>Ethan and Hila Klein to star in new documentary, funded and directed by themselves, titled "h3h3: Our story"
Will it tank Sup Forums?
>Ethan and Hila Klein to star in new documentary, funded and directed by themselves, titled "h3h3: Our story"
Will it tank Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope so. People on YouTube are cancer.
>"h3h3: Our story"
order sissy six for intellectual property theft of "my storie" movie series!
"poor" (((man's))) MDE
i cant wait until jake paul puts him out of business
People still watch these jews?
>jew wants to make more money for ripping off content and condemning people that call them out
Jews lmao
>this thread won't get deleted
Hmm, I wonder (((why)))?
Why do autobiographies always have shit titles?
No because leddit autists will all watch it as they worship the fat fuck jew
will swagshill and staff babysit this thread too?
what an ugly fuck
The janitor is a complete and utter Sup Forums pleb
he's proven it multiple times since he got his powers
>le content thief victim Jew
Here's another one of his favorites
>no janoy cresva/delray misfits/blackliver labs
does this mean it is yootoob kino for true intellectuals?
>Paterson thread got deleted because it opened with a picture of an actress
>literal off-topic garbage is still up
Fuck this board
why you making that up OP?
hello /r/ShitRedditSays
Complain to hiro on twitter that the janitor is allowing free advertising
it's how the last one got axed
It's always some fake "deep" shit or a dumb pun
I don't have to go on fucking nigger social media just to get Sup Forums to work properly
Fuck the gook too for not purging the moderation
yes bill burr is Sup Forums one and only comedian of choice well and joe rogan
Has any "YouTube" Star made a successful jump to mainstream entertainment. Also don't these people just do reaction videos. I don't really know who they are.
Unfortunately, what is being discussed is a potential "film" and the career of a shitty Disney star; no matter how much one may hate the threads, does it violate the rules?
How does this stay up but the thread about Mustang got deleted
Is this true? I hope not. Their story isn't that interesting.
It sounds like something jews would do. Jews are very self aggrandizing and self important.
make another thread
You can't call it a starter pack and throw 50 different types of fuckin humor into the thing. That said it's just bait anyways but fuck it have the (you)
based test poster
>that pic
>not calling it "h3h3 h4h4"
This thread is still up huh
>100% wrong
A generous statement is that if you enjoy at least half of the things in that image, you're either too young to be on this site or mentally challenged.
I really don't get why people hate jews. People on here just freak out about it
Well the janitor is an ex Sup Forumsedditor
these baitpics is modern art
Just research for 5 minutes and have an open mind and you'll understand, or keep parroting your history teachers and Rabbi.
>Our story
>"deep" in any way
Literally the simplest thing they could've possibly named it you dumb ass nigga.
>you can't enjoy the things I don't so therefore you're underage
God forbid I like something that makes laugh or is interesting to see. But no I have to abide by the fat fuck who criticizes every movie about it having a woman or something he doesn't approve of clearly patrician tastes of a woman he will never fuck. But no I'm the one with bad taste apparently.
Of they don't bother me. Why should I care
bill burr is a literal wife son cuck now
It isn't about you.
jimmy tatro tried it and made it as far as supporting actor in a summer blockbuster, but faded away quickly after
>I have to abide by the fat fuck who criticizes every movie about it having a woman or something he doesn't approve of clearly patrician tastes of a woman he will never fuck
I don't know what this is referencing, and it's not about taste. Around a third of that image is literally children's entertainment.
>not H3H3 4U4U
god damn is genova on roids now
someone said this exact thing to me about pizzagate a few months back.
Well Sup Forums and Sup Forums are in that image
I enjoy e-celeb threads
Are you saying that grown men on this site should not enjoy children's entertainment.
dont they only have like 60 videos and half of them are about shitting on other people and complaining about youtube?
blackstone lab products and ICE BABY
Why is this blatant shilling still up, sange?
Then why should I care
i have legitimate hatred for this fucking fat faggot kike hack
What the fuck? They've already made too many videos telling their bio like it was interesting and it's not interesting.
The worst thing right now is for them to get big heads and it's happening damnit.
I'm pretty certain that pic is from the coath Adam era.
Stop talking about Genova in here. It's not for them.
cute snek
They've had big heads from day one, their earliest videos had other youtubers editing so they could act like they're a business. They're basically the JJs of YouTube: they're convinced because they're Jewish and they have networking that they're the bosses from day one.
h8 this jew
genova-verse is e-kino
I hate that ugly bitch
That painting is so gross
>anti semitism is fine as long as it's done for something Sup Forumsedditors like
More and more proof stacks up against this new janitor
>named images
>ios images
Fuck off back to reddo
as if mde wasn't already terrible enough
It's never going to catch on here though because Genova entertains chads the most and chads are in /fit/. Genova isn't even big enough in /fit/ either.
The Misfit watchers are all comfortably tucked away in obscure forums and on youtube. Thankfully there is no reddit base (there is a subreddit but it's super quiet).
I don't want it to ever become a Sup Forums thing.
antisemitism is fine in all contexts
The savior of jewtube
I've seen some of this stuff, and it weirds me out
I've already noted this and will use this thread from now to justify any jew hating posts
This, h3 is fucking dead
>Has any "YouTube" Star made a successful jump to mainstream entertainment
They never will. They're successful because watching a YT video only costs time so it's easy to get views on a free 5-10 minute video. I doubt anyone but the "hardcore fans" will pay for whatever documentary/film they could have made.
It's a picture with everything popular, just like every other baitworthy image that someone spends ten minutes making for no fucking reason other than to get replies
Modern artists trying to imitate romanticized military paintings don't look good
I fucking hate this guy
>tfw this kike piece of shit has more money and influence than anyone that will post on Sup Forums
feels bad man
I want to bang that ugly bitch
Didn't Andrew WK post here one time?
Yeah, but my pizza delivery guy has more money than Andrew WK.
Can someone give me the rundown of them being theifs and stealing shit? I dont watch then so I don't know much.
Where the fuck is his chin?
She's a legit jew who's been in IDF? What the hell
>all those Palestinian children she has probably executed
fap fap
Israel has mandatory military service, like the Swiss
I know, but I had no idea that girl is a proper Israeli jew. I thought she's just one of those american ashkenazis at best.
Oh look, it's this fucking jew again.
they're part of the new generation of retards who call themselves "content creators" on youtube, but with the exception of a few funny videos, all they do or did was watch other people's videos and comment on them. One guy got butthurt that they used his video and is suing them.