Wtf happened to the Tyrell army?

Wtf happened to the Tyrell army?

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Radyll Tarly betrayed her

They're a bunch of soft faggots

they were massacred in like 2 minutes of screentime. There was an entire episode dedicated to the Battle of Blackwater and a fucking N64 cut scene's worth of the entire Tyrell army being smashed to pieces with the family Matriarch somehow not escaping and deciding to sit in her literal ivory tower watching her troops be killed.

Any quality still hoping for anything from this show is just retarded

Two cheap hacks Dabid & Dun happened.

You follow a crusty ass old bitch, that's what you get.

I'm mad we didn't get to watch her die. Her and Bad Poosy flopping around in pain, foaming at the mouth, bleesing out their assholes... makes me dragonglass.

i'm so glad i've only seen the first episode and half of the 2nd episode of this faggot garbage.

i stopped half way through the 2nd and started watching the sopranos and had a much better time

Highgarden are pussy fucks. Loras got shut the fuck down and that's the extent of their army.

The army was inconvenient so D&D pretended it didn't exist, like the vast distances involved in navigating Westeros.

>Watching Dany getting her shit fucked up

they were too busy making wine

>Olenna: summon my bannermen, we will take our forces to siege king's landing
>servant: I'm sorry my queen, Tarly and several dozen of your bannermen are unavailable
>Olenna: where the hell are they?
>servant: In King's Landing meeting with the queen
>Olenna: oh, nothing strange about this
>*lannister/tarly army sieges highgarden*
>Olenna: wooooow

Seriously, how did she not know her bannermen went and met with the queen?

The budget didn't include High Garden.

This, Olenna even mentions it herself.

At least she shat on Jaime before she died and after he told her he convinced Cersei to give her a mercy death.

Between Olenna and Euron, Jaime got cucked hard.

Please stop thinking so hard, just turn your brain off and enjoy the show. Who wouldn't want a dragon? :)

Why would the Tyrell's bannermen follow some old Redwyne woman?

The got merced
Highgarden was SACKED.

"this has already been proven wrong"

Where are you now faggot, are you in here lurking or running your cocksucker as usual?

You know they are just making it seem like she has more obstacles to over come right?

why would they follow the woman who blew up their liege lord and his two kids.

Did you watch after the episode? Dumb and Dumber explain that there was an army there, and you can see the corpses of a few, but they wanted to "get to the point" because fans knew the Lannisters would win and to just get on with it and have Jaime speak with Olenna.
Anyone with a brain realizes this is literally "We cut out any interesting fight because we hate this shit and HBO said it would cost too much money". Same reason they skipped Tyrion's war scene in the first season, obviously to save a few bucks because they convinced themselves it "wasn't necessary".
Remember when this show was good for only one season? Me too.

They didn't leave enough replicants behind to protect them

They should be following Willas or Garland but they're conveniently not in the show. In the absence of either, they should be following... Horas Redwyne, actually

sorry it's not in the budget

long story short they died xD

>makes me dragonglass
Can we replace diamonds with dragonglass on GoT threads from now on please

Why does she always cover her head like a nun?

dragonglass is obsidian though it isnt really analogous to diamonds

If Randyll Tarly switched sides I expect he took much of the Tyrell army with him, the remainder were presumably trashed in the battle with the Lannister army.

FFS get a fucking life faggot

What kind of fight could some generic army put up against veterans led by Jaime and Randyl?

Jaime knew what was up and already won when he got Randyl to join

they were in a well fortified and supplied stronghold

Can you fuck off?

Her costume is clearly inspired by actual 11th-12th century noblewoman's clothing. Unfortunately that goes all out the fucking window when you have people wearing weird plate shit that doesn't actually protect anything, weird cyberpunk shit, weird neosamurai shit

You must be the stupidest faggot on Sup Forums right now

Right they added a ridiculous amount of power to the Lannisters to justify their actions. It makes sense that the Lannisters would win, everyone saw that coming. That was half of the point of this episode, the Lannisters giving up Casterly Rock to fry bigger fish, the other half being Dany and Jon both showing how bad they are at acting.
I'm not saying it's absurd the Lannisters won, far from it, I'm just saying that when D&D say they wanted to "get to the point", the obvious message is budget cuts. Even the assault on Casterly Rock was short as hell and the dragon CGI this episode looked really subpar after it flew over Jon and Davos.
Part of me hopes they're just saving the cash for another episode as visually interesting as The Battle of the Bastards, but wow if they are it better be incredible, and knowing that two retards are in charge of this show makes me really doubt that.

Stop expecting the show to have logical consistency. They don't give a shit. Stop even bothering to nitpick stuff like this anymore there's no point.

i wont know they come over it if i never watch it

checkmate D&D


no, you just ruined it.

Let's be honest here, there's a LOT of fucking shit going in with shoots all over the world.

The amount of money being thrown at it and the visuals are fucking astronomical and pretty good compared to other series.They spend like $100 million dollars per season

Here's the thing: the "Tyrell Army" isn't a unified force, it's a number of feudal lords that are all, in theory, sworn to house Tyrell. Randyll Tarly is the chief bannerman of House Tyrell, and after Olenna threw in with Dany Randyll swore allegiance to Cersei and it's likely that a good portion of the Tyrell's own forces switched sides too.

and for fuck's sake, quit getting autistic over the show not matching your internet phd in medieval warfare, reading wikipedia articles doesn't make you a military strategist and no one actually cares about that shit

>they were massacred in like 2 minutes of screentime.
Which don't translate directly to real time, surely you're not this stupid.

Gotta stretch this shit for another season.

>Euron still alive
Man, that poison is taking its sweet ass time to kill him

>Control the largest native army in the seven kingdoms
>Gets utterly decimated by 5000 good Lanister men who marched for weeks to take your fortified capital


They're saving the budget for Field of Fire next week, and the battle beyond the Wall in Ep. 6.

Here, watch this trailer now that you've (I hope) seen all three episodes:
If you're seeing what I'm seeing, there are only going to be 2 more actually interesting points in this season: a war in the marshlands and a war in the north/possibly beyond the wall. That's where the budget is going.
Each season costing "100 million" like you say, and I don't know if that's honestly accurate, and if it is that scream horrible production. They knew right from the end of season 1 that they could make 6 seasons no problem, everyone was signed in for 6. Then HBO decided to attempt to squeeze the orange in its palm for every last drop, extending it to 8. How many new sets have we seen from say season 2 until now? How many actors actually end up traveling Westeros versus staying in a relatively small area? How many actors are "literally who?"s who have no bargaining power for money? (See: Daario, The Mountain)
The spending on this show is egregious at best. It's good to know that the trailer shows that at least 2 more battles are coming and that's where the budget is going, Otherwise it seems like a money sink of television with not enough old timers making sure nobody overspends.

go back

>complains about season 7 skipping the fight to get to the interesting character drama
>praises season 1 in the same breath for doing the exact same shit

the cognitive dissonance is astounding

>reach has 80 to 100k strength levies
>Highgarden alone can raise 20k
>Hightower can raise 10k
Dabid and dab wrote it so the lannisters are still a threat.

For attacking a castle, I don't see any siege engines... you know? The type of things that were burnt by ramsay and 20 good men?


The character drama by and large isn't even interesting anymore. Only Olenna/Jaime and Cersei/Snek were somewhat good scenes.

This happened.

How many Lannister soldiers are there? They've been at war since season 1

>takes out a highly fortified castle within hours
what did dabid & dabid mean by this ?

As many as D&D need.

bookwise the west, north, stormlands and riverlands are depleted of soldiers.

Are you actually saying that any character drama this season is interesting? Is this a serious thought you had, a real "I got him!" retort?
Jesus man. I wish I was as stupid as you.
Remember when Littlefinger plotted and betrayed? Remember when Varys had birds and was seemingly everywhere at once? Remember when there were characters who you sided with and were heartbroken when, while "right", the stronger beast always won?
This show was good for one season and it was the first. If you've read the books (and wow you're admitting you haven't with a comment THAT stupid) you would know that they really committed to it then. It has been a declining ski slope of quality ever since. This season, like the last 6, have been fan fiction that are only interesting for their visual value. Otherwise, they're pretty fucking stupid.
Read a book, dumbass.

>Read a book, dumbass.
The books are shit m8.

Hello, /lit/.
Lemme guess, "George sucks because he talks about clothes, sex and food!", right?
The books are good. The only thing wrong with them is that they'll never be finished because George, while talented, is as lazy as your brain.

>Previous scene literally establishes the importance of wealth and how it wins wars
>Also establishes that the Lannisters we're very poor in comparison to the other forces
>The poor then blitz the richest (strong) and win while it's all handwaved
Gee bill I dunno

Only thing worse in this show is when the high Sparrow was killed and the peasants just decided the Vatican exploding was 100% ok and that their incredibly unpopular queen was the best and totally didn't use the green fire only she posses

i loved little fingers little speech to sansa which basically amounted to "always be teleporting behind all your enemies and even all your friends at all times always"


At the end of Season 6, The Lannisters seemingly had no allies as the Tyrells and Dorne joined Dany, making the Lannisters look outnumbered.

Now, the tide has turned as Euron defeated the Dorne matriarch, half of the Reach joined the Lannisters leading to the occupation of Highgarden. Now Dany is the one with no allies while Cersei has two: Euron and lords of the Reach.

Two/Three(Baratheon included) of the 7 kingdoms gone now.

whatever happened to gayface tyrell (in the show) l wasnt he on dragonstone or something

Its ok, the Lannister army gets ambushed by some nignogs on their way back

>Lemme guess, "George sucks because he talks about clothes, sex and food!", right?

No Budjit

Only the first 3 books are good. 4 and 5 are shit and the last two will never come out. Show is better simply by virtue of being complete.

And you're a contrarian retard if you didnt think Cersei torturing the sneks and the Jaime/Olenna scene wasnt some of the best work the show's done. Even the Jon/Dany meeting was pretty good, but of course those characters are popular so you sperg out over it anyway.

>wanting to see another ground battle
Jesus no. They're saving the budget for the dothraki/dragons vs lannisters at high garden, and that's it this season.

How exactly did Jaime get cucked by Olenna? Was he supposed to torture her in revenge or something? Jaime did the right thing by offering her an easy way out, her petty spite is irrelevant.

But yeah Euron is cucking him pretty hard. I hope when Euron does have to die it's Jaime that does it.

>Dany knows that bran is alive before sansa

Every season is good dumbass. Only dorne is bad which is about 30mins screentime max in a 80hr show

>The books are good.
The books are to literature what the series is to television. Shitty young adult fantasy.

Did they ever have one? And besides it was the Lannister army of course they got wrecked.

Also, I didn't get it the way the show presented it? So those two attacks happened simultaneously? Or the Lannister army sacked Highgarden a few days/weeks before? Or some time after?

I don't get how people seem to teleport in this show.

he exploded at the sept with his sister

>he wants an hour long battle in a tv show
Are you stupid? (((They))) have so much shit to cover, they need to cycle trough this shit fast as possible if we are ever to see the end of it.

westeros is the size of the americas. There are random time skips between scenes.

too bad his teleporting days are soon over

Jaime / bronn lanniser army vs dothraki horde and dragons, apparantly randyll gets roasted, bronn shoots drogon out of the sky with the balista and saves jaime.

i guess she should have listened to those intelligent men she ignored

george wont finish it until hbo tells him what to write. GOT is harry potter tier

>asking questions

It's fanfiction, fanfiction that's burning through the plot at the speed of light and with the power of retardation. The bastard consort of Oberyn Martell rules Dorne and no one even seems to mind.

>Every decision I made was the right one
>Entire house and family wiped out

How can she still think this?

oh I forgot, geez that was dumb

>being this bitter
Just be positive in life and enjoy stuff man. You'll get cancer if you're always negative.

>Lemme guess, "George sucks because he talks about clothes, sex and food!", right?

As long as you understand.

>women admit mistakes ever

She didn't know of the recent advances in teleport technology and mechanical battle armour that lets generic infantry wash over defended castles with ease.

Grrm will never finish the books and gave his blessing to hbo to make the show canon. The books are viewed as early script pages by the majority of showfags which is 99% of the asoiaf/got audience, sorry bro. Literally everyone laughed at me at work when I told them I'm reading the books, some called me gay.

dont forget an entire (warden) house was assassinated and their vassals arent even fighting over the territory.

you insufferable faggot Tarly is one house out of hundreds. Don't make excuses for this garbage

He was the 2nd biggest house after the tyrells and surely if other lords saw tarly turned against the tyrells, they'd follow tarly since he's the best commander of westeros, he even destroyed roberts rebellion almost single handedly

Am I really to believe that Tywin never noticed that Casterly Rock had a Star Wars plot armor hole just because he disapproved of waste management?

wouldnt the show be much better if they just stuck with book euron

black magic, demon dragon horns, tongueless slaves, FULL valyrian armor ...

>somehow march an entire army through another family's lands and right up to their stronghold
>nobody was able to warn Tyrells in advance

This is fucking medieval-early renaissance era here, not the goddamn 21st century. Such a load of bullshit

His character is so useless now.

nope. that shit belongs in a pirates of caribean movie. it's the same reason they didn't give daario blue hair and 3 mustaches, because that's too high fantasy and weebish.

>He was the 2nd biggest house after the tyrells and surely if other lords saw tarly turned against the tyrells, they'd follow tarly since he's the best commander of westeros, he even destroyed roberts rebellion almost single handedly
bravo dabid

It's a classic /lit/ response, saying George only describes those three things. If you didn't know this, you likely don't belong in these threads.
No, you don't have to go to /lit/ to know a Sup Forums thread, they show up here anyways. Please go with your worthless responses.
4 and 5 aren't "shit", especially 5. Have you read the intro by George in 4? He explains that he basically had that all as one book then decided to split it up because otherwise it would have been 2 thousand pages.
These books are lackluster because as fans we're as lost as everyone in the books are. The "heroes" of both sides just got fucking smeared and now we're left with the guys we thought were just there to make noise and yet they have to rise up and become more interesting. Had he been able to write faster this would have made for a great turning point, sadly George is a lazy asshole.
Incorrect. If you're serious, watch more shows.
Incorrect. The books took the classic "good defeats evil" story and asks "well, what now?"
>inb4 taxes
Sure, sounds right. Nice fanfiction they've got going there, apparently no one thought of "bigger arrows" until the insanely clever Qyburn.
George wouldn't stoop this low. He had a good thought process going and it was interrupted by his lethargy.
>being this bitter
Sorry critiquing something is apparently "bitter" to you. Again I wish I was dumb enough to eat it up and scream at every scene like those youtubers who make thousands of dollars watching a show. Honestly, that sounds like a nice gig! But I can't because I'm not retarded. I guess I'm sorry for that?
We all get cancer.

it's hbo.
Never forget that their primary concern is making the viewer think in certain ways.
Looking down on people is bad. Homosexuality is good. Everyone is a degenerate in their own special way.
Our ancestors fucked with reckless abandon and had virtually no moral code so it's only fitting we should too.

My friend thinks the valyrian armor is stupid(he is a d&d fag) because "hurr the swords would just slide off the armor and stab the weakspots" you fucking kike, the armor is made of magic, it can do what it wants.