With the commercial failure of Kubo and the Two Strings wherein it has failed to find much of an audience...

With the commercial failure of Kubo and the Two Strings wherein it has failed to find much of an audience, do you think stop-motion is truly dead as a modern genre?

Should LAIKA move on from these antiquated animation productions?

Like move into the porn industry?
But OP what would Laika porn even be like?

> should a passion project move on from being a passion project?


You do realize that none of their movies have done particularly well, but they keep making them because the guy who owns it is the son of the CEO of Nike or something. He basically gets a blank check from his dad to make whatever he wants, even if the general public are a bunch of fucking plebs who don't know masterfully made movies when they see them.

First off, yeah, didn't do too well opening weekend. But neither did Coraline. Laika gets its viewings from word of mouth.

Second, Laika doesn't need, or care about, money. The Heir to the Nike fortune is the one who owns the studio. This is his HOBBY.

Third, fuck you Kubo was fucking amazing.

You know at some point daddy's going to cut him off since these (admittedly very well made and unfortunately cursed to flop) films keep flopping, right? Trust funds can't last forever, believe it or not.

I-I kind of want to see it now.

Laika movies take $60 million to make, and every one has broken $100 million. They're not necessarily blockbusters, but they're still technically commercial successes.

Are you kidding? All of Laika's movies have been made for cheap, made a large profit, and have been critically acclaimed.

Sure, Laika has yet to make a Cars, Madagascar or Ice Age tier move that has them rolling in bucks but they're a very successful studio.

And you know that it's not like his dad is short on cash or anything. He knows his son loves what he's doing and he's supportive of him.