This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again.
This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again
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Even if he ate the proper amount of calories to maintain weight, he would still see negative side effects.
McDonalds food sucks. If you want to eat it to make some kind of weird alt-right political statement be my guest, enjoy.
wow who knew that eating mcdonalds every day could be bad for your health this movie was a revelation what a brave filmmaker he definitely didnt do this as a cheap publicity stunt no way
Fathead was better.
now americans know how it feels when someone mocks Muhammad
Whatever happened to this guy anyway?
Vegan propaganda.
Veganism is a serious mental disorder.
My captcha had a McD logo on it
Didn't this guy secretly eat even more off camera to make fast food seem 10x worse? I vaguely remember something
>eating at McD every day is unhealthy
Do Americans really need a documentary to prove this?
Can someone explain to me why McDonalds its unhealthy compared to other food if you don't eat it for every meal every day?
Like if I have a Big Mac Meal twice a week literally why is that soooooo bad? Or is it just a meme?
Which was the better Mcdonalds kino?
>that first meal he got supersized
>literally the first meal of the experiment
>being sick because he can't finish it
What a fucking faggot.
You know what the funniest thing is?
A diet of actually 100% McDonald's food is not nearly as bad as the movie shows.
During the filming, they realized that they had overhyped the negative effects it would have, and the main actor was just gaining weight at the amounts you'd expect from overeating literally anything.
So they cheated and stuffed him more off-camera, as well as including integrators and 'correctors' to make blood tests come out worse than they should.
He was sued into oblivion by McDonald's for slander and for dishonest practices during the filming and marketing.
He's not going to be done paying that debt until he's dead and buried, like he deserves.
Sauce me on your claims familia
How can they prove eating their food for 30 days was slanderous or dishonest?
This movie made me want more mcds.Supersize comback when?
Both are complete shit.
We have one guy who gains more weight than a fattening pig in one movie and another guy who prefers fried butter to bread for health reasons in the other.
All in all, America-tier.
I never eating any shite food again to be honest.
mcdonalds is garbage but you're a huge faggot if it makes you sick.
>poisoning yourself with any kind of mass produced fast food
Srsly, if not for your body, then at least take into consideration the immense impact on the environment this gross garbage has.
Tom Naughton was doing a similar thing, and contested with basic math how it wasn't possible for the actor to gain that much weight with the meals he was supposedly consuming.
Multiple people (you can find them on the movie's wiki page) have tried to replicate the movie's results, but both in the short and long term nobody even came close to the movie's results.
Nutritionists asked for the food log that they supposedly kept for the movie's making, but they refused to release it, which after the controversy it makes it clear as day that they fudged the results to have a more impactful "Oooooh, look at the EEEEEVIL corporations killing us!"
And of course, let's not ignore how the message of the movie in itself is flawed, since this is all ignoring how a diet of 5k calories with no exercise is going to make you fat even if all you eat is free-range chicken and farmer market veggies. But still.
The main point of the movie being just baseless slander for cheap publicity is that EVEN on 5k calories a day you wouldn't put on weight that fast.
The movie maker is just a subhuman who exploited guillible audiences for his 15 minutes of fame, and to further his sandnigger wife's veganism agenda.
I still don't know why he had that freak out after eating the first meal and threw up.
"I've got the Mctwitches"
Seriously, I actually wanted to see him die of heart faliure after watching that scene
t. McDonalds marketing shill
>make a film to prove a point
>fuck up your body to prove it
>"famous" for like a week
>nothing changes
>mcdonald's keep growing and it is as tasty as ever
why this "documentaries" are allowed?
Wow, you mean the whole movie is fake garbage made to exploit soccer mom mentality of "Fast Food = Hitler", with no actual scientific basis behind anything?
Who would've thunk'nst'mst
Yes, just believe everything even when it's proven wrong.
You're the reason why shit like this is made. They know that as long as you're pushing an agenda that's considered "true" you don't need facts.
You can just say whatever shit you like, and people are going to support you even when your outlandish claims are proven impossible.
need to go a little further user if you really want to improve your health
all food in your supermarket is prepared the same way, even the fresh fruit and vegetables
It isn't.
First of all you will have to define "healthy", people spew that out like fountains but noone ever bothers to really define it.
A Bigmac contains plenty of the three important nutrient groups. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins. Our body is perfectly suited to work with a Big Mac meal. But in this day and age the most important factor of ANY food- CALORIES are something that is viewed as bad. That's as absurd as viewing a new gasoline mixed with water better for your car because less energy. Fast food like Big Macs is densely packed with calories while giving little feeling of being "full". Therefore it is easy to take in more than needed, that over time leads to overweight and that in hiher adipositas has adverse effects for your health. However you gotta be REALLY FUCKIN WHO MOMMA HUGE before that actually happens.. Fact is that people with moderate overweight have a longer life expectancy than people with "normal" weight, you have to become pretty fat until that has just again reached the SAME level.
Still, moderation is key, one or two times per week is absolutely OK.
This. But fast food has such a stigma attached to it that just having a little sticker with a logo on certain foods automatically makes them 600% unhealthier, apparently.
I think that the most amusing thing in all of this discussion, is that anyone getting all up in arms on any side of this debate is probably a skinnyfat wreck who will still look and feel like trash regardless of their fast food consumption.
Anyone who's /fit/ in any measure knows that as long as you hit your nutritional macros and caloric intake for the day you're all set, but normies have this weak minded ideal that some foods are just "fattening" and as long as you don't eat them you're going to look good.
Stay fat forever.
Or come to /fit/ and read the damn sticky.
I think the only one worse than this is that documentary about Sugar. God damn, I knew it was trash when I saw him eat cereal, toast and yogurt in one breakfast and claimed "this is the average breakfast"
>t. Mickey D shill
Go eat three big macs and have a heart attack you fat faggot.
t. gullible idiot
Why was this guy under the assumption that if he has 3 square meals of shit and not exercise based on their calories that it proves the food itself is shit?
Especially fruits and vegatables
>t. future "my 600 lb life" star
Please explain how the fat from those three Bigmacs causes the heart attack so I know what to avoid
Because he was working on trying to prove the claim "Fast food is bad and will literally kill you dead". Gullible audiences already believe that, so he just needed to lie for 90 minutes and nobody would question his claims.
Always remember: people don't want to discover new things or be challenged. People want to hear their own opinion being validated, and just discard everything that's not compatible with it.
If the movie's concept had been "Look, you can eat literally antyhing as long as you practice moderation and exercise" it would have tanked, because the average lazy subhuman watching would have been like "I don't know man, the TV and stuff says fast food is the devil, this must be fake"
Meanwhile, people get actually hostile (look at this thread) when someone dares to imply that a 5000Cal diet can't possibly make you as fat as someone consuming a 10k one.
... But would you eat my beans?
Everyone ITT missed the point of this movie, which was to expose how McDonald's is using psychological tactics to lure unsuspecting families into eating their food, thus destroying American youth.
This, of course, is completely retarded also because it basically disregards the fact that people have free will and are not completely brainwashed by the fact that the walls are painted orange in a McDonald's.
mcdonalds serves apple wedges and salads now, this movie is irrelevant
Wasn't that just the transitions between him gorging himself?
McDonald's chicken nuggets genuinely make me feel sick. The rest of their food is gross but I wouldn't get sick from it.
But those chicken nuggets... man are they ever SHIT. I'd sooner eat a roadkilled dog.
Obviously the guy in this documentary played it up but they really are a shit restaurant, it's more like pig feed than food fit for human consumption.
>researchers from the Sweden's University of Linkoping tried to replicate Spurlock's experiment by tasking healthy college students with the challenge of eating 6,000 calories of fast food per day
>At the end of the 30 days, the students had none of the liver or cholesterol troubles Spurlock reported
>They did feel more tired, but none of them experienced the mood swings and depression Spurlock claimed to have endured.
>while the liver readings got steadily worse until the third week, they then took a turn for the better. The liver, it would seem, adapts. Cholesterol, meanwhile, was hardly affected.
He's right though. Once you go /fit/ you'll see how terrible McDonald's is.
Not the guy you're talking to. Pretty interesting I didn't know that about the film. On a personal note I stopped eating Mcdonalds and I felt a million times better, it truly does make you feel like shit. Anyway, who gives a fuck. Pretty obvious to not eat shitty food if you want to be healthy, any semi-responsible adult should know that.
That is a direct result of movies like this. They took the supersize off their menus, changed ingredients to be "healthier" and added stuff like an apple slice in the kids' meals, for PR improvement after these movies tarnished their reputation.
How about BK?
If Burger King is anything like Hungry Jacks then they are even more sickening than McDonalds.
Spurlock just wanted America to be healthier. He LITERALLY did nothing wrong.
If you really did go /fit/, and you weren't just using the board's name to look more credible, you'd know that you can eat wherever the hell you want as long as you hit macros.
Please don't speak for a group that doesn't share your views.
if america can't even do this without shitty manipulative documentaries, then it doesn't deserve to get saved
Not if he correctly varied his diet
All he wanted was cheap fame and for his wife's retarded indian veganism ideals to take hold. Just look at the books she made to capitalize on the movie.
The funniest part is that nutritionists who wanted to find out why he felt so sick even though no one could replicate his results theorized that his low-energy vegan diet was probably why is body broke down trying to eat normal food.
Speaking of /fit/, does anyone have the bread comic?
>b-b-bbut mcdoubles...
>This, of course, is completely retarded also because it basically disregards the fact that people have free will and are not completely brainwashed by the fact that the walls are painted orange in a McDonald's.
I used to think the same way but if you're ever around the kids of an average American family you'd understand what's going on. McD's concentrates their advertising on children's channels to brainwash them in their youth into lifelong customers and get them used to the taste before they actually have discerning minds. I know immigrant families who don't know anything about our culture, and they'll take their kids to McDonald's because the kids saw it in commercials and scream and cry if they don't get it, kids generally want whatever is displayed in front of them.
Now I'm not saying McDonald's is evil, but saying "oh people have free will" is a dangerous oversimplification. Most people are just fucktarded goyim and will dance to whatever tune advertisers want.
yeah we will achieve peak oil in 2013, we're doomed.
The only people I ever see eating at McDonald's are fat niggers, that's gotta tell you something.
That's likely resulted in 20 lbs shaved off your fat lard arse's current weight so you should maybe thank him you silly cunt.
can I get some mac sauce on that gif homes
Well the human body surprisingly is not a sack where extra calories and fat etc stack up until death but a highly complex variable machine of several organs which can adapt to things, who would have thougt. It's also not a furnace with a defined intake and
10% more energy = 10% more weight. By this logic 100 kcal more per day in a year would stack up to 40 kg more weigth after a year. Eat more - get fat, it is simply not that simple.
But people to this day STILL believe in the bad cholesterol and it being affected by what you eat when this substance is so important that the body keeps very close eye on it and producec it itself because via food it would be too unreliable. Cholesterol via food can be resorbed in such a small amount (~100-200mg) that it doesn't matter at all. And the author of the cholesterol lie even admitted that it was all fabricated! But once in the heads you just cannot get it out anymore. People just want to hear that their views are right, not how it really is.
Well, the point of the study wasn't to prove that you could eat fast food indefinitely.
Just to prove that the movie was full of shit, and fast food, while being bad, has a horribly overinflated bad reputation for no reason.
He gets a TV show once in awhile but that's really it.
>movie comes out
>mcdonald's takes a public beating for a few years
>meanwhile, competitors such as wendy's and burger king go balls out on releasing more decadent products
I can't be the only one who noticed this. Funny how Spurlock only focused on McDonald's and no other major fast food chain, isn't it?
McDonald's isn't literally brainwashing people because they run advertisements with a clown fuck off.
that's literally what he said fuckboy
>Eating at McDonalds when there are Chinese, Middle Eastern and Indian lunch buffets with less than 11 bucks
I stopped reading after the first sentence kill yourself.
reverse google doesn't help just redirects to the youtube vid which no one else there has a clue as well
Sorry anons I have no idea, wish I did as well.
How not to be a fatass
1. quit sugar
2. quit caffeine
3. drink more water
4. don't overthink what you will eat
>4. don't overthink what you will eat
wow really makes me think
When you overthink what you are going to eat today and tomorrow, you get stressed and eat more because of it.
go be a fag somewhere else
>Doctor insists that he quit drinking sodas and eating shakes
The movie is shit.
What's wrong with caffeine?
>Every McDonalds employee is fat
What did they mean by this?
>Fucks up your sleep routine
>Makes you thirsty
These 2 increase overeating.When you are tired you eat more to stay up. The body doesn't know that you are thirsty and you easily eat out of thirst.
Maybe he wouldn't if he didn't go from a nearly vegetarian diet to one with a fuckload of meat.
No matter what you think this film single handedly destroyed Mcdonalds business forever, changed the way people of the world saw fastfood and was revolutionary durin 00's.
McDonalds hasn't been good for a long time.
It's way too expensive for a generic bland burgers. I'd rather go to a chinese buffet or eat a foot long Subway with double meat.
>Eat more than 5000 cals a day
>Get fat
Really makes you think.
>Claims to have eaten only 2500 or so cals a day, won't release food log to prove this
>Took months to lose the weight on his shitty vegan diet
>Whining that its somehow McDs fault for providing the customer what they want.
Yes, he stuffed his face with over 5000 cals a day.
Again, why does Sup Forums hate these movie ?
>His wife was vegan
who cares, Im talking about the film, not hsi family
>Only concentrate on McDonalds when Wendy's, Burger King and many other fast food joints are far more detrimental to your health.
>Wife shills her vegan dieting book in the movie
>Corporations and the governments should be responsible for someone killing themselves by being an idiot.
Were they allways that expensive? Did the preferences of customers just change?
The worst part is the whole anecdotal "oh yeah true I feel bad when I eat that shit too much aswell" like yeah it's big amounts of bread and meat and then a sugary coke. Of course you feel bad. You'd feel bad if you personally ground the beef and created buns from scratch then ate 3 of them and sat around at home.
I feel bad when I make big amounts of pasta and eat it all in one sitting but no-one bats an eyelid at that.
>>Only concentrate on McDonalds when Wendy's, Burger King and many other fast food joints are far more detrimental to your health.
he explains in the movie he took Mcdonald because its the most known worldwide
>Wife shills her vegan dieting book in the movie
it's just an useless 3 minutes scene
>Corporations and the governments should be responsible for someone killing themselves by being an idiot.
no, he is actually asking a question to the watcher if it's right to sue companies who promotes junk food, he is not defending the fatters
Lots of kids eat themself overweight quite fast desu because they are too young to know what they are doing. With the money they get from their parents. Can you really blame the parents if the kid does it in secret in the span of few months? And because they are kids, it's night impossible for them to be able to create and stick to a plan to lose it.
Happened to me. ;_;
I get what some of you are saying about them advertising to kids but I'll never understand blaming that solely on the big companies. At the end of the day it's still you who decides what your kids eat.
Although that's a weird route to go down because it's also the fact that public schools etc don't teach people properly how to cook even though kids as young as like 12 should easily be able to handle making a healthy pasta bake, and when the choice is between "ask mcdonalds to stop advertising burgers to 5 year olds" and "literally change the education system" I can see why the first seems a lot more realistic.
Interesting topic lads.
>Makes you thirsty
just drink more water lol
>Buying 8-9$ for a bland burger meal
It's now worth the price.
Nowadays people are into vegan fad and eating "healthy". Subway capitalized on this.