I appreciate Marvel taking an approach that's closer to Carol's classic look but I feel like the whole Weeaboo approach is sort of contradictory to making her more appealing to classic fans.
I appreciate Marvel taking an approach that's closer to Carol's classic look but I feel like the whole Weeaboo approach...
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Why is she wearing WW costume?
they've been trying to make her their wonder woman for ages now, might as well take the outfit too
Since when does anyone appeal to classic fans. Stale blood is Stale. Gotta appellate to fresh new blood
Why the fuck hasn't someone translated the doujins yet. I can't tell if she got impregnated or if her ovum also has goddamn super powers.
Why are you making this thread again?
What are they like? They aren't some nasty rape/hypno shit are they?
For fun. What? Do you hate fun?
Eight Wonder is cute! deja-vu]CUTE!
One was parasite-futa/incest. I forget the other ones.
Appreciated, but I've read the "legit" run. I meant his actual doujins where he just makes porn. I really wish he didn't get bored with this comic, though.
Does 3DPD make you sick, anons?
No but ryona tends to leave a bad taste in my mouth
Not flat enough
It's not that he got bored, it's that it was cancelled. He expressed an interest in continuing it somehow along with his other mangas that were cancelled.
Ok, where can I get it. I never know where to get JAVs anymore.
This doesn't happen to carol nearly as much as it should
You made this exact same topic, word for word, a few weeks back user and everyone back there already told you, this is more of an ero manga with PG as mommy to Supergirl than it is Carol.
2/10 for getting me to respond.
Post moar please
go to the www.nyaa.se torrent site
then click their fap category for their naughty site
don't want to post the direct one
also JAVlibrary is a site that lists them and has some direct download links, but those are a pain
whelp. it was a nice thread while it lasted
Ask , and ye shall receive
Someone posted the link to the manga above.
>Husband is some high-school-looking Sasuke motherfucker
It's just an evil clone of her husband.
I wish there were more westaboos in the doujin world. All we got is butcha-U
Jiro's pretty based. So's the one that made those shota robin doujins
But Marvel already has a great NOT Wonder Woman
So? Still looks like a character out of Bleach or something.
I thought Sif was the not-WW.
>my safe word is "patriarchy"
[Unsolicited Opinions on Israel???]
She NOT Wonder Woman with the Sword, Thundra in the one with the not lasso, and Zarda was the one with the bracers.
I laughed like a maniac when this came out, it's just so great on so man levels.
I actually think it's a joke on all the SJW shit.
Jokes are usually funny.
So, wait. She fucks the Sasuke looking motherfucker who's a evil clone of her husband?
Please, say that doesn't really happen.
The safe word joke was actually funny though
>Please, say that doesn't really happen.
Okay. It doesn't.
Oh, fuck. Give me spoilers just to see how bad it goes.
She did when she was Eighth Wonder's age. Only thing she fucked in the normal comic is a superdildo. Also, holy shit that scene.
But isn't the Sasuke-looking motherfucker who's an evil clone of her husband like way younger? How did she fuck him when she was an Eighth Wonder?
She sucks and fucks the clone in volume 3.
Yeah, i checked the raws, but i can't read moon shit. How and why did it happen?
When he was originally alive and they were of similar age. Where the fuck do you think her daughter came from?
You mean her husband.
I think this would actually work for Wonder Woman, given her original stories.
That said, FUCK the author of this. Dipshit had a near idiot-proof premise. I mean, MILF and daughter superheroine ecchi shenanigans? How do you even go wrong with that? You make a whole version filled with rape shit, that's how, give the readers a bad taste when they read the main story. Get the internet confused to which one is the actual story. Way to shitcan what could've been great, asshole.
>Sasuke-looking motherfucker
I... THINK I see what you did there?
Tamaki Nozomu should work with Katana, make her interesting.