Is he our guy?
Is he our guy?
is that pewdiepie?
Fuck him. He only chases money. Complete, self-admitted sellout. His demographic is post-millennial tweens.
Is he an actual trump supporter?
He did another Hitler subliminal with Hitler Heiling.
No, In the video he's making fun of a guy called Keemstar. Who's a trump supporter.
Jelly goy detected
Of course he is
Pewdee is a Trump Supporter?
Google is going to revoke his YT Red status! Internet celbs must be under the liberal umbrella like Angry Joe and NC!
People like James Rolfe and Milo must be brought to heel.
One of his videos had "JEWS DIE".
He is now
oh poor him and his millions. I feel so bad for him
He's becoming Sup Forums incarnate imo.
Anime, Nazi stuff, Trump hat, and
>jews must die
pic related.
fuck you cuckold
wtf I love pewdiepie now
He's doing it ironically to pander the kids who watch his channel. He has spoken against Trump multiple times.
Don't you idiots realize he's being ironic? Jesus fucking christ
>He has spoken against Trump multiple times.
I just remember him not giving a shit
pretty sure he's a cuck, m8
Why did he use Hitler as a transtition in his video
yeah the fact that it shows for one frame is SO IRONIC
dont you realise these threads are ironic? Jesus fucking christ
wtf I love Pewdiepie now
I'm pretty sure he's being ironic.
Ok not gonna lie but that was pretty funny
>become popular in his own medium
>start brainwashing people
I wounder where he learn that from
fixed that record for you
Oh, jew!
He knows he's shit so not bad
I worked on a show he was starring in. Cool guy. Seems tired of the youtube lifestyle, wants to hang with his bros more I think.
>I am your, I have heum... I've run out of ideas...
I snapped like a madman, I'm still laughing it's been 5 minutes now... Holy shit he looks like he's on heroine or something, JUST
No, in one of his videos he said "vote for trump" then he laughed, then in like 2 frames it said "don't actually vote for Trump", he's not serious about it, i think he wears it as a joke
Damn, dude looks worse and worse as time passes, is he mentally stable?
I doubt it. He looks like he is ready to explode. tbqh I think he hates his fans
>pewdiepie sits all day on Sup Forums and cracks jokes with us
>can keep straight face seeing a nigger
i don't think so
Watch his last video. He's getting tired every day and every smile of him is faked.
i can remember him saying "pls dont vote for Trump guys" in the end of one of his recent videos
he is wearing the hat "ironically" XDDDDDDDD
I think he is. He gets more cynical each video, he looks depressed each video, and has some Sup Forums likequalities.
He'll be fine
wtf I love Pewdiepie now
He has become so cynical and blazed, holy shit
Ok I have to admit, he's pretty good now
the fact that he acknowledges that his Happy Wheels videos were just the same joke over and over... yeah, he's alright now.
You can tell he is getting annoyed with the yelling and screaming
After that
After that
>Is he our guy?
Maybe yours because your a faggot who watches you tubers who scream at video games
Except he doesn't even play games that much or even scream
I wouldn't know.
Then why does he have the MAGA hat on in other videos and have Hitler in other videos too?
I'm not saying he's a Trump supporter for sure, but the hat itself isn't a keemstar jab.
5/5 post
Then why do you even speak?
I think he's given up on life.
That's a crock of shit.
who cares its pewdiepie.
and hes not "our guy"
I don't think he supports him but I also don't think he really gives a fuck either way.
lol he actually did it, the absolute madman
He was against Brexit and you somehow assume he is pro-Trump just because he's trying to be ironic with his MAGA hat? No wonder jews rule the world with special cases like you...
I want him to react to baneposting
Wait, he doesn't know? About Sup Forums? How can you not know about this place? He's so pure. Somebody link him to Sup Forums and Sup Forums right the fuck now.
You realize there's lots of normies making nazi jokes and stuff while not being nigger hating jew revenge scheming social degenerates desperately hiding their power levels while only getting off on cuck porn and being adopted by a wealthy walking dorito.
he knows
>mainstream anime alert
So does he come here? I don't any other place that does the delete this meme besides Sup Forums
This is so fucking based. Fuck.
I am legit btfo. By fucking pewdiepie.
das it, we gonna make it to the mars, I mean, at this point, motherfucking unicorns are possible.
Holy shit, he's grown.
James Rolfe isn't a liberal?
He got irl cucked so hard he uncucked himself a bit with the jew busters
Pretty sure it's just his younger brother. I doubt a 12 year old would have a wall full of cigarette boxes. Even though we're talking about Poland so who knows.
Oh yeah, I remember that.
>yfw we've calling him cuck for so long that he's slowly going FUBAR
When you get meme'd on, you have only one out: accept the memeries.
>people born in 2000 are now legally able to fuck/be fucked.
>He's becoming Sup Forums incarnate imo.
>Anime, Nazi stuff, Trump hat, and
>jews must die
what? Leave.
>Pewds joins Sweden Democrats
>Announces he's running for PM
>Not even close, thanks to his unstoppable media machine
>Removes Kebab, leaves EU
>Annexes, uncucks Norway and Finland
>Marries Tiffany Trump
>Appoints himself King of Scandinavia
>Adolphus, King in the North, is born
This set the groundwork for the eventual Great Reconquista against the European Caliphate.
his audience has an average age of 13 so yes he's like Sup Forums
He's cool
This was actually funny. He's grown.
That was fucking funny
hate that guy, but i have to admit this video was pretty funny. 10/10 satire.
nobody is my guy except my boyfriend
>That feel when you add a girl from tinder on Snapchat and her username ends in 99, 00 or 01
That was pretty good
lmao i like pewdiepie idont car what anyone says. out of all these cringe worthy youtubers he seems to have the best attitude. while all these other losers just sit around making foul negative videos of each other
never heard of him also looks like a faggot
also sage
He might be. Personally, I think he really is, but it can be hard to tell because he hides in obscurity and irony.
A smart tactic. I always knew there was something about Pewds.
I've always liked the guy. Seems genuine.
Don't you realize Sup Forums is being ironic?
Is Marzia a trap? I'm suspicious.
But he also looks dead inside and he's been more cynical
he's possibly the worlds biggest douchebag and faggot, so no.
instinct says yes
Most """qt""" girls on the internet that keep getting posted repeatedly are traps. Xey can be spotted by a proeminent adam's apple.
There's a lot of things that just don't add up.
The way she always speaks in that high-pitch tone. Rarely uses her normal voice, but when she does, it sounds low as fuck. Has masculine features, no curves, etc.
Hardly talks about her past, but is very vague when she does. She claims that she used to be a tomboy growing up, but recently went all girly.
No.hes a fucking faggot,just like you.