ITT: Underappreciated designs.
ITT: Underappreciated designs
Bentley Watson
Isaiah Baker
Worst Joker design of all time
Carter Ward
Harsh, user
Joker, by his very nature, can be of any design
Chase Sullivan
Ryder Young
Underrated design.
I'm not saying it's good, it just gets too much hate because it is immune to sexual. Sup Forums apparently hates it when a design isn't for sexual.
Hudson Morales
Parker Phillips
Literally every character design in kingdom come is as good as default for me
Henry James
Henry Rivera
Sup Forumss just mad because they can usually make anything that isn't explicitly for sexual, for sexual
meaning that even if a design isn't for sexual, Sup Forums can make it for sexual, but this particular design isn't really working for them
Matthew Scott
Go to bed, Frank. You're already dead