I fucking hate this guy

i fucking hate this guy.

Other urls found in this thread:


qatar more like gaytar amirite?

I like him.

He's based

>said the city state

qatar and the maltese guy are the worst posters on Sup Forums

Better a city state than a shithole, amigo.

He's a Yugoslavian Swede

One poster flag hierarchy:
Mongolian dude > Guatemalan dude > Maltese dude > Qatari dude

Sri Lanka dude >>>>> the rest

rude >:(

no u

>wh*tes trying to turn BLACK brothers against their own BLACK brethren

sad! Hold my hand, warrior!

They gave us aj+ though

The guy from Guatemala is very autistic.
Also, Sudan >>>>>>>>>>>>> All

stop posting mena qts

I barely post any. I just worship them via keyboard.


Settle this with sword duel

do you feel as if you have a connection with MENA?


I will, when I get my Arab gf.

I mean maltese people in general



>Islamic mating ritual

language, since it's from an Arabic dialect, and I guess some cuisine, like Imqaret. I believe we also got influenced by them in agriculture. Other than that, not really.

Thank you brother.

is not the same in denmarkidstan?


are you the iranian in belize?

I hate the guy from Thailand most desu


nope i hate mestizo and post gta san shit

I'm listening to this right now.

wtf i love malta now.

this is too good, very nice

Mediterranean charm. Never fails.

this sounds cool, btw.

yeah, but is it arabic? honestly, i think arabic fits much better for songs, than let's say german. i don't even know good german songs, except some kraftwerk stuff

These one pedo nazi NEET Guadeloupe guy who exclusively posts on /fr/. Most cancerous 1 flag poster of them all.

>youtube.com/watch?v=gvjSBMC3aqQ [
wtf maltese is underrated tb.h


Kinda tired of explaining it desu

I like Qatarbro

thanks. ever listened to 3oud?youtube.com/watch?v=tbZXVoERylo

okay, so a variation of arabic plus med influence, what exactly did you have to explain? and it sounds like that too

everybody on this board keeps asking him if he's arab or italian lol.

wait, aren't you a turk with a proxy yourself? i think i saw a qatar flag shitposting

Nah. I just love shitposting cause I have nothing better to do.

Nope, doing it right now.

Since the previous one was enjoyed, here's another song.

I keep having to explain what I speak.

Stop bully! He is cool guy!

Tajjeb ħafna desu youtube.com/watch?v=oWdQAPG98_k

thanks indonesia

autistic LARPer that tells himself everyday that his ancestors were white, pretty sad guy

The one you last posted is great.

That's Monaco btw.

Stfu, I'm not wh*te.

he's cool

Very similar music style. Not that that's a bad thing, I like it.

Here's something more traditional.


We keep hijacking threads.

Honestly he should just be banned. He's essentially tripfagging and acts just as obnoxiously as someone doing that.

Np bro, btw I'm still wondering since yesterday should I ask you for a game if I would feel bad for almost scamming you.

Gulf arabs are closer to poo in loo than white lel

this is racism against rare flags. stop.

Not my fault nobody from my country wants to post on this site.

>we keep hijacking threads

yes, these wh*te people cannot do anything against us BLACK.

You were pretty chill last thread, I liked you. Is ok fren, ask.

Well I like that guy. And I like the Maltese guy too.

Tar power!

Literally the worst poster on Sup Forums

not only did he devalue a rare flag into nothing, but he is annoying as f*ck

there's no way you're a legitimate qatari unless you're a foreigner there on business

t. mutt

Pretty sure that the worst poster on Sup Forums is still that /pol9k/ leaf.

>that "insult"
>that flag

>one of the most conquered/colonized flags on Sup Forums
>that post

>there's no way you're a legitimate qatari unless you're a foreigner there on business

Foreigners are the population my dude. They make up more than 60% of this country's population and a lot of them apply for Qatari passports. Only difference is I was actually born here, compared to most of the people who came from outside.

What does the foreign population consist of? All I know is there's a lot of bangladeshis there

except that I'm not a mixed mess.

He's a balkan muslim Swede that works at a call center in Malta.

Oh, so then you're not native maltese

sudan > all is correct

Everywhere. The biggest percentage of foreigners here are mainly asians (not just indians, but all of them, thais, indonesians, malaysians, filipinos etc). There are other expats here from europe and USA as well.

Hold my pastizz.

>Being this much of a bully

wew, off yourselves you autists.

I'm an actual Maltese.

Memes aside, the maltese admixture is almost certainly heavily mena and greek

We're Sicilians.


I read once that during one of the arab invasions, practically the entire maltese native population fled and sought refuge in Sicily until a later date when they could come back. Do you know when this was?


Lived in Qatar for a while. What a shithole.

It is, I'm not gonna deny that. It's literally just a barren desert that happens to have a shitton of petrol and money, that's why everyone wants to go there.

That's new to me. As far as I know, the Maltese population stayed in Malta, and paid the Jizya, unless
the converted. Then when the Normans came, they allowed the Arabs to say, but then got exiled after a small

Also, Sicily was also under Arab rule, so what's the point.

Nah, he's funny. Perú supports him.

>talking shit about the qatari and maltese bros

Eat a bag of dicks, they're cool dudes. Here's my contribution with some Brazilian folk:


A girl told me she had a layover in Doha during Ramadan and she was told she would be put in jail if she drank water in public

Perhaps it was only one of the islands then. I specifically recall it being the Christian population that was displaced, but i've been unable to find it again

The closest thing I can think of is the Ottoman attack on Gozo in 1551. They enslaved the whole population of Gozo, but those never came back..... Fucking roaches.

cool. I liked it.

Alright, my very beautiful Arabic wife provided by Qatarnon is waiting for me in bed, so I have go now. Good night.

>A genetic study by Capelli et al. indicates that Malta was barely inhabited at the turn of the tenth century and was likely to have been repopulated by settlers from Sicily and Calabria who spoke Siculo-Arabic

Maybe this was when the population left?

qatarnon pls give me arab wife as well

A girl told me she had a layover in Doha during Ramadan and she was told she would be put in jail if she drank water in public

Lol. What is it with people and their weird memes about this country, first a guy asks me if he'll get beheaded if he drank alcohol, then another one asked if police rape people here and now this. But to answer your question, it was most likely done cause people complained about it. I mean, the heat here is scorching hot and you're someone fasting for 12 hours, you wouldn't like it if someone drank water in front of you.



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Sudan dude is cool as well

Ok I'll check this website first cause I don't really know how you gift through it. Gimme some time but I'll do it.