ITT: We list ways we've accidentally oppressed minorities

>I listened to rap music
>I lifted more weight than the girls at the gym

Wew lad she got BTFO

Post the rest


Not really much, just her being a whiny cunt. I could probably find someone other sjw bullshit she vomits onto fb.




>ability to spell
>uses full stops, exclamation marks etc..
>still unable to make sense

literally no argument lmao

How about now?


Doesn't even use capital letters. Absolutely moronic pal




>I """"debate"""" self centered teenage Muslim women on kikebook


>Rebbit: the movie

I call jews kikes on Sup Forums anonymous (I'm a madman)

I don't think I've ever actually upset a single heeb doing it, but there's thousands of self-hating whites chomping at the bit to get offended on their behalf, so I've probably triggered a couple white tumblrinas and social justice warriors just in passing.

And of course I absolutely mean white - none of the pocs gets offended by this sort of shit.

what do you mean pothead faggots, you're not making any sense

John brumby sounds like a right cuck

I used to eat Jamaican patties from the Haitian dep across my high school at lunch.
>I'm not Jamaican
>Im a fucking white male.

I mean why bother? No matter what you say these people will not change their minds no matter what.

What's the point of a political discussion if one side is just going to be closed off to any new or alternative perspectives or points of view? especially on social media when it just makes you look like a tinfoil academic wannabe.

I bought Sriracha-flavored crackers, thereby propagating and endorsing the hateful KKKapitalist appropriation of Asian-inspired hot sauces.

Furry with no language skills.

Currently eating pic related. I think the Taiwanese are fucking disgusting..

>not an opinion

Except it's literally an opinion you vapid bitch

>reverse racism isn't real, you can't be racist against Whites

This one triggers me. Try telling that to any White person who was beaten up by roving nigger gangs in middle/high school. It does exist, and denying its existence only makes it worse.

White Knight faggots. God damn I hope they are first in line for the culling


>all this groveling
Just find another brown pussy like holy shit is it THAT hard in present-day America?

Being born as a straight, white male.

LUL absolute madman

People like this vote for policies to redistribute wealth from those that contribute to the economy.

My soul weeps

>Tfw I am probably the girl for him



>It's super important
>C'mon guys I'm super cereal!!!!

Well done chris. Keep redpilling these degenerates.

Wtf I hate chris now, why doesn't chris support trump?

Update: utterly BTFO.
People are finally standing up to these sjw faghots. We may still have a chance.



I honestly think Sup Forums and gamergate might have saved the world

Consider the following:
Gamergate created a strong enough backlash to social justice that it allowed people in other walks of life to take a stand against it and more importantly - make fun of it. This completely shattered the faux power the social justice movement wielded and destroyed the elites' attempts at dividing and controlling the population through orwellian doublespeak.

Now, instead of social justice being a driving force in politics, media, etc. It's a fucking laughingstock. Nobody takes it seriously and a lot of people try to distance themselves from the tumblrinas caught up in it.

All because Sup Forums took offense to some chick sucking dicks for favorable reviews by journalists.

It completely analravaged the elites attempts at creating a good goy corps to implement their oppressive tendencies and bullshit unconstitutional laws, and forced them to try plan D: Race war, which ALSO looks like it's mostly failing.

>Its not from your culture dont wear it!
WTF I can't even FUCK
Allright bitch stop using 99% of the modern inventions because their not from your "culture"
Shut down your fucking PC,shut down JEWbook, and go fucking play outside with sticks
jesus christ if that faggot would ever come to a real country it would be dead in 10 min
please there's need to be a racewar

Oh god, I had this argument with a SJW. I gave some of the facts in pic related and he literally explained that "white people rewrote history to their liking."
>White people predicted that hundreds of years into the future blacks would be offended by whites with dreads so they shoehorned it into their history.
This is what SJWs actually believe

I told him this is the same argument Christians use to prove dinosaurs don't exist and he got buttmad and blocked me.

how can this shit be stopped?

You're overblowing the importance, however I think a lot of people also way way understate it. The first couple months really did start something because people don't realize, games are bigger than fucking Hollywood in revenue.

I think it will be a footnote in history relegated to some archive decades from now as an event that happened before the imminent mass-uncuckening. A somewhat unrelated prelude so to say. Trump really started the fire of the powderkeg that progressives created. Right now there's a wick slowly burning down, and when he's elected, it'll explode all at once.

I think the best thing is that regardless of who wins, the anger isn't going away. The autists of Sup Forums are the perfect example. Some shit console launch of failure of a game launch will cause some chimpening that eventually dies down, but their anger cannot be extinguished because the game industry cannot get it together. It's the same for the people in the country in regards to the govt. Until they get their shit together, that anger isn't going away

>how can this be stopped?

Don't go on Facebook. Delete your Twitter, Snapchat, IG, everything. Just stop it all, it's not good for you. All the time you spend on those sites could be time reading, learning new skills, talking to people in real life.

pretending it isnt happening doesnt actually stop it from happening.

The Celts - especially the Picts and some other Northern Britain tribes (probably true for Irish, Gauls and other Celtic people) wore dreadlocks. We have bog bodies as well as Roman description of them. Those people probably haven't been in contact with niggers since the last ice age 10,000 years ago so I doubt they 'stole' it from Africans.

I don't think that is the point though. Not that I doubt that you are right.

The type of person who gets all butt flustered about someone else's hairstyle and spends all their time trying to 'educate' others is a sanctimonious self righteous bitch.

What gives her the right to impose her will on to other human beings?

And if she does that, how does she not immediately take up the mantle of oppressor more than the average stoner who just wants to work a low end service job that lets him afford Doritos and pot?

Ignoring it doesn't stop it from happening, true, but likewise it is actively detrimental to focus entirely on this mock-argument. Better to learn skills and make one's way to the top.

ugh just tell her black people are actually appropriating white culture since VIKINGS were the ones wearing dreads before blacks.

back it up with the fact that blacks in africa and other hot areas purposely kept their hair short.

Black people with dreads in America are actually appropriating white culture.

>no u tier argument
>calling others a pleb

Good one bugs.

True my man

Jesus H. Christ. They all say the exact same fucking things. I like how they prove they are brainwashed

> Haha they're all idiots amirite
What the fuck

Is this you?

>Feeding the trolls



>backpedaling when she encounters a slightly less insane person proclaiming themselves to be on her side

>tell black people I have cotton for them to pick if they ask me for money
>I actually grow cotton and need fieldhands
All im offering is a paycheck i dont understand