We have Rick and Morty threads now on Sup Forums
Where did it all go so wrong?
We have Rick and Morty threads now on Sup Forums
>I want Sup Forums to be my safe space
t. OP
>wasn't here when season 1 and 2 first showed
just ignore them
only one week until pickle rick, friends
Shouldn't've let in all that TWD, GoT, Dr. Who and capeshit OP
Why isn't pickle Rick in this weeks episode?
viewers arent ready for something so monumental this early in the season, they have to get the ball rolling a bit first
I think it started when your mom changed her mind with that whole abortion idea.
>not being a picklehead
ok grandpa
Rick and Morty threads have been a thing forever. Mostly for Sup Forumsfags to bitch about reddit 24/7.
you just made me smash my a whole in my wall FUCKER
damn, what are you gonna fuck walls with now?
>entire thread is just faggots like OP screaming reddit
We've always had R&M threads, try harder to fit in
Why would Sup Forums hate R&M?
because R&M hate nazis and shit on Trump. They also tell the truth about the right wing.
>doesn't complain about the thousand BLACKED and cunny threads
>REEEEs about television show discussion
1. you're a newfag for not remembering RaM therad from previous seasons
2. you're a newfag for not knowing how to hide threads you don't want to see
3. you need to go back
Kek i hope you actually did so we can laugh at you even more
if you were next to me right now id squeeze the life out of you
>pro cuckoldry
>pro Antifa
>anti Trump
>dude nihilism lmao
>anti Christian
this show is anti-Sup Forums, literally r.eddit
I haven't seen a single anti-Trump thing in the show. What dimension are you in?
Honestly, it has NOTHING to do with politics.
i wanna hug you too :)
Justin the creator of the show is a /tv: spammer
He admitted it in his h3h3 podcast
its not funny bitch, you're gay and I hate you, you make me commit such acts of violence and because of this thread things will die
yeah ill hug you until you stop breathing all the way to hell
Since when was Sup Forums a bunch of right wingers?
Real answer, never. Ever. Not in 8 years.
>until you stop breathing all the way to hell
no need to worry my friend, my breath doesn't go that far
>threads actually about R&M get hardly any replies
>threads insulting R&M gets tons of posts defending the show
guys we all loved R&M before it got popular
someone post that image about the cycle of everything on Sup Forums
But it's fun, i love R & M just turn your brain off and you will be fine
>just turn your brain off
good luck, rick and morty is one of the smartest shows out right now
>pro cuckoldry
Father of limp wristed beta pussy turns out to also be limp wristed beta pussy =/= pro cuckoldry
>pro antifa
No basis for this
>anti Trump
No basis for this
>dude nihilism lmao
Implying Sup Forums isn't nihilist
>anti Christian
No basis for this
>pro cuckoldry
Jerry's parents were in the wrong. The relationship was awful. Jerry only let it go because it's christmas. If anything it was anti-cuckoldry.
>Pro antifa
Wrong. They attacked the Nazi because they thought the nazi was a bully. Remember that Rick is an awful person and was wrong to hit someone based on their views.
>anti Trump
Didn't happen. Stop making shit up retard.
>dude nihilism lmao
>anti Christian
Rick saved Morty and prayed to God to be saved. He's a hypocrite that says nonsense that is not supposed to be taken seriously.
How about you watch the show instead of getting your opinions from shitty Sup Forums memes jackass.
Since when is Sup Forums your little secret club
How new are you?
Anyone remember when that one autistic kid started spamming R&M threads over and over and over in an attempt to get them banned from the board
I member
It has a lot to do with them. R&M portray the sanity of the liberal side against the rotten core of the right wing.
They even kill a nazi in the show ffs
hence pol hates it.
It doesn't, have you even watched it
That nazi thing isn't even in the show
Sup Forums, 2009. Tribes Ascend.
Did you see the OP? the other thread had over 300 replies. Sup Forums just pretends to hate this show when they all watch it anyways
Is R&M the Naruto of Sup Forums?
no its the big rubber fist up the anus of Sup Forums
you obviously weren't