Learn the difference, it could save your life

Learn the difference, it could save your life

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>be chinese
>asians always ask me if i'm korean

Why would you want to be right when the greatest Asians, like Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee or Miyazaki, are closer to left?

>Miyazaki is closer to left


xie xie

Why are all of the most successful Chinese cities and people in the South?

Oh so our isn't the only country with huge north-south differences


mongol invasion and British colonization


They're all from the same ethnicity, what the fuck are you talking about? North and South are Han or whatever.


it's all you can afford in romania

no you retard, originally only the north is Han, the south were called Baiyue barbarians.

Fact: People from SEA are objectively better that East Asians.

Because dumb racists think the East Aryan meme is real.

Their diaspora is certainly better

colonialism, they open the ports as far from the capital as they can

White people really think this? :O
But we are better than SEA-americans in every quantitative measure :3

>be ugly chink
>always asked if Korean (chink so ugly plastic surgery is paid for by government)
Why are you bragging about this?

north are rape babies

>make racist insults
Why are you so mean?
Don't answer. I love you regardless :^)


I am a mix between southern and northern Chinese.
I don't resemble any of my parents.

this guy must be southern chinese. god damn he is ugly

i wonder why you would think this...

>most successful chinese diaspora are southern chinese
>most subhuman streetshitter and baby killer by vehicles are northern chinese

Your pick

>>most successful chinese diaspora are southern chinese

yes, poorest southern chinese peasants travel to SEA and became kangz there