
So many of them seem to have either given up on attracting a desirable person or have a sense of entitlement to getting to fuck whoever they want and find ways to blame others (e.g. modern society, women) for the fact that they can't.
>you have to want pussy
>but also pretend to NOT want pussy
>in order to get the pussy you want
You know, nice guys pretend to not want pussy because of advice like this. They somehow believe that showing any sexual attraction to women will automatically scare them off, so they pretend to be eunuchs in order to "bait" the woman in
Just like animals can smell fear, women can smell desperation and it turns them off. Lower your standards a little bit and fuck an uggo. Once women sense that you're getting some pussy they'll want in on the action, and it'll be a bonus since you're dating an ugly chick they'll feel they can muscle in.
I'm not a virgin, I lost my v card at 16, but I haven't had sex since October last year because I'm too occupied with work, lifting and doing music gigs on the side (during which I could easily get laid)
haha yea man of course
How the fuck would you know when you don't see everyone's face next to their post here?
>date somebody you're not attracted to
Do people really do this?
I don't even have to click the video link to tell you the answer: Look at him. You can probably make a safe bet he is awkward and weird as fuck, probably has a funny sounding voice, and is into weird things.
I didn't say anything about showing interest. I say "don't put the pussy on a pedestal" and "don't come off as desperate".
i dont think im capable of that
i've had 3,4,5's interested in me my whole life and ive never felt i was capable of pursuing that
ive also never had an equally good looking woman as me interested in me
You think they're out of line, only because you don't know what standards fat chicks have.
Because they complain about being unable to have sex and some even point out that it's because they're unattractive. As though attractiveness is a fixed thing and based solely on looks.
He's a fat ugly NEET so he assumes everyone else is
Who said anything about dating?
Why do you think God invented booze. Hang out with a chick slightly below your standards and get drunk, but not too drunk.
who cares, in this day and age, about roasties
the internet made women irrelevant
Hate to break it to you but everybody know already knows you're still a virgin
maybe they dont want to change their whole life, hobbies, diet and lifestyle to attract a 4/10 used up girl. its pretty reasonable to give up instead, nothing to do with evil entitled sexism. also not every virgin is like the guy in OPs vid, that guy is literally a parody of virgins (wing mom and cringy ""humor"" etc.)
Same, but thicker and I don't model.
I don't know man, I don't know why I'm not trying.
haha yeah, we've had loads of sex really
>fuck an uggo
My point still stands, why would you do this? It's such an intimate and personal thing, why would you force yourself to do it with someone who kind of disgusts you? Do you honestly think women are going to find out about it and find you more attractive because of it?
"obviously desperate" aka showing a desire to get laid
>get over my fear of talking to women and new people in my early 20s
>have a psychotic episode at 26 just when i was getting confident in interacting with women
>social anxiety is 1000x worse now, anything beyond small talk and i start getting legit panic attacks
tfw genetic failure
i feel bad for his mum she must have really wanted grandkids but has this fuck who makes his own T-shirts to get laid instead of going the gym.
Mate, I don't think you realize the ridiculous standards of your typical homely chubby girl these days
he has attitude, needs to step up his social game
at least he's not a whiny rk9 faggot yelling le bad womyn
Fuckdolls when?
>you can fix facial structure, height , penis size and autism
nice bait
nice dubs
I didn't say someone who disgusts you, Jesus Christ. Just lower your standards for a little bit.
>sex is an intimate thing
Yes, with a woman you love. There's a difference between fucking and making love.
Again, there's a difference between desperation and wanting to get laid.
don't lie bro
I'm 6'2 with a 7.5 inch cock and my friend says I look like discount version of Francisco Lachowski. Also I have all my lush hair, a tan and 12% bodyfay currently and I'm a virgin
Hahaha haha anyone else ?
I lost my virginity at 27. I didn't tell her and I don't think she noticed.
how did you keep the autism locked up long enough to do the deed
If she's one of those that only lie on their back and don't move, she wouldn't know.
what does that mean
Consider the idea that these guys are getting absolutely no pussy. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is getting it. Some people make a career out of having sex, and meanwhile this guy is in his 30's and missing out on something that even insects get to experience. The mind starts to panic, and what you call desperation is really the biological reaction to such an unnatural thing.
It's not even opinion, women rate 80% of men as below average.
This is just mathematically incorrect.
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
Help pls
not to mention the bitch has to be pure and chaste
man this post almost ruined my day lmao
>Yes, with a woman you love. There's a difference between fucking and making love.
Why should I have sex with a girl I don't love or have sex with a girl I'm slightly disgusted to I'd rather be a virgin desu ?
The truth hurts
>How the fuck does this even happen?
look at him
there's your answer
I really don't care who you fuck or don't fuck honestly. Never have sex for the rest of your life, it's not my dick.
>source: my ass
I think I could jam it in and not cum for 5 minutes but kissing looks too complicated and would expose me.
>that even insects get to experience
Fuck, maybe I could end it by fucking an insect.
Thanks for your shitty advice CUNT
tfw you're one of 20%
tfw you've only just lost your virginity at 22. biggest thing i found was sex is super awkward and not that great and really quite easy
It's not the rest of the world, birth rates are going to shit in the civilized world.
Just be youself.
i'm a born again virgin, i lost my virginity to my high-school sweetheart when i was 13 and fucked her brains out until senior year when i dumped her. The girl i dumped her for was a massive slut in disguise and i broke up with her when i found a collection of about 200 dick pics on her phone, that was insanely surreal but an eye-opener nevertheless. Since then i've only ever had one night stands at parties (4 in total) and the last one was especially disgusting, no condom came inside her ass. I'm incredibly lucky that i've only ever gotten the clap. I'm not sure where this blog is heading but it mostly has to do with me reaching a certain level of disgust with women that i just went celibate. Life is better for it and it's a HUGE ego booster turning down girls that just want to fuck, one night i especially gave all my attention to this uggo just to spite the girl that wanted me but you see this is also why i stopped, my absolute disgust with my own behaviour. Now i search endlessly for the woman that has more love in her heart than all the rest, unconditional love that is, just a caring girl who isn't nihilistic, doesn't use social media and well a whole list of things. i'll rather die childless than settle for something less, wish me luck Sup Forums.
Virgin shaming needs to stop!
No. Look a girl in the eyes if she looks back and smiles introduce yourself.
This is the hardest part as it requires getting yourself out of the comfort zone
You think that everybody that fucks has children?
>BWAAAHA WHY AM I VIRGIN :((((((((((((((((
>*sits in front of computer 24/7*
>How the fuck does this even happen?
Nope the hardest part is holding a conversation that doesn't involve how much you hate niggers and jews.
>approach a girl
>get called out for air-raping her
>in prison for 5-10
No thanks
fuck. i have the exact same glasses, facial hair, hairline and general facial structure as this guy. and i'm the same age.
and im a ginger (dark red/auburn) but still
i've fucked 6 different women and lost my virginity at 19 though
id be chad if i had any motivation to go outside, mark my words :^)
It's actually pretty tricky to find any data that says anything different.
Bernie is gone Lil guy
>I demand a 6'6" Chad Thundercock millionaire model and won't even speak to men below this threshold
>it's the men who need to change
I read that wrong at first and was like wtf
This is all the result of feminism. Back then without women in the job market this guy would have gotten a job easily and women would have flocked to marry him to get his resources. He would have had a stable family, children and a sense of purpose. Nowadays this guy serves no purpose for anyone, women don't need him, the job market don't want him , he's has no purpose and serves no purpose, however society suffers because of this.
Your motivation should be to improve yourself. Women see that and will crave you.
shave the chin guard my man
>unconditional love that is, just a caring girl who isn't nihilistic, doesn't use social media
I've got bad news for you user...
solution = get fit
fuck off back to plebbit
>tfw not attracted to women
>tfw gonna be 35 still in with no family and no genetic heir
>tfw I let my parents down, give into lonley depresstion, and shoot myself in the head.
Why can't I be a chad. Wtf is this?
How is society suffering? Seems like he's just a genetic dead end.
It doesn't work. I fell for the /fit/ meme, all I got was wasted time and less money.
>falling for the just go out and hit on girls meme
Gimme 6 years and I'll let you know.
i unironically hate myself so wanting to improve is somewhat stalled right now. rubberbanding between apathy and self-loathing right now, once i get out of this rut i should be ok.
i am fully aware these are all internal problems and dont complain or blame others for my issues of which virginity is a rather minor one so dont worry.
>no family
>no children
>import Somalians for more wagies
i really need to get different glasses though
I toured r9k once for laughs and saw a guy posting his wife checklist, aka things a woman MUST have for him to consider marrying her. They included being skilled in a variety of marital arts, owning villas in multiple countries, and having a six figure income job.
He was serious.
If society doesn't need him, then how is it suffereing?