Come on out, Shatner.
Come on out, Shatner
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums
Literally the worst board. Only good for porn, and other boards are better for porn.
boring - this was beaten to death months ago
me on the top left
William Shatner here. I know none of you faggots will believe me, but AMA.
hey it's me william shatner
Hey,it's me,will,shittner,.
Hi William Shatner posting
>celebrities actually browse Sup Forums
>they never do AMA's
It's not fair
Hey, it's Will. Ask me anything nerds!
>Only good for porn
kill yourself, literal faggot
Willl Shat Here ask thingsss??
hey boo; billly shiznat in da hous git sum son
Pleb... the length and breadth of humanity writ large. Supreme interpreters of the human condition know this.
Did you ever fuck that black girl during star trek?
Post timestamp, oh great Shatner
Hey, why do they call him Shatner?
Because he's gay and the only way he would have sex with women is when he SHAT'NER CUNT!
>go to Sup Forums
>open catalog
Wow user, sure proved me wrong
Just imagine how it would go. Imagine the negative PR from everywhere else.
>it's not fair that celebrities don't come here to peddle whatever production they're currently engaged in
/x/ used to be pretty cool. Haven't gone there in a long time.
i got some rare x material here
not joking
it's really rare
i'm actually not joking i know it seems like I'm joking
Who else famous goes on Sup Forums? The only one I know of is Taylor Swift
Tldr fuck off retard
>gay animal people
lol, Sup Forums is a brainwashing board for 13-18 year olds.
is the new Sup Forums
>inb4 epic meme picture with lots of """"proof"""" like the ebin name my cat shit with a web site that just reported it days later because THE FUCKING TWEET AND INSTAGRAM STILL EXIST
Dane DeHaan. How do I know, you ask? Well, it's simple. I'm him.
Your waifu used to come here. But then there was that thread where everyone called her a slut and made fun of her, and you didn't even defend her. So she left forever.
>sometimes /x/
Truly patrician
>having a waifu
Shatner confirmed for blacked poster
I'm glad he died
Is valarian any good? Also did you fuck the bald chick?
>Wil Wheaton is a regular on reddit
>Will Shatner is a regular on Sup Forums
Like pottery.
What about /s4s/?
Jubilee from the xmen posted here?
>The only one I know of is Taylor Swift
you mean the cunny spammer
that shit too
I love this man
Nobody else thinks that it's sad that a guy in his 70s goes to Sup Forums? It's like finding out that your grandpa likes MLP
To much bad pr on this site. He's be called a nazi even tho Sup Forums is a cĂșnny board
What's wrong with liking MLP? Did /r/justneckbeardthings upvote a post with ponies in it once? If reddit is determining your taste in things, you should probably just lay down in traffic and save us all the headache you pog fuck
She seems like the type to enjoy some heavy shitposting.
The guy who made minecraft posted regularly on Sup Forums when he was still making it. jenna Jameson I think
>Literally the worst board.
Sup Forums's got it beat at this point. Sup Forums is horrible but it's benign at this point.
it's not a conducive format for AMAs
Rest In Peace Mr. Nimoy and Mrs. Shatner
May God rest their soul
Shatner's in his mid 80's. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. At least he's not one of those old people being a burden on their adult children.
She has a sideways vajay ya know.
I think theirs a decent amount of old people that post here. I started coming here circa 2006 I was like 10
>jenna Jameson I think
I bet lots of pornstars and ex-pornstars come here. What else are they gonna do when they're not giving head or doing coke?
The guy from Whitest Kids U Know
He was on mlp a few weeks ago because he voiced a character.
Sup Forums is the historical board. only a neo4chanite would abandon it completely.
>Literally the worst board
That would be /r9k/. I firmly believe this.
Sup Forums is awful, but I think it's still the gateway board for most people
Trevor is definitely on Sup Forums and /x/, maybe Sup Forums as well.
>that one time he went to /mlp/
hahahahaha, comedy gold
Fuck off you retarded cunt.
I think you meant Sup Forums
t.listens to Americas top 40 with Ryan seacrest
Yo Shatner, Brando was a better and good looking lad than you
Its the shiggity shagster here ask me anything boys
>sometimes /x/
wow kirk iedgy af
it's shit because it's benign.
Sup Forums is more like what Sup Forums was like a few years ago.
Some celebrities on other boards have
>Sup Forums had Andrew WK and Deadmau5
>Sup Forums had Hideki Kamiya
The guitarist from DIIV
It's really just all of the tumblr/reddit alt-normie teens there
No Sup Forums has the better taste. Tumblr is just 1975, Lana and hip hop, reddit is dadrock central. This site has been my goto for books,music,and Sup Forums
Sup Forums at the very least has general topic in hand. Meanwhile Sup Forums is just shitposting and literally 12 active porn threads, varying from gay, furry, diaper, ect
>Sup Forums
>not Sup Forums or Sup Forums
Someone make him say his name backwards so we can send him back to you know where.
I'm Tom Cruise
Three members of the Trump family are avid shitposters.
I ask myself why I click on there like 10 times a year, I always regret.
kys ponyfag
Sup Forums is unironically the worst board
i'm willian shatner
ReviewBrah goes on Sup Forums and /fit/, maybe some other boards too.
Sup Forums is normie central desu
I'm famous and I'm here
I got called out once
Okay I'm not that famous I'm very niche but it felt really nice to be recognized
im tom hanks
I'm Bill Murray, but you will never believe me.
that's the point you reddit fags nobody is special here
Congrats Sup Forums you broke Captain Kirk
>tfw I have probably told Captain Kirk that I am going to holocaust him on the Day of the Rake on here
Strange kind of feel, I always planned to allow him, Goose, Norm, and the ten attractive Canadian women be spared the rake.
I hope Shatner becomes immortal
>tweet is real
how long has Shatner been arguing with sjws on twitter? is this just a recent thing?
Wow, you must really be an intelligent renaissance man.
>Sup Forums
Actually, that would be /vp/.
Kirk >Picard>the black one>Bakula>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Janeway
Why would anyone admit to browsing Sup Forums?
It's essentially the containment zone for 12-15 year old retards, in which nothing but tired memes and porn get spammed. There is a reason people move on to the better boards and forget about Sup Forums within a mere years of browsing this site. Only mentally challenged people and forever underage idiots still browse Sup Forums.
>This site has been my goto for books,music,and Sup Forums
You better have started with the Greeks or you have failed this website
I have no idea what you're talking about but sure.
Who is Kirk?
He's a big captain
For you.