Wow, I'm shocked

Wow, I'm shocked.

great thread

>a cg model of someone from India
What did they mean by this?

Suck it, Sonygger shill

What was actually wrong with this movie
The trailers seemed fun and it doesn't look terribly animated

>t. millennial

>What was actually wrong with this movie

The fact that it exists for a start

Based on the trailer I expected it to get an average score on these review aggregator sites. It copied the Lego Movie in some obvious ways (e.g. the love interest was ripped straight from that) and that was well received by critics and the trailer itself was competently made and contained some passable jokes (they weren't funny but most comedies aren't) so I'm surprised the critical response has been the same as the initial response after the movie was announced. I can't tell if the film is actually that bad or if people just take issue with how shallow the premise is. If anything the existence of this movie serves to remind us all of how shallow we are. Maybe that's why people took such an exception to it.

wow a perfect 10, nice, I was thinking of taking my niece to see this

>its actually a 10 out of 100

Jesus Christ, that person demanding someone tag their fruit pictures as gore is an absolute piece of shit who deserves to be crushed to death in a massive hydraulic press

um please tag your post thanks

cool it edgemeister, not everyone is as comfortable around blood and guts, even if it is merely an imitation could you not?

Reminds me of this.

Does anyone make good animated films other than Pixar and Dreamworks?

Damn, I love granates

japan (^:

>not liking Minion kino
ummm excuse me? the door to reddit is back that way, sweety

>Lower IMDb than Foodfight
HAHAHAHAHA how did they even manage that?

Fucking hell, I feel ill.

Such an unsettling sense of wrongness and a light chill settled over my shoulders there.


reddit tier phobia


BOOM haters BTFO, Oscar noms when?

This is why rottentomatoes fucking sucks.

careful, they are issuing bans now for posts like this


Disney's literally the only one left. Pixar is done and Dreamworks is so fucking hit and miss it's ridiculous

You are a dumb cuck.


Warner Bros made two good Lego films and the next one looks good.


hey don't put that kinda things in your mouth hole


too much product placement

>posts like this
what was his post?
I don't want to make that kind of post by accident and get the b&n'd


Pitchfork is garbage

>sonyggers plagueing Sup Forums now


>and people thought Sausage Party was terrible

But scores don't matter. This shit is gonna make profit.

What? They've been issuing bans for this for 2-3 years now. How hard is it for you to type a proper reply other than 'Reddit'?

He said the R word. And good, they're pointless shitposts.


These are honestly not arguments

I felt it also.

/r/ing that photoshopped criterion poster for the emoji movie. "Le film emoji" or something like that was the title.

they are, you fucking idiot

the guy that responded reddit to these obvious bait posts deserved to get banned for being a triggered newfag anyway

what I am confused about is the guy posting a random image of the mouth full of nail clippings getting banned, it truly is reddit when we are forced to follow the topic, especially on retard topics like the emoji movie

We don't know if that guy got banned, just that the post was deleted. Posts are automatically deleted if there is enough reports.

As for why so many people were reporting that post I have no idea.


So you want an argument...

Well for a start even someone with an extra chromosome can see that the movie is a shameless cashgrab that tries to be "hip" with the "kidz" of today, and as a result ends up being a complete bland piece of uninspired, corporate unoriginal piece of shit with a $50 million price tag.

You don't even have to see the movie to know how the story plays as it's the typical "Outcast goes on a journey to fix the problem and stop being the outcast" that has been repeated over and over for a long time, even using the cliche dumb sidekick and possible love interest. And the comedy is just jokes that only children will laugh at, although that's basically the target audience so why bother.

Sure you may have your expensive actors like Patrick Stewart acting aS A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT and your fancy animation from one of the most successful companies worldwide and a motherfucking $50 million budget, but that doesn't make it good. You can make a cake with the softest of dough and the sweetest of frosting and bake it at JUST the right temperature, but if you put diarrhea as the main ingredient of course it's gonna taste bad.

And it's about emojis might I add, you know? Little faces which only purpouse is to "show emotions"? THEY MADE A MOVIE OF THAT. JUST HOW.


So you haven't seen it?

You're not an argument.

But seriously, it's just a shitty idea capitolizing on a trendy, though minute, aspect of how we communicate these days. The whole movie has a "lol xd we're so in tune with the youth culture xDD" kindof feel. The concept and execution is as shallow as you'd expect from a story about characters with no qualities outside of the particular emotion they are meant to convey on the surface.

Glad you're contributing. +1 for participation.

eww that pic is so disturbing

wow you guys are working overtime

Minions are inferior Rabbids

what is this and why does it upset me

Until you click on it it looks like one of those fetuses conservatives protesters plaster everywhere

ill give you a clue, it starts with r

I'm not the one feeding the hive mind on a low budget movie, while not seeing it.


Holy fuck Sup Forums BTFO

movie not funny erlich bachman
now future ruined