When did you finally admit to yourself that video games are synonymous with sexism?

When did you finally admit to yourself that video games are synonymous with sexism?

I remember a few months ago I jokingly said this in Giantbomb chat. Holy fuck kys Jezebel.

This is satire, right guys?

Obvious click bait

Bobby Finger sounds like he's a lot of fun at a party. Man is used colloquially to denote all people. Nothing to be outraged over.

Man: A human being of either sex; a person.

dumb enough to not review because of the name but not dumb enough to throw away 60 bucks, interesting

at least op didnt post link

I have heard that you are not supposed to be here

It's a play on the term "no mans land", are they suggesting that the developers call it no person's sky, which would ruin the wordplay and would sound retarded at the same time?