Wasn't he always?
/got/ general
Bran is ugly what the fuck?
>Daenerys Targeryan, Prince of Wales, Dauphin of France, Duke of Urbino, First Citizen of Italy, Bishop of Rome, Tsar of All Russias, Marshal of the USSR, Duke of Wellington, Kelly Jong-un, Prince of Orange, il Duce, Prince of Asturias, King in Prussia, Elector of Bohemia, Jarl of Iceland, Sheriff of Nothingham, Emperor of Heaven, Grand Master of the Livonian Order, King of the Romans, Sultan of the Ottomans, Heir of Norway, Baroness Tatcher, and Duke of Normandy
Jesus do they really have to remind us of this bullshit every episode
why do davos and jaime stand out so much?
I feel like everyone else is a cartoonish character
>show apologists say months are passing between these events to justify insane teleportation powers
>Cersei actually lays out that it's all happening in one fucking week
Post your nightmare ending:
>As Tyrion watched the coronation of Danaerys I and her consort Jon Stark from the Tower of the Hand, he chuckled to himself and poured another glass of Dornish red, "Truly there's was a song of ice and fire"
>There are people in this very thread who thought that Qyburn was working for Dorne
>Jon Snow looks nothing like a Targaryen
>Stark genes are weak enough that Ned porking Catelyn only results in one mainly Stark kid out of five
>Edric Dayne tells Arya Ned and Ashara fell in love
>Barristan Selmy believes Ned and Ashara were in love, and that they fucked at Harrenhal
>Howland Reed sees them dance together at Harrenhal
>Ned tells Robert that Wylla, a Dayne wetnurse, was involved in Jon's birth
>None of these people have any reason to lie
dispute this
>protip: you can't
Dany was good in this episode in terms of acting and owning her role.
Jon was cucked and that Davos fuck up was shitty. I'd write this better
in 2 weeks