Why hasn't anything come close to this type of super hero movie...

Why hasn't anything come close to this type of super hero movie? All there is now is comedy meme reddit xdd muh powers movies.

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*tips fedora*

>why hasn't anything come close to this type of super hero movie

Watchmen is better

That's a great way of describing it actually

Because literally every superhero movie ever made has been complete dogshit apart from the Dark Knight Trilogy and Watchmen.

Nolan was at his peak

I'm tired of movies always needing zingers or witty one liners. The fact they had to recut Suicide Squad is pretty depressing. It's like they think the audience will get bored if there isn't a funny joke every 30 seconds

Exactly, I love superheroes but wtf I end up rolling my eyes half the time. Not even because it isn't my sense of humor or some fedora shit. Just non stop jokes.

rewatched it today, pure kino

Oh fuck off you tumor

because health ledger died, and he was the only good actor in any superhero movie

The Winter Soldier came close but it's missing a great score.

It was in a constant state of escalation from things going from bad to worse and the only flaw I can find is the casting choice and dialogue for rachel

Until the Doomsday garbage I'd agree.

Because everything is now done to a formula. Nolan wasn't trying to make a super hero movie.

There were no big guys back then

I'm gonna sound like a grouch, but I've started to feel the same towards comic relief in movies as I do towards forced romantic subplots. It's like no one dares being serious throughout, and just have to make quips and jokes so no one catches them being earnest. Like the bullied kid who becomes a comedian in an effort to avoid people laughing at them for the wrong reasons.

Legitimately the greatest super hero movie of all time.

Unironically this.
I mean, it's still a hyper flawed movie before that point, but the movie has a shit ton of gravitas to it at least unlike literally anythong in MCU


Because it's a once in a millenia pure fucking cape KINO and will never be topped. And I'm a Marvel fag, our 'good ones' are good but they don't even come close.

It was made by one of the great living directors, every other franchise superhero movie gets the "pluck an indie director out of nowhere and give him a big budget movie because they're cheap and will follow orders" treatment.

I mean to be completely fair MOS/BVS are similarly auteurs drive except they're just bad and the vision they're following ill-conceived.

Point is, master level directors aren't something you find every day, and most of them have better things to do than superhero movies.

Winter Soldier was kind of 50/50 in that regard? It doesn't have a great score overall, but it does in my opinion have very good uses of what it has, at times.

The Cap vs WS fight has pretty tops music and sound direction.

TDK isn't that good. It's a great Heath Ledger Joker performance stuck in a mediocre movie about Batman, Two-Face, and a bunch of Rube Goldberg plots.

goddamn i miss this franchise

*blocks your path*

>The score
>The practical effects
>The dialog
>Relatively good action scenes
>No stream of "witty" one liners
It was pretty fucking good.


there was a time where movies were trying to be dark like the dark knight but they failed since they wouldnt go all the way

>Fuck white ppl: the movie

because he flipped an 18 wheeler over, because ledger killed himself making it, because a lot of effort went into the details and cgi was at a minimum, because it was a crime drama more than a prepackaged "superhero move", because they took their time setting it up with a very good movie in begins

because of the score
because of the cast
filmed in imax
the gritty/dark tone fit and didn't feel forced
with all of that, it was still fun

check out the fucking car chase in this culminating in the standoff in the street, or even the police chase in rises vs. the shitty cgi chase in B vs S

fuck there's lots of reasons why it's good. The reason why nothing has come close is because there is very little freedom in Marvel or DC movies to do what Nolan did

And as much as we can shit on Nolan for his bad dialogue and sometimes goofy writing, he's actually talented at directing huge, practical set-pieces and having a great result, and the majority of directors who touch comic book shit don't have that ability. I'd argue no director in the world is given the freedom and budget nolan has been combined with the ability to use it.

>why is there humor xxxdd

Guess what you faggots, most super hero comics are this way

Literally all of this. The only reason TDK is the 2nd best in the trilogy is because TDKR's opening scene is good enough to be it's own film.

>quips are humor
you don't know what humor is, even Seth Rogen is better than out of place retarded quips


>quips are humor
you got that right

Shitty directors + shitty source material.

>shitty cgi car chase in BvS
It was realer than anything Nolan made.

The Dark Knight — Creating the Ultimate Antagonist

The Dark Knight: "Identity Secrets" - Analysis and Explanation

The Dark Knight | Nolan's Republic

A World without Rules - The Dark Knight Analysis

The Dark Knight - How does a Camera tell a story?

RT 94% 8.5/10
metacritic 82
CinemaScore "A"
Critics' choice: 96/100
#4 IMDB top 250

The Dark Knight was nominated for eight Academy Awards for the 81st Ceremony most nominations received by a film based on a comic book

The Dark Knight was included in American Cinematographer's "Best-Shot Film of 1998-2008" list, ranking in the top 10. More than 17,000 people around the world participated in the final vote.

Name top ten films of 2008 by the American Film Institute.

The Dark Knight was ranked the 15th greatest film in history on Empire's 2008 list of the "500 Greatest Movies of All Time," based upon the weighted votes of 10,000 readers, 150 film directors, and 50 key film critics.

The Dark Knight continues Batman Begins' tradition of drawing primarily and heavily from the graphic novels, one shots and limited series' of the late 1980's and 1990's, but this time the writers also went all the way back to the roots, to the earliest issues of the Batman comic book. In addition to the same sources Batman Begins drew, some of the cited influences for The Dark Knight are the first two issues of Batman and The Killing Joke.

not to mention the 10 minute intro outdid entire heist movies

Its RT average rating is 8.6/10. :^)

dunkirk sucked dicks lol

Those reddit-tier "essays" at the top.
Really makes me think.

The DEFINITIVE cape-kino list:

1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
3. Logan
4. Deadpool
5. Spider-Man 2

>tfw all we get now is cgi infested le epic quips """"movies""""""
watching this really makes you appreciate tdk

Not as good as Batman Returns

>>Fuck white ppl: the movie

i feel sorry for your mother


Shame how he fucked up the main character of the movie.

Literally rëddit-tier.

I'm genuinely not sure, is the pro Snyder memeing ironic?

I feel more sorry for any teacher who wasted time teaching a retard who can't use capital letters or punctuation when they write.

TIL about this site called Reddit, ooooooooh Reddit...

The success of The Dark Knight is in many ways what led to the downfall of the superhero genre. After it's release superhero movies became THE moneymakers for Hollywood so they felt a need to regulate them more closely to ensure profitability. This has stripped away any artistic vision a director could have in making a film. The Marvel are all just soulless copies of what Favreau did for Iron Man and the DC films are just total mishandlings of what Nolan did in The Dark Knight. Very rarely, if ever, does a superhero film, or any franchise film for that matter, feel like it's own film. They all feel like eating at a McDonald's.

>1,5 explosion and tons of cheapest shot in building that any Netflix capeshit can afford.
>Two-face half face
>cars that Batman on batpod blew up that they added in post-production
>Thumbler jump to block the rocket also was added in post-production
Wow! Amazing, no cgi, right?

Pff, this is fucking nothing, this is how Real filmmaking looks like when you have to synchronize every car flip with what CGi artists draw in post production youtu.be/xVjtsEmmoYo youtu.be/uadki0enVyg

Inb4 b-but my kike critics and YT essayists tells me otherwise

Maybe don't make these autistic Batman threads every day if you can't handle people praising latest Batman movie.

>this is what millennials unironically believe
Armond White was right.
