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nah, drumpf is funnier

not particularly

just because tr*mp is shit doesn't mean obama was good


No, but I'm kinda just into politics for the entertainment and Trump brings plenty of that.

how can you not be sick of him yet

Not really. It's nice to see America shooting itself in the foot.

It's not so bad as an outside spectator.

lol no
German media was constantly creaming their pants about obama just because he was black
Too long the media stuffed us this diversity crap. Thank god he is gone

I enjoy the liberal tears and dumb altright bashing their heads on reddit. Lets see when they shoot at each other. Usa must die

Yes ;_;

I miss 2009 desu.

No this trainwreck is too good
8 years of non-stop comedy
Can't wait

People only like Obama because he was extremely charismatic plus he was the first black president.

>implying drompf will get reelected

nod really

would like Bush again though

charismatic as a balsa wood plank

I do


are you kidding? social media loved him. Everybody sucked his dick even though he was mediocre with his polices.

miss me yet?

Every single fucking day.

Every single day, I want to go back to 2009 and laugh at redneck conservatives with the rest of the pre-MAGApede internet

You bet your ass he will
All he has to do is double down on the rhetoric that got him elected in the first place
>I had no idea just how bad DC is. I need another four years to really drain the swamp and MAGA

my own opinion, people had stars in their eyes

yeah. it just seems everyone puts him on a pedestal. Obama was pres during the height of social media and the obama administration got really involved with "the youth".


>actually implying he wont


People wanted to congratulate themselves for electing a black president but didn't really know what they wanted after that.

I didnt mind him.
He was a lame duck president for his entire 2nd term though, so he became rather inconsequential and a backdrop that did some pr to make the presidents office look better

Why are Frenchies such pathetic sadists?

Honestly I feel he accomplished more his second term just because he'd finally figured out that HOPE and CHANGE are buzzwords not policies.

He didn't do anything besides go back on all of his campaign promises and bomb civilians/destroy other countries. Fuck him, and every """liberal""" piece of shit who sucks his dick and gives him a free pass because he's black and a democrat.

No one misses king nigger
History will remember Obongo as the worst president ever

total trash
nixon was the last respectable us president

Obama was a good president, and did a reasonably good job reforming the pile of shit Bush left him, while also taking a lot of punishment from retarded Amerimutts without snapping. He did many things wrong, but he could've been so much worse.

>and did a reasonably good job reforming the pile of shit Bush left him
You mean like doubling down on invasive surveillance and taking drone strikes to a whole new level?


Fuck no, good fucking riddance nigger.




You live in a post truth society. Who cares about these hacks.

>It hasn't even been 20 years since the start of his first term
Biologists also deduce that diamonds make better support columns than cement and gunsmith studies show that grapes cause cancer.

I find his greatest accomplishment to make the world conveniently forgive and forget the fact that he created the Arab spring, rise of ISIS, and greatest migrant crisis in middle eastern/European history

But he black, and he speak good and he smile nice :)

The internet itself wasn't half as lib/progressive in 2009

In 2009 the internet was mostly classic liberal, which wasn't anything like modern liberals and were basically left leaning centrists.

In 2009 things were still more or less the same as the Bush era socially. It hadn't been long enough into the Obama administration yet. Everyone was still on the "fuck bush" mindset. It wasn't really until Obama's second term that I noticed all this SJW progressive lunacy crap just come out of nowhere. Than MAGApedes and alt-right spawned in as a reaction to that and the whole thing just went to shit flinging.

I noticed the SJW shit by the end of his first term.

Looking back on it I could maybe I could find some early hints in 2012. But it wasn't really until 2014/2015 that I started to see it. Of course now that everyones looking it, it becomes apparent that these people had been brewing in Universities for many decades in the liberal arts. Not sure what pierced the containment and let them out into the world at large.


race is an inevitability, you can't just say "lol black is the same as white" and hope one day it goes away
it's one of the many unfortunate things about human nature

people acted normally about politics on Sup Forums then is what he means, sjws being unfortunate isnt really an excuse to adapt the same echochamber mentality and derail the entire site with "politics discussion"

No, your presidency was boring, including the MUH AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE BILL part

LMAO MY NIGGA. Where you been at Doe. Need some more of dem Pell Grant bumps cuhgang. #true

what was bad about obama except Sup Forums didn't like that he was "not white"

They feel rejected by americans. And therefore heartbroken and bitter.

>tfw Obama and Macron weren't in office at the same time

Does someone miss having intestinal flu and terminal cancer at the same time?


>do I miss the nonstop race wars, the White House being colored with gay pride colors, opioid epidemic, the constant spitting on people who work for a living, the health care disaster, the nonstop apology tours for US foreign policy/American exceptionalism, inviting far left radicals to the White House, the rise of psycho feminists

Not really, no.

they're nothing like each other you brainlet Redditshitter

this, but unironically

president after left and before right.
i think this make him like a legend in 100 years ago.
but still, W and J are better president than obama to asian allys.

>Neoliberal centrists who listen to the right technocrats
They're pretty damn similar if you ask me

For the short of memory, he did inherit a tanking economy which was going into recession off Bush II and managed to keep the whole show from turning into a complete gay clown orgy.
Aside from that, drones only kill brown people in shitholes so who cares and he was relatively professional in terms of presidents. Maybe not a great president but...

...nowhere near as entertaining as a fat, draft dodging, rich boy, jew hugging spastic who tweets anything retarded that comes into his brain every morning!
That cunt is going to be comedy gold for fucking years

As much as I enjoy the suffering of fatgurgers, yeah, a bit.

>managed to keep the whole show from turning into a complete gay clown orgy.
That was more thanks to Bernanke and Yellen to be honest.

Nah lolll

I do miss this fine young gentleman however

Honestly no.

Obama and gang seemed professional as hell and didn't make many mistakes. they had a really good image.

trump has made america into the joke of the world. despite the obliviousness of trump supporters, its almost a daily thing to hear people make a trump joke.

i worked with/am around top-level bureaucrats/professionals in Ottawa and its almost universal to crack a trump joke at a conference/big meeting.

Honestly no as in, trump is cannon fodder for our jokes. he is literally uniting us as a country


>Not hard right fascist
Fuck off back to redit

>Loved droning
>Droned american citizens without trial overseas
>Got us involved in even more foreign war (Syria and Libya)
>Failed to address rising income inequality
>"Signature" healthcare law is a shitshow
>Better than nothing but not as good as what could have been
>Didn't shut down Guantanamo like he said he would for 8 years
>Didn't do enough to address North Korea
>Didn't reduce spying on Americans
>Continued and expanded PRISM
>Wasn't tough enough with Israel

I could go on. Obviously much better than our current occupant but he left a lot to be desired.

>Better than nothing but not as good as what could have been
Do you really think John McCain or Mitt Romney would've been better?

this day and age you can't expect much from an american president.

but holy fuck you have no idea how much trump has changed people's views on the american government. they are now seen as a living joke.

You have no idea what you're talking about, do you. Macron said a few things that Sup Forumstards like but he's basically a centrist technocrat who uses some populist sounding rhetoric.

People thought the same thing when Bush Jr. was president. It's not really that big of a deal.

I love trump

>i worked with/am around top-level bureaucrats/professionals in Ottawa

>I'm shocked that a group of globalist/pro-Mudslime leftists don't like Trump

Obamacare was literally rebranded Romenycare based off of Romney's healthcare program in Massachusetts. It was meant to be market-based but distorted the markets to the breaking point.

It's not that the opposition would have been better but that it wasn't bold enough. Perhaps he couldn't have got the votes for a more aggressive reform. Regardless, it didn't work in the way he hoped. I probably would have taken the same path as him if I were in his position. This theft of the republican's plan is why they haven't been able to create a plan - it's already market-based which is the republican's calling card. Their ideas are to make it slightly more market-based but the issues were caused by the market in the first place. There should have been a public option in the Democrat's plan given that full single payer seemed to be impossible.

I agree. The Democrats being so spineless is a huge problem for this country. I actually hope Trump wins another term so the Dems are forced to be more bold and actually take the country in a new direction instead of twiddling their thumbs. Their hasn't been a real progressive in the White House since Jimmy Carter. Pretty fucking sad if you ask me.

Nah I'm glad trump won. Fuck USA.

You could back to the 80s and same thing, they were all like "Yeah that Ronald Raygoon is a nutcase and he's going to blow the world up in a nuclear holocaust and he was elected by dumb redneck Americans and we need to look to Helmut Schmidt or, like Olof Palme or something for leadership of the Western world."

>real progressive
I'm not even sure what that means. He supported some things progressives like Bernie and Warren wouldn't stand for, like airline deregulation.

I'm bascailly a centrist Democrat who supports things like the TPP, but I think regardless the Dems need to rebrand themselves. I agree with most of Hillary's policies and I voted for her but christ her campaign was a train wreck. Losing to Trump, especially when you're as experienced and intelligent as her, really says something.

mate bureaucracy and parliament are different as fuck

bureaucrats are lifelong guys who run daily operations. i just work with them because of my graduate studies, but they are responsible for making sure our country doesn't crash.

its okay though i understand you are a sensitive manchild. i'm sure those guys screaming MAGA and KEK and so-on know how to run a country.

cold war was legitimate and people still feared and respected america. this time people just feel its an incompetent joke. that's miles away.

>ends his administration with his own party at its weakest national strength since 1928
The mark of a highly successful president, no?

They need new leadership and a new sense of direction. They have none. All they need to do is aim for social democracy, which means aiming left of their intended target because compromise will pull them back towards center (if compromise is even possible).

Regardless nothing in our government will work when we have no compromise and no center. This hyper=partisanship will destroy the nation (currently in progress).

Friendly reminder that BHO was easily the most anti-Israel US president in history

>All they need to do is aim for social democracy
Not even most European socdem parties aim for that anymore, except maybe Labour under Corbyn and perhaps Hamon in France's PS.

Jimmy Carter was definitely up there as far as anti-Israel/pro-Mudslime leanings.

>Not even most European socdem parties aim for that anymore
They don't. Social democracy was a mid-20th century concept and it started to fall apart once European cunts ceased being, ahem, ethnically homogeneous.

>I'm not even sure what that means
Somebody who is committed to sweeping reform to fix income inequality and other social issues. Instead of tiny piecemeal reforms. Universal healthcare, free government higher education, basic income. Stuff like that. 90% of democrats of centrists like yourself. Which might not be a problem if there was an actual progressive party too. But their isn't so the country continues to pivot right, over and over again. Want to know why Trump happened? Democrats haven't been pushing the country to the left at all for around 50 years. Trump and Bush were an inevitability given that fact.

>the Dems need to rebrand themselves.
They don't need to re brand themselves, they need to actually DO something. Talk is talk and nobody is buying the talk anymore. More talk and "image" bs won't fix that.

Probably because they already reasonable safety nets. For them it's more of issue of maintaining the one they have.

The Democrat Party will not win a national election again until they invent a message that's sellable to average working Americans, but they seem now to be only interested in gay wedding cakes and BLM.

We're probably in agreement on some things, then. The US doesn't even have a normal center-right party, either. There are a few sane voices left in the GOP (Romney, Jeb, etc.) who I might disagree with but they're still better than the populist wing or the evangelicals.

I think the best remedy to this would be big money out of elections, publicly funded campaigns, and electoral reform. Proportional representation is ideal but considering how it would be a massive constitutional change I doubt we'd ever see it in the states. Instant runoff might be doable, though.

He didn't go far enough

I was mistaken in my usage of Social democracy, I did not mean a transition to Socialism and complete government control of the economy. The government should only ensure basic needs are fulfilled: food, housing, education, transportation, and medical care, community involvement. Most European countries seem to do a good job of ensuring these things while retaining a dynamic economy. There are a variety of ways these things can be achieved.

"Basic income" is a terrible idea. Negative income tax is better but still less practical. Education needs a lot of work but de-emphasizing college education is probably a better idea than furthering the credential treadmill. Funding k-12 education by the school district's property tax is a terrible system that just exacerbates education inequality, it should be funded on a per-student basis. Trump's idea of creating an apprenticeship system similar to Germany's is a great idea.

I honestly think they should go all in on economic issues. Everybody's effected by inequality, poverty, and the like. Focusing on culture war issues is not going to help. That doesn't mean they should give up. But that shouldn't be their primary message.

>The US doesn't even have a normal center-right party, either. There are a few sane voices left in the GOP (Romney, Jeb, etc.)

Get off of Sup Forums, Bill Kristol.

I don't like basic income either I was just throwing out examples of what I think significant progressive or social democratic changes might look like. At this point I almost don't even care if the changes are the most effective option available. I'm just so sick and pissed at the status quo that almost anything of that ilk would be good enough for me.

I agree that publicly funded campaigns would be a great idea, and that proportional representation would be ideal. Getting money out of politics will be hard, though, because of citizen's united. Citizen's United wasn't about campaign donations, it was about independent speech. It was ruled that the government cannot restrict the political speech of a person, non-profit, for-profit, etc. This can't be changed except by a constitutional amendment or supreme court change. An amendment is not going to happen.

>At this point I almost don't even care if the changes are the most effective option available. I'm just so sick and pissed at the status quo that almost anything of that ilk would be good enough for me.
Everybody is, hence the current situation