Florida school shooting

New details are out by the Florida school shooter from a Mumley interview with a student attending.

>school shooter harassed students
>he was suspended for carrying ammo in his book, and eventually expelled for getting into fights with his ex's new boyfriend
>the school in question had had a police drill weeks prior where the police recreated a school shooting scenario with blanks
>school shooter harassed girls he was into
>told people who checked his shit "I'll remember you"


The more I hear about this, the more the US seems third-world.

Other urls found in this thread:


>the school in question had had a police drill weeks prior where the police recreated a school shooting scenario with blanks
So... this is the power... of freedom...

Skip to 3:42 if you want to hear about it from her. I'm genuinely at a loss fpr what it says about that country.


whiter than you Ahmed

>barely make it out of a killing spree alive
>get humiliated and threatened by heavily armed police to walk in line with your hands raised or they might shoot you

the absolute state of america

Warning, conga line in progress!


>his ex's new boyfriend
so, a faggot dick sucker too?
la homo goblino...

looks like they are having a fun conga line
what's the issue here OP?


dis is da brize of freedum :-DDDD

Designated conga lines

Is this the motive? He was jealous and angry about his exgf?

>The more I hear about this, the more the US seems third-world.
We don't have to deal with this kind of shit. It's cultural, an American thing, respect them you entitled wh*to.

Honestly I don't believe any of these things
People probably make shit up, not saying this guy isn't fucked up crazy. Just saying people will probably just say whatever

Nice reading comprehension


Am I wrong though? I'm sure some of it is true.. but I guarantee that there are plenty of lies in there as well

>Am I wrong though? I'm sure some of it is true.. but I guarantee that there are plenty of lies in there as well

Lol at all the libtards on the moral high horses, as if their retarded policies could ever work.

It's piss easy to get a gun in the US and most are not registered. If somebody wants one they can easily get it. There is no way to stop this.

Why can you only reply in memes?

because it's more fun then actual conversation

>wanting kids to not get murdered is being on a moral high horse

is it black culture month in USA?

inb4 Sup Forums claims that it was a test run and an inside job

What if it were harder to get guns?

What you are saying is that there is a solution and the evil gun owners do not want to follow through with it.

Thus you fake up a moral high ground for yourselves.

But in truth there is no solution.

how about banning ammo?

If the US wants to have guns and the ease of access we have to guns, they just have to accept that these things will happen. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

if you think about it those high schoolers had been robbing him by making him pay "taxes" for their educations. by shooting them he was just defending himself.

Why didnt anyone throw their food cans at the shooter? Does florida not teach the volley technique?

what's the point of having a cake you can't eat?

>The more I hear about this, the more the US seems third-world.
Oh yeah I'm sure this is all a total shock to you and that you haven't had that opinion for years.

>the school in question had had a police drill weeks prior where the police recreated a school shooting scenario with blanks

This sucks, one of the students even said they thought it was just another drill with blanks.

Drills are great, drills with blanks not so much, because the first sign that shit is going down should be gunfire.

Criminals (thieves, drug dealers, etc) can easily get their hands on illegal weapons. Angsty teenagers? Not so much. Those weak, white soyboys wouldn't be able to get a gun from a mexican drug dealer or with some black thug.


>his ex's new boyfriend
this autist managed to get a gf and you cant, whats your excuse Sup Forums?

its not my revolution if it doesnt have helicopter rides

Actually it is

If the student had access to their own personal tanks, this wouldnt have happened

>be American
>crawl towards police
I wish I were making this up because then a man would still be alive!

Fug...How could he get a girlfriend to begin with?

The shooter tried to pass himself off as a student

if you eat your cake then you no longer have your cake. that is what that saying means


best nation on earth

>the school in question had had a police drill weeks prior where the police recreated a school shooting scenario with blanks

>Everybody do the conga!


>the school in question had had a police drill weeks prior where the police recreated a school shooting scenario with blanks


you believe the frog? he can't into english.