Hungarian is the most complex Finno-Ugric language

Finnish and Estonian are remarkably simple and almost crude in comparison.

becuase hungarians need 18 grammatical cases to properly articulate how dissatisfied they are with everything

In addition to having the most complex grammar in the Finno-Ugric family, Hungarian also has the biggest vocabulary and uses the most letters and vowels/consonants.

Haha nice. Estonians is finally destroyed by sciences.

I don't understand why when they transcribed rovas into Latin script they didn't just use alternate script instead of making 2-letter letters like sz and even dzs, they already made new symbols like ő, why didn't they just go all the way? Once you know the language it's not confusing, but just for straightforwardnesses sake

Because dzs is used for words that we recently borrowed from foreigners. Like Fuji, judo, jam or jungle.
And sz makes sense since it's almost the same as s. The real question is why ly exists when it's pronounced like a j.

because ly used to be pallative, but it's an obsolete phoneme

Also, the language would be cooler if it was still runiform, but that would be too weird for a modern European country anyways

>Also, the language would be cooler if it was still runiform,
But our runes were just ordinary Turkish runes. Not very original.

as someone who has studied both languages, I tell you you're wrong
Hungarian is much simpler and logical

erklärt euch

Hungarian is Finno-Ugro-Hunno-Avaro-Cumano-Slavic.

serbia, greece, ukraine, belaruse and russia all use runes

>one language can be more logical than another one
Chilean intellectuals folks!

Dativ is dem Genitiv sein Tod und so.

Saami only has seven. Shamefur dispray!

I mean languages can be more intuitive to speakers of other languages, and there is information density per syllable as well as refined structure with minimal exceptions, but all those things are qualitative and can't really be used reliably in general comparisons.

I can't speak in comparison to other finno ugrics languages, but there are times where Hungarian is more intuitive (especially in tenses and adherence to rules and pronunciation) and sometimes its more obtuse (although I can't think of any at the moment). It's like comparing Japanese to Catalan, both have perks and disadvantages

Of course some languages are more logical than others.

Just take grammatical genders for instance. Absolutely unnecessary. They serve literally no purpose, they carry no information. They're just there, to shit up the language.

we're special

don't forget the Pechenegs and Jasz

it's actually far worse than that


kis kun nagy bot

We have two entire counties that used to be full of cumans. Now their descendants live there, thanks to Béla the 4th. We also had a king called Kun László,aka Ladislaus the Cuman.

you just went full retard

Hungarian is on the other hand of the language family. Finnish and Estonian are both Baltic-Finnic languages and Estonian is half-German anyway.

You're that cringy retard who found 20 German words in Estonian and got all excited

Someone doesn't know 50% of Estonian vocabulary is Low Saxon and German in origin.

eesti sucks big juicy dick

Our dicks are bigger, Soumi.

No it's not. A Finn would notice if it was.
Specialized vocabulary that no one uses, maybe but I doubt that also.

You're just butthurt you were a swamp in history.

We have a joke here.

"How do you say ATM in Hungarian?"
(literally meaning "shits cash" in my language"

ha ha :(

And what were you? Nothing. Not even a swamp, just pure nothingness.
Nobody even knows what Estonia(name stolen from a Baltic tribe who lived in Poland) is, outside Eastern European prostitute aficianados.

>he's larping a german now

the ones in your mouths, yeah

Niele nyt kaikki syötit tosiaan.

hörömök törpörökök

Damn, Finno-Ugric arguments are weak
>you're country is a swamp!!!
>yours is not even a real country!!
>we have the biggest dicks
>yeah the ones in your mouth

get a room

Why do you get so excited then? An island off Stockholm is called Estbröte because Estonians used to raid the Swedes.

Why isn't Hungary arguing with us yet?

Oletko jo littynyt Autismi ja Aspergerliittoon vai harkitseko vielä?
niggu we weuz kaaangz!!! dem finns be stealing our history and shit lilniggah saxonbalt pride eastside
da word east be coming from dem eesti kangz nigguh

>dem finns be stealing our history
Yeah you stole our history, you didn't invent sauna nor Perkele.

There's no point going after fruits that are hanging so low. And we have nothing to be upset about you guys.

It's much more enjoyable triggering Slavs and Romanians with irredentism.

It's a past-time activity to trigger Slavs. You are true bros.

Top ten anime betrayals

it's true tho, given the current state of the HUF

Doesn't english have a case ('s)?

psht who needs cases

Common, it's not so complex. You are sort of related to German. I can even understand a bit, in contrary to Finnish.

>Grammatical cases