Rate my ART

Rate my ART

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10/10 I like it

10/10 flawless

I hope you die slow death you gook insect.


Why don't you make your cunt's flag? Lol

why didnt you make a brazilian one you fucking racist

try doing usa

>3d polandball
oh god

was your bull Korean or something, bud?


>asians aren't creativ-

>amercans made cuckold shit popular
lmao @ u

Your flag is hard

>background wall is israel flag

you made 3 pieces of shit, congrats


Shush, this meme was awful, don't go perpetuating it.

Now do Nippon and Brazil, lel

>Poor little Polish brick

Truly a work of great art

makes me think of lego as a kid, I made flags as well

o kurwa


I don't need art galleries anymore thanks Korea


breddy gud /10


Poland is too big

Yours still has a cuckstamp on it.

You should scale up to 6 bricks so you can make the flags the same height
Although to do that you'd probably need to make it 2 bricks wide

We are British so it's not a cuckstamp. Why would the flag of your ancestors be a cuckstamp?

I don't get it.

true classic


fucking kek

Kind of wish he would get shot

>I own five fedoras, actually

Am I the only one who noticed that Poland is somehow upside down?

What the actual fuck?

Funny, it can be done same in east asian version.

Strong China and Japan, and between them, small, shitty useless korea.


Sup Forums memes are unfunny and should stay in Sup Forums


Holy shit that’s actually really cool