How can you stand to call yourself a fan of comic books/ how can you ACTUALLY spend time reading them? Basically anything that isnt a cherrypicked graphic novel made by people with actual talent is going to be absolutely horrible monday cartoon tier dogshit for "adults"
How can you stand to call yourself a fan of comic books/ how can you ACTUALLY spend time reading them...
>all comics are shit except for the good ones
Nice logic retard
>complaining about things not being mature enuff 4 u on the fucking comics and cartoon board
Kill yourself awful mongoloid
>all comics are shit except for the good ones
>Nice logic retard
yes? Maybe the point is that when there are under 50 "good ones" it becomes laughable to make comic books a large part of your identity
>complaining about things not being mature enuff 4 u on the fucking comics and cartoon board
>Kill yourself awful mongoloid
you sound like an actual retard- right board huh? Where did I mention "mature"? If anything I was making fun of the notion that people act like comic books are often for adults when they involve laughable dogshit like wonder woman, the flash, superman etc
anyone who pays for this trash should neck themselves because comic books DO have potential as a medium as evidenced by masterpieces like the killing joke and watchmen
If course I'm a comic fan
I watch all of the movies
>killing joke
Choose one and only one.
Also there are tons of comics outside of the superhero genre
How is that different from any other media?
How many genuinely consistently great TV shows have there been? Movies? Hell what percentage of plays are worth a second viewing?
Ok now I know you have hardly read any comics and are, in fact, a newfag. KYS for being a newfag.
>Also there are tons of comics outside of the superhero genre
true, but the same logic applies to them
>killing joke
>Choose one and only one.
the only people who dont think that are contrarians who hate how popular the killing joke is
this is true, but movie buffs have thousands of genuinely great movies to appreciate- nobody calls them a "TV buff" either so that point is moot
>Ok now I know you have hardly read any comics and are, in fact, a newfag. KYS for being a newfag.
They were the first ones off the top of my head, but yes, the only comics ive read are a few older batman comics, a few older spiderman comics, a bunch of SPAWN and the BLOOD RAIN story for batman which I own and a LOBO christmas special which I also own
everything else has been actual graphic novels
I probably wouldnt like batman either if it wasnt for growing up with the superior animated series
Uh, so this is why bat-fags are so hated
Still, I'm gettin some sick pasta out of this thread
ACTUAL graphic NOVELS?!?!
>actual graphic novels
>actual graphic novels
You are a funny guy
>actual graphic novels
You only deserve to be mocked.
Guys, i get it - he's just baiting
autistic or retarded?
graphic novel= hardback
comic book= flippy flappy all paper shit
>everything else has been actual graphic novels
Such as?
Oh God you really do know fuck-all.
Or he’s just baiting.
oh boy, this is rich
>op's fw
btw op, Watchmen was sold as floppies
Even Moore admits that killing joke was nothing more than shock value
Holy shit, how old are you, son? Isn't this school time?
Sup Forumsmblr has returned.
>laughable dogsit like wonder woman, the flash, superman etc
Wow, this has got to be bait. Nobody has taste this shitty.
>he doesn't know
Killing joke is good but i dont know if i would call it a masterpiece only watchmen, whats so funny about truth justice and the american way and friends forever #3 are masterpieces
And holy fuck theres plenty more then 50 great comics rebirth alone has 3.
FYI, Moore hates the term "graphic novel"
Get your loose, wet ass back on reddit, pseud
Even normies on reddit don't act all "comics-are-too-dumb-for-my-taste" like shit-for-brains here
Ok, yeah, this is bait. 9/10 got me to reply more than once.
Agreed, it can't possibly be anything else, surely.
I've only read TKJ and TDKR graphic novellas. I would consider myself 'a fan of comic books'.
>he determines quality only on of it was written by moore
>Basically anything that isn't a cherrypicked
Surprise 99% of anything is trash
Right now If I walk into a bookstore or go on Netflix and pick things at random I have a high chance of getting crap.
All those sound like shit desu. If you pick Spider-man or |Spawn, why would you expect a masterpiece?
>under 50 "good ones"
As opposed to those 50 great Hollywood movies in theaters right now?
>but you can't define just by how big their release is what about-
Sorry user, not interested in your Cherry picking.
Someone isn't familiar with Poe's law, I see.
I don't even have to cherrypick. Even if we exclude manga, where a decent serie/OS comes out at least every month or so in the middle of the shonen sea, there is more american/eurocomics being produced than you could read evey week.
And that's without taking 70+ years of already produced comics into account.
You could read an interesting comic book every day of your life without hassle.
>actual graphic novels
SPECTACULAR it is with every kind of medium?
>everything I read must be a complex intelectual piece of writing that will shake the paradigms of my pylosophy and morals
user don't lose your ability to enjoy the simple things.
what if some graphic novels are actually just a bunch floppies collected into a single coherent book?
Those are called "trades".
anyone who uses the term "graphic novel" is a bloody wanker.