Mid thirties

>mid thirties
>longest relationship is 4 months

What was his fucking problem?

>longest relationship is 2 months

>never even kissed a girl

>longest relationship is one week and I got dumped on the second date so it probably wasn't a relationship

>longest relationship is 0 seconds

Just how does a man become a '''sex addict"' anyway?

he begins a chase that never ends.

is he still with Vikander, cuz if not im moving in

Problem solved.
Relationships are for women, OP. For men if they're not marrying for the purpose raising children they're better off staying single, with either a robot sex doll or a soft harem on the side.

>never relationship
I did fuck around a bit in my early 20s when I was better looking and less autistic. Highlights are fingering some thot in a nightclub while we made out on a dance floor, getting blown in an alley by some rando metal chick behind a grindcore gig and having some more randos interupt, getting jerked of in my work parkinglot and rocking up smashed to some girl dorm to see some chick and all the other chicks were pissed off cause you wernt allowed guys and I was better looking than them and the chick I was banging wernt that hot so it triggered them I think, plus I drank from their water bottles after eating the shit out of her pussy. Good times. But the good times end.

>But the good times end.
I'm 26 and finally have come out of my shell having sex with many random women for the last 13 months. I am afraid of it ending soon but I feel like if I keep up my routine then I shouldn't have too much trouble as I get to 30.

Why did it end for you?

you probably have stds. get checked, normie

my "relationships" have historically only consisted of getting drunk together and fucking, nothing more, never even told a girl I like her and never truly been intimate, 3 months is longest

You gotta learn how to tell women what they want to hear.

>gf of 4 years just broke up

Fucking hell, I wish we had only dated for 4 months, I wouldn't feel like killing myself right now


I am a scared little boy in the body of a man, what I mean is that even though I came in her mouth that very morning I am afraid to hold her hand or tell her I enjoy being with her, that is what I mean by intimacy

sometimes they show me intimacy, but my lack of response makes them bored soon enough

Don't you get a thrill from making them happy? Even though you don't feel the same way they feel about you, you are controlling how they feel. It is a powerful feeling.

My longest was like 5 months. Like one quarter of school and over the summer. Even then it felt too long. People are just not meant to be tied down like that. Maybe open relationship would be good.

I am too scared to do such things, I can only express myself in brutality nothing more, I don't like this about myself and it lost me the only girl I ever loved (something I never expressed and thus she never knew)

I guess that's the difference between me and you: I can tell a girl I love them like it's today's weather.

Just lifes failures build up and basically gave me some bizarre ptsd locked in syndrome where I feel anxiety all the time, I was always fucked in the head but time just adds up, im sure you'll be fine user. Im sure if I work out and fix my diet I could be too but right now I sit around eat trash and smoke weed so go figure. I use to look good, now im just suburban white trash. last two times I got laid were with prozzies, which is like the fast food of sex. It feels good and you enjoy it in the moment but you regret it and feel ashamed later

Nah I'm pretty pedantic bout that shit

yes, I am a romantic playing the brute and you are a brute playing the romantic

Yeah I have those failures too. I strike out with women I want to be with, I've been fired a few times, I behave like a jackass at family functions for drinking too much, etc. I guess what I'm trying to say is you need to make small positive steps. For instance: Stop eating trash.

That's an excellent way to put it. Good luck to you man.

Will try user, good luck with your normification
