When do you think we'll get the next Best of the Worst episode?
When do you think we'll get the next Best of the Worst episode?
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It says on Patreon that it will be out at midnight Wisconsin time.
No it doesn't.
Yes it does.
Quit bullshitting me, it doesn't say that.
Yes it does, I'm going to google how to take a screenshot and when I figure it out all you motherfuckers are in trouble.
As soon as Jay finishes blurring cocks. So probably never.
They look like a depressed grown up version of the Breakfast Club in that photo.
Which one of them is Claire?
i am waiting with bated breath for the emoji movie half in the bag
they haven't done anything like jack and jill review in such a long time, i wish we'd get another lengthy back and forth about movies as money making scams
And Rich is Ally Sheedy's character after the sex change.
They just did that with The Mummy.
If you're on Windows 7, just use the snipping tool.
I've already seen this. It doesn't say it will be posted within the next 5 minutes.
Mike's at hospital. His liver is failing.
I assume they'll be taking a replacement out of Rich?
Made me look, faggot.
You need to F5 or something bro because it is up. Wizard is so hilarious he really carries the group.
That was the point to keep him in the crew.
Stop shilling your horrible unfunny cringe inducing video you autistic homo.
>If someone has a different opinion of my shit kiddie spaceshit movies they are sellouts to Disney even though they made more videos calling those movies shit than they did calling them good
Swallow everything under your carer's sink you moron.
bad day?
Epic rebuttal, autist. Truth hurts doesn't it?
Please continue. You're doing great
>the truth is whatever i say it is!
>the top VHS tape on the rightmost stack
It's one of Kent Hovind's creationism seminars. I wonder what they would think of it if they watched it. They'd probably think it's more boring than anything.
The truth is the truth you dumb autistic obviously fat neckbeard permavirgin. You have selective perception when your feefees get hurt by someone disagreeing with you about shit films made to sell toys to preteens. Get fucking real.
Thanks, I will. ;^)
Epic. Simply epic.
>Wisconsin time
That's just Central
t. Cheesehead
Wisconsin Russia dumdum.
Suck RLM dick much?
>Pointing out what a retarded hypocritical autist you are means I "suck RLM dick"
NOT HOW THAT WORKS, SWEETHEART! Nice try moving those goalposts though you moderately functional mongoloid. Also if you're going to samefag you should change your ip because the count didn't go up when you posted, moron.
Flagged for copyright infringement. Enjoy your channel strike and unmonetization cuck.
you didnt point out shit, stay mad, rlm cuck
>you didnt point out shit
But I did. Nice attempted goalpost move again you assravaged autismal faggot.
just hide the threads you don't like you pathetic faggot.
you're in love with rlm i get it, loser.
you might as well just type U MAD with this level of discourse
ok, rlm cuckboy
t. phoneposter
your video will get pulled and rlm threads will never go away. deal with it nerd.
not my video, rlm cuck
the royal your, you stupid idiot
Assblasted samefaggot. Stay fucking rekt you turbovirgin.
thats not me samefagging, dipshit
someone post it
it's literally been 10 days now since the last video I'm going to kill myself tomorrow
watch instead
its so much better than anything RLM has put out recently
We get it, you can post from your Obamaphone, fatty. Congratulations. It doesn't make you any less autistic.
you cant name images if you post them from phones, dipshit. they usually come up as "IMG_1245" or something like that. BTFO try harder
I just want them to put out another video to quiet your autistic shitflinging
I've already seen it 3 times. It filled the void for a bit but I need moar. I would be fine with some random dude making more plinkett content. I would watch it because I'm a lonely faggot and I enjoy anyone talking into my ear
Fuck I miss the old days. Jesse could be annoying at times but damn I had a bit of a crush on her.
Maybe she'll return. One day.
>Jesse could be annoying at times
I disagree. I loved her in every episode she was in. I really miss her presence. It was great to have a woman on the show to soften the guys up a little bit. Rich always acted kind of bashful around her and it was cute.
I did too
why does redlettermedia constantly make fun of fat people when they're fat a f themselves?
according to rich as of last night there's 2 BOTW on the cutting room floor and at least 1 HITB.