/Third-World/ Thread

Fellow Third Worlders, unite!

How's your day so far? :)

It's been pretty non-eventful. Have some downtime between my classes right now so a little bored.

I'm surviving. Norway still a banana republic.

Pls go away.

You asked for shitholes, you're getting shitholes.

The US is third world

The weather has been quite enjoyable, a mild summer overall.


It's shit as always


You're both TOP 10 HDI, gtfo.

It's raining here.

We literally manipulate those studies to make ourselves look good. We have a lot of power as a state, but the people in many areas of the US live like people in the world periphery.

You have to realize a lot of these lists are coming straight from the state department or CIA, same as the "freedom indexes" that give us a perfect score but take a million points off for other countries with high incarceration rates.

It's all a scam designed to look like impartial wonk statistics when it's really partisan propaganda.

It’s a holiday here today because of Chinese New Year but it’s only 6am and I’m already up. Gong xi fa cai frens :3

Yeah well, what does HDI mean when you have this shit right here

hello my fellow shitholes

I want to visit Brasil so fucking bad but I know jackshit about Portuguese
Should I learn or is it possible?
Also, do you guys really have mountains up there?

I played FF VII and I just took a shower.

I wish I had snow

I wish I had sun.


You can get along here with Portuñol desu. Argies who come here knowing jack shit portuguese do fine.

Every cunt do that, but US is a pretty well developed nation.

If your neighbors do fine, so is Norway.


Pretty noise
making tons of money

The US has the highest wealth inequality on earth. Parts of it are Elysium-tier, and parts of it are Moldova-tier. A burger on Sup Forums might very well have a lower standard of living than a mexican or turk or russian.

HDI doesn't matter, a shithole is a shithole
t. fellow shithole

>Pretty noise
>making tons of money

But it's not about wether the cunt it's a shithole or not, it's about the country being a third world country = non developed. And yes, i know that isn't the actual meaning of third world.

>more wine

You mean REAL WINE?

t. 50k+ gdp per capita, .920 hdi and a fairly low inequality
fuck off back to the f*Rst worlder's thread

Can't, I'm stuck here.

>be first worlder
>can afford your own private little lake
>comes to brag about it on the Third World thread
this is your last warning, I'll tell my cousin to set up a cartel in n*Rway

Sun can give you cancer
Snow can't

Actually snow reflects UV radiation very strongly, you can get a terrible sunburn in the middle of winter if it's snowy enough. This is why eskimos invented that eye-slit mask thing

Just go to Liechestein or whatever rich people only place.

Alright, I'm goin- Oh no, the road rained away. Now how do I get out?

If you don't get bitten by a mosquito at least once a day you're not third world

I take you have never gone skiing

>brazilian beef
Not even once

Nothing wrong with it tho. We just exported the shit ones.

I'd believe you if it wasn't for the fact the system proved to be corruptible once already, no way of knowing if it was only for exports

As far as i know it was only the "industrialized" ones. All the meat i buy here are always in good shape desu.

t. Pro Churrasqueiro

>tfw mosquito bite on the foot

Ants bit me today while I was mowing my lawn

Hello friend


explain this mexico right fucking now

Italy is first world. You didn't even have like 50 years of communism forced on you.

Get out.

Why are third worlders always more fun than first worlders?

I'm sicilian man, we ARE the third world as an autonomous region.

We have on paper the possibility to be one of the richest european region (gas, oil, eolic energy, tourism, food, etc.) and still we are a shithole with less than half gdp and qualitu of life of our North. W'ere basically just slight above richest eastern european states.

Fuck that island and fuck the clans.

Why do t*Nkies have to ruin everything?

>I'm sicilian man
Stop whining, and just join La Cosa Nostra like everyone else does with a brain.
It's as if you had the superpower to make your life less shit, and you decided to never use it.

not him, but unironically they're the reason of the underdevelopement of the island, with northerners.

Unironically, they're the biggest sub-traders with EU of lega, semi-legal and illegal resourches (''migrants'' included). They're invincible and they've afiliates everywhere from Malta to Stockholm and from Lisbon to Moskow.

That's my point. They're powerful, and they can help him get a better life.

Life is short. When you live in a shithole you must grab every opportunity. Morality is something only those can afford whose bellies are regularly full.

How bad is it?

it's been nice

>wine in chilombia
