So by a percentage what are the chances of Donald Trump winning?

So by a percentage what are the chances of Donald Trump winning?

Do you think he would make a good President? Or would we all be seeing WW3 very soon?

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I was watching a ramzpaul video and he was explaining your voting system. If a candidate wins the popular vote in a state, they get all the electoral college votes for that state. So even if a candidate like Trump has massive popularity, if they don't win the key states, the popular vote is irrelevent. He predicted Hillary (which I also predict only bc she's a sneaky psychocunt)
Since Hillary is theglobalist candidate and they want to continue with their agenda 2030 communist takeover, if Trump is legit and he does win, I think they will JFK him
As for WW3, I have no idea


No, but he'd probably have been content enough with his wall and so let the rest of his cabinet handle shit to be an actually bad president.

Yes, in Hillary's 2nd term

If the election was today 75-25 toward Hillary. 5 minutes after the first debate, the chances will be 0-100 for Trump. Trump just had his worst two weeks and he's rebounded within margin of error without spending anything on ads. Get fucked CTR shills.

About 25% currently. It does not look good.

Your redhead looks pretty good, in contrast. Is she related to Hillary? Why does she look so seriously?

This is backwards, Trump is more likely than Hillary to lose the popular vote but win the electoral vote

The only thing you can look forward to is Right-Wing revolution. Trump is not winning.

He's not winning unless Hillary dies. Hillary bought this shit years ago. Kissinger style. Soros. Oh well Trump did well

Didn't you post this yesterday too?