>Drumpfags WILL deny this.
No candidate has EVER come back from being this far behind in mid August.
Where will you be when Drumpf gets BTFO by president Clinton?
>Drumpfags WILL deny this.
No candidate has EVER come back from being this far behind in mid August.
Where will you be when Drumpf gets BTFO by president Clinton?
Other urls found in this thread:
The person who placed that line was either trolling or completely retarded.
My guess is the former but you can never tell around here.
>Klantonfags WILL deny this.
You again?
That's not how trend lines work you dumbass amerilard.
> US education
Your move Drumpster
I'm pregnant.
Damn, really made me think...guess I'll be #StrokinTheJohnson in November
>Voting for Johnson
this man would've beat Hillary easily
>Posts one poll that he agrees with
>Ignores other polls that have both candidates neck-in-neck because OMG THEY CAN'T BE TRUE DRUMPFAGS BTFO
Please, slit those wrists the long way, buddy, we don't want you surviving come November once you're determined to self-terminate.
>posts Rcp average
>"Posts one poll that he agrees with"
He could have. He was young and charismatic. But most importantly he wasn't RACIST.
>This pro-TPP, pro-amnesty, pro-war politician would have won against the other pro-TPP, pro-amnesty, pro-war politician.
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
yeah he would have
he's not an old withering evil cunt
plus the hispanic vote would've been on lock
ted would've never beat hillary; he's too much of an evangilical looney slimeball and no one likes him, both repubs and dems alike
rubio never came across that way and was one of the few gop candidates that stuck by his pledge to endorse the party's nominee (although u could say that was to secure his reelection for senate)
Drumpfkins don't even have the brainpower to realize that their precious Drumpf is getting crushed in the polls. It would be amusing if it weren't so sad. Okay, I lied. It's fucking funny.
>arbitrarily draws trend lines again
You missed my point. Who gives a shit? America heads in the same general direction with President Rubio that we would with President Clinton.
Taxes might be lower, the nonsensical policies would have been wrapped in an American flag, rather than a rainbow one, and Rubio might not pander to non-Hispanic minorities so hard; however, we'd still be on the same track.
because of Trump Republicans will lose the senate, supreme court, whitehouse and potentially the congress. Rubio would have given republicans a super majority. But most Americans won't vote for a racist demagogue like Trump.
>Draws a line to Clinton's lowest and Trumps highest
A Rubio (establishment) administration would have been no different than a Clinton administration (pass TPP, open borders, full amnesty, continue on neo-con interventionist path in M.E., continue aggression against Russia).
Check. Mate.
And if Rubio wins, we get another Justice Roberts! Oh, and Paul Ryan & Co. are doing so much good in Congress, right now.
>racist demagogue
Southern Strategy is still an effective tactic. Just wait Trump will win this.
what about BUSH who beat Dukakis when he was down 17 points to Dukakis???
You were one of those kids who struggled to read graphs, weren't you?
There's two lines for each candidate, high to high and low to low.
Also you arbitrarily began your trend line when it favors Hilldebeast. I started at the beginning.
Reagan was a neo-con; he's the one that introduced amnesty and he's a republican wet dream
>He thinks Trump is even in the same league of politicians as George H.W.
Anti-Trump shitposters have a very shallow knowledge in electoral history, user.
They probably don't know about Truman's polling, either.
Well election fraud will get you the presidency every time.
Is it shilly in here or is it just me?
The beginning was when no one thought Trump was a serious candidate (funny that the end now reflects that again.), it's dishonest to include that.
Yes, I agree and criticize Reagan quite a bit for it.
Notice how Republicans also worship Reagan because of "muh tax cuts" despite Reagan raising taxes 11 times.
Or how they talk about Reagan's "social conservatism," despite Reagan helping to destroy marriage by popularizing no-fault divorce, while Governor.
He's backpedaling this hard after saying
>No candidate has EVER
>Reagan was a neo-con; he's the one that introduced amnesty and he's a republican wet dream
Republicans? Just another label. The American people have taken back control of at least one political party this cycle.
Also I'm pretty sure neo-cons started with dubya.
>The beginning was when no one thought Trump was a serious candidate
Doesn't matter. You can't just exclude data arbitrarily based on your personal ideation that "no one thought Trump was a serious candidate". That's just your personal opinion. Apparently he still got 38% of the vote then, and he has yet to go below that previous low.
Clinton is not making new highs either, while Trump is. If the candidates were stocks I would buy Trump because he is in a clear uptrend while Clinton is in a clear downtrend.
Also remember when you couldn't read a graph?
>Draws a line to Clinton's lowest and Trumps highest
oh my god Clinton supporters are stupid...
I know you're trolling and all, but I'd like to point out that this isn't even true.
7 points is no where near the record, RCP is a few years old so they can't even be used as a standard for every President, and Truman was said to be behind by more TWICE that number THE DAY OF THE ELECTION.
And guess what, he fucking won.
Oh, you again.
>oh my god Clinton supporters are stupid...
>unironically saying this while surrounded by Drumpsters
>using models to predict social phenomena
>using chaotic models to predict anything
More retarded than using models to predict climate.
Unironically thinking you're smart when you can't even properly draw trend lines OR read graphs.
shoo shoo hill shill. You've never had an original thought, you just repeat what your masters tell you. Poor little thing...
>I don't know how trendlines work
This guy better be getting paid overtime after today.
Busy little autistic bee aren't ya?
>fag talk
Not even real stats, hahah, when i first started a solid state drive company I projected sales in excess of 12mil for the first year... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Oh I wish I was that young to be that fucking stupid again
The problem isn't that it's never happened. The problem is that the level of partisanship has greatly increased over the last 20 years. This means that there's a much smaller independent vote than there was in earlier elections, which makes Trump's sizable gap a bigger problem.
its beyond over. trump is just there to make money and keep his brand going now. nothing more
Reagan gave the illegals an invasion licence. Nothing else bad he did comes close to that.
>more fag talk
You're retarded, user. Go read up on previous elections.
>his brand
This has to be one of the dumbest arguments, I can't believe I keep hearing it.
>hurr, just wait! He's going to make some excuse and announce he's dropping out, and he'll say it was all a show!
I can't imagine anything more damaging to your brand than doing something like that or suffering a humiliating defeat to Clinton in the fall.
It's not for his brand. He wants to make America great again. MAGA
I don't particularly care for tax debates either way.
Destroying marriage is definitely up there with letting invaders stay, though.
Don't get me wrong, immigration is my number one issue, and the biggest issue facing America right now; however, Reagan's destruction of marriage has had some pretty serious consequences.
Only Four People Line Up to See Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in Pennsylvania
Most Hillary supporters have jobs and families to take care of. They can't necessarily go to all of her speeches.
CTR isn't real
There are still three debated between Trump and Clinton and Trump is going to throw everything at Clinton, causing her to get some kind of attack, she will either stutter for minutes or faint completely and people will see that Hillary can't possibly become a leader.
Seriously though hahahhahahahahahhhahhahaahhhhahhhahahahahah
>your life is so bad you have to shill for a witch on a message board
Consider the following: kys
>implying Trump won't dodge the debates
Allow me to help you out, fellow shill :)
1. NEVER use a name! That's not what people on this site do!
2. NEVER refer to Trump as Drumpf. Again, it has the opposite effect!
3. Don't pretend CTR doesn't exist. People here know we do, and denying it stands you out!
Just thought I would let you know before mike calls you in for a chat!
>implying Hillary won't have a seizure and die on stage.
If anyone is going to dodge its her madame cuck
Can you show me a single sliver of evidence that Hillary is sick?
Bull shit, I've been to it
Even then Hillary won't be able to stand any tough questions from whoever asks them.
>CTR isn't real
She got caught off guard while drinking a coffee, probably had too much caffeine. Doesn't mean much.
Sure, I see people do that all the time.
You asked for a single shred of evidence. It is evidence, regardless of how you interpret it.
Hillary was questioned by the fbi for, what? 11 hours straight? She'll be fine.
>$4.55 has been deposited into your account.
Yeah totally
I guess you didn't see her completely dodge the question she was asked right after that.
Why is your life so bad? Are you lonely? Do you get paid for this? Why are you such a cuck? Are you a neet? Virgin?
So many questions unanswered
Pathetic. You and yours will feel the rope when the time comes.
Strange bulges under Hillary’s coat suggest a defibrillator vest
Yes goyim believe what your masters tell you
She can't plead the 5th to a live audience. She'll stroke hard for sure.
Fox News: State Dept. May Have Engaged in Favoritism for Clinton Foundation Donor
Latino students booted from online support groups for expressing conservative views
I thought Dewey won. That is what the media reported.
Even in your shill mind, I am getting paid more than you per post.
pic related, is this your office? looks a bit empty
Shilly shill, dont you have something better to do with your time than make yourself look dumb? They either must be paying you well or you must be one sad little man.
darth hillary.
Is that what our chant will be when we start forming rightwing death squads?
>calculating a best-fit line on something as volatile as presidential poll averages
>being a retarded liberal
pick 2
Is this how low Hillary has stooped?
Paying people to harass autistic kids on the internet?
I think it's an interdimential time travel device so she can get her orders from her reptilian overlords.
>She sat through questions with her lawyer present. That is not the same as a debate.
Kind of ironic book, isn't it?
All it takes is one Australian
>meanwhile outside of the internet polls
ok can shillary tards recover from this . btfo'd beyond horizon
>against TPP
All TPP does is opens free trade with countries mainly in Indonesia and a other parts like Vietnam, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Mexico, etc. Free trade will always lead to an increase GDP as you're gaining unfettered access to more markets and thus millions of consumers. TPP has one of the strongest environmental/labor component regulations (that all countries must abide by) of any trade agreement today, and an investor arbitration medium to penalize treaty infractions (such as gov subsidies to decrease prices or penalizing foreign investment). This deal excludes China, so I don't see any negatives.
The only consequence of a similar free trade like NAFTA is that Mexico didn't abide by the labor/environmental regulations and thus promoted US companies to open their plants there. Most of the time importing raw material from the US and assembly/manufacturing taking place in Mexico. But at the end of the day, the capital stays in the US, as it's US companies that see their stocks go up, the exchanges rise, and everyone's 401k's prosper. The US agriculture industry was by the far the biggest benefactor of NAFTA as it saw its exports skyrocket with Canada and Mexico imports. Free trade increases the standard of living of the consumer as food/consumer everyday goods decrease in price.
As for immigration, Trump's wall will never happen. It's a huge cost sink with little to no benefits. Americans complain about "muh jobs" and "social security burdens". Illegals aren't eligible for social security, they enjoy no citizenship rights, and pay taxes like everyone else. They often work shit jobs where employers pay them below legal wages, since they're undocumented, and are essentially exploited so the burger you buy costs $1 and your fruit a few cents. The hypocrisy and scapegoatism is real.
Fuck, OP is right. President Gore had a +10 lead until Labor Day and went on to win the Presidency in a landslide. Election 2000 was really fucking insane and completely identical to polling trends now.