
Axis powers edition

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Episode 6 was really good

Morning lads.
Got today off. Pretty comfy.

Apparently Athlone is set to become "the capital of the midlands" under the government's Project 2040 infrastructure plan that is being unveiled later today.

Some details have been released already: rte.ie/news/politics/2018/0216/941116-govt-project-2040-plan/

Is there no 6 Nations this weekend?

Week 3 and 5 are rest weeks

Can someone identify the anime in this image? I want to know what it's called so I can watch it.

>No mention of DART Underground anywhere
Bastards killed it for good.
At least there's been a few mentions of light rail in Cork, hope it's not just a feasibility report, if it isn't it will probably tie in with the Docklands plan down there, we'll know in an hour.
It will probably be a line from Ballincollig, UCC, the city centre, docklands, Mahon and Douglas if one line is built.

>No mention of DART Underground anywhere
But there's a mention of a "metro" though.

>Can someone identify the anime in this image?

RTÉ calling the IRA terrorists

Meant to put a
before that, not sure why I'm so tired today


Yeah, seems to be taking Metro North and extending it down to Charlemont to link up with the luas, then they'll run Metro from Swords to Sandyford/Cherrywood. DART Underground with that would be great for Dublin, you'd free up capacity on the rail network and have 6 high capacity lines into Dublin, there's enabling works like electrification/level crossing removal though.
Lot of the good plans seem to be long fingered until 2027, no M20, light rail or metro lines till then anyway, whole thing seems like can kicking.

Jesus even the Busconnects plans for Dublin, Cork and Galway are due for 2027. Now we just wait until then for them to get announced for completion in 2037 in 2027. It's on live on RTÉ if anyone's interested.

My predictions:

>at least 20% of the proposed projects will never get off the ground
>at least 3 of the major projects will collapse after millions have been invested in them
>planning disputes will delay many of the projects for years
>those that are completed will be delivered behind schedule and with massive cost overruns
>just as the new transport infrastructure is coming online, unions will through a hissy fit about something minor

Am I missing anything?

>Students at University College Cork are calling for mandatory sexual consent classes for first year students.
>The college's Feminist Society has collected more than 2,000 signatures in support of its campaign launched this week.
>Ms Griffin said mandatory consent classes are needed to clear up "any blurred lines" around consent, so that students can be best protected.
>NUI Galway and Trinity College Dublin already run such courses, usually given during new students' orientation week.
Do people seriously not realise what consent is or do people just do it anyways?
Are the majority of young people raised like knackers now or something that they don't already know this?

>Episode 6 was really good
I really need to catch up on this. Only watched the first episode. Your AOTS so far?

>RTÉ calling the IRA terrorists
And? Do you agree with that label?

Four might not happen, we've generally been okay with regards to that, but I think we do the Ryanair strategy of overestimated flight times for some of these projects. And you forgot that this will all be announced again in a few years.

>Do you agree with that label?
Of course not. Calling the IRA terrorists for what they did is like calling the Allied Forces terrorists for their battle against the Axis powers, only in this hypothetical the Allies lost.

>Do people seriously not realise what consent is or do people just do it anyways?
College feminist societies live in their own little bubble yet are afforded disproportionate levels of power by Students Unions and Universities who are terrified of being labeled as sexist. These mandatory consent classes are nothing more than a tool that the Feminist society can use to perpetuate their assertion that all men are latent rapists and that women should have absolute power in the realm of sexual interaction. Other Irish university feminist societies have trialed voluntary consent classes but nobody turned up. UCC Feminist society seems to be the first to propose making them mandatory so that they can indoctrinate all incoming students.

Good post.

>Calling the IRA terrorists for what they did is like calling the Allied Forces terrorists for their battle against the Axis powers
Did the IRA declare war on the UK when they began their fight for a United Ireland in NI? Because as per international law, a declaration of war (explicitly or by ultimatum) is required for combat between states to be legal and not considered terrorist action.

>muh 6 nations
Why isn't anyone talking about the Allianz league?
Fucking anglos.

>Why isn't anyone talking about the Allianz league?
I don't know about everybody else, but I've been attending or watching/listening to all of my county's games so far.

I've been going to home games as much as I can, I have work during the weekends so it's kind of awkward

Have no way of watching it,otherwise I would proudly represent Co.Limerick

I had a class like that during orientation as well so it's not really a new thing, it involved a discussion on consent but it was mainly framed as a sexual health class where they handed out free condoms and gave information on screenings and crisis pregnancy options and such.
They do seem to be pushing the consent aspect a lot more recently to emphasise the point but I'd imagine it's the same thing.

>Do people seriously not realise what consent is or do people just do it anyways?
There are definitely people who see taking advantage of a drunk person too out of it to refuse as a "grey area" rather than rape. I think that's the biggest problem, although I don't imagine the people who think like that would have their minds changed through a course.

>I really need to catch up on this. Only watched the first episode. Your AOTS so far?
Not sure. I've been watching that, Clear Card, Citrus, Yuru Camp and After the Rain, enjoying them all but don't think I have a clear favourite yet.
What have you been watching?

Numbers seem to be up at Hurling league games this year, but Football game attendances don't seem to be changing much. I think this can be attributed to the fact that the competition in the senior Hurling Championship is more open than it has been in decades. The big teams have realised that they can't afford to slack off during the Spring anymore due to the fact that success in the League is now translating more directly to success in the Championship. It's a great time for the sport. I just wish I could say the same about the Football.

I've been following my team in Football but between two sports and everyone following different teams there probably isn't much overlap between what we've seen to talk about it.
I do notice referees are handing red cards out like confetti so far which is interesting and seems like a sign of things to come.

>where they handed out free condoms
They only did that in the secondary school Christmas and Carnival parties but they were the kind that always ripped

>I don't imagine the people who think like that would have their minds changed through a course.
What would you change?

>but it was mainly framed as a sexual health class where they handed out free condoms
I think I still have that condom that I received on my first day of college somewhere and it's been a few years since I graduated. I should probably have turned it into a water balloon by now.

>There are definitely people who see taking advantage of a drunk person too out of it to refuse as a "grey area" rather than rape.
But there's just so much drunken sex going on at colleges that I wage that 50%+ of sexual interactions between students could be framed as rape if either party was that way inclined. Consent isn't a black and white issue, especially when alcohol and drugs are involved. Short of introducing mandatory consent forms, the greyness surrounding sexual consent will never be fully eradicated.


>They only did that in the secondary school Christmas and Carnival parties but they were the kind that always ripped
Safe to say that there were no condoms handed out in my school during sex education. I actually remember we were advised only to use the Billings method as a means to avoid pregnancy. After marriage of course.

>What would you change?
I suppose it has to be a cultural change against the predatory instinct to see drunk, vulnerable people as an "opportunity". Classes won't change those peoples mind but their peers seeing their actions as shameful rather than something worth a high five might help.

>I actually remember we were advised only to use the Billings method as a means to avoid pregnancy. After marriage of course.
>having lessons about sex other than for the sole purpose of procreation
Absolutely despicable. I would have written a letter to the Bishop about that.

Heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of prostate stimulation.

>But there's just so much drunken sex going on at colleges that I wage that 50%+ of sexual interactions between students could be framed as rape if either party was that way inclined.
Sure, but would student life be worse off if hazy sex with someone you just met was no longer a standard part of the night out? If it was something people became more cautious towards and less inclined to accept as normal?
I think flagging that behaviour as damaging and risky for all concerned with the aim of reducing it is the main objective in all of this, which seems sensible.

So, pegging?

> there were no condoms handed out in my school during sex education
They were thrown at us by senior students along with candy
But I can see that it's reasonable to hand them out,it can be very awkward for someone to go out and actually buy condoms at a store where people can see you with your condoms and the cashier looks at your condoms and then looks you in the eye and asks if you have a discount card

I've forgotten but is the Catholic position on sex not that you can have it for enjoyment so long as it's within marriage and without contraception?


>Sure, but would student life be worse off if hazy sex with someone you just met was no longer a standard part of the night out?
>If it was something people became more cautious towards and less inclined to accept as normal?
That is never, ever going to happen. If anything things are getting worse. There was a news article there before Christmas purporting that drugs are supplanting alcohol among students due to rising alcohol prices. And they weren't just talking about weed.


Yes, although I think that stance was a compromise - hence why they were advocating the pull-out method only in the latter half of the 20th century. I'm not expert in canon law, but I distinctly remember reading that prior to that sperm was considered sacred or something.

Not sure why that is there.

Bit gay, no?

>Heterosexual sex

Posting progress. I don't think I'll expand anymore, and I doubt my vassals will since they don't border anyone but each other.
Will update with de jure kingdoms mapmode once I'm finished.
>Detected possible malicious code in image file.
You fucking for real, Sup Forums? I just saved it as .jpg because you can't handle the .png version.

>Do people seriously not realise what consent is or do people just do it anyways?
The reason "date rape" cases play a big role in the sphere of public hysteria is because it is in those cases rather than brutal unquestionable rapes that the fundamental underpinning of radical liberal/feminist theories of sexual ethics are challenged.

To put a long story short in a way that will probably make it sound absurd or outrageous, if you challenge the idea that consent as an internal mental state is absolutely the sole basis for judging practical legal guilt, you are undermining the bases for broader liberal social and sexual ethics in general, because they're based over misconceptions of what practical mental states are and an absolute refusal to codify ethics on an external social level.

In other words, you are supposed to think that a drunk woman's abstract right to choose to refuse four rugby players is powerful enough to govern society without the need for the type of broader informal regulatory practices which have existed in every "patriarchal" society to protect women from the negative consequences of sex, which are only believed to exist nowadays if the woman does not consent (however this can be established).

>Did the IRA declare war on the UK when they began their fight for a United Ireland in NI?

Where can I read up on that? I personally haven't heard of that before.


>Yes, although I think that stance was a compromise - hence why they were advocating the pull-out method only in the latter half of the 20th century.
I don't think that's the policy. The "natural family planning" shtick involves to my knowledge looking at when the woman's period is and getting a few days at each end of a month to fuck with a 90+% chance not to get her pregnant. "Onanism" refers both to masturbation and the pull-out method.
I also don't think it's right to say that "sperm is sacred", it's more like sex as a whole isn't something to interfere with because it was made to work like that by God.

How do I get a gf who will cosplay when the only cons that go on here have 3/10 girls

>I also don't think it's right to say that "sperm is sacred"
Not sure about yours but mine is at least
Don't forget,cosplay = consent
Go for it,I believe in you

As what?

His waifu, duh.

Have you ever actually been to a con?

Ah, I didn't know you were referring to that particular iteration of the IRA. It was my understanding that the IRA that declared war on the UK as per the S-plan were distinct from the IRA that emerged from the Civil Rights movement in NI though?

Regardless, international law would still consider such acts to be acts of terrorism. No version of the IRA since the end of the civil war can claim to be the legitimate representatives of the people of Ireland. During the Irish war of Independence, the elected members of the first Dáil declared war on the UK. As such, all military actions had the backing of the Irish state. This enabled the British government to legally engage in traditional warfare in Ireland. The IRA of the S-plan and the IRA of NI represented no such state and did not have the backing of the Irish government. Therefore any declaration of war carries no weight. In the eyes of international law, their actions are considered terrorism.

I'm not being contentious for the sake of it - as much as we might be inclined to sympathise with the motives of the IRA, there is no avoiding the issue that their actions were objectively those of terrorists in the eyes of international law.


>Ah, I didn't know you were referring to that particular iteration of the IRA. It was my understanding that the IRA that declared war on the UK as per the S-plan were distinct from the IRA that emerged from the Civil Rights movement in NI though?
It's splitting hairs and looking for non-continuity in order to deny them their rights as POWs. Besides, every splinter group was drawing their group's continuity in the tradition of the original IRA which declared war for Irish independence, a war which did not get a real conclusion in the north, at least outside the "free state" paradigm.

What waifu?
Are you asking your hypothetical girlfriend to marry you?


Think you've just been going to the wrong cons, that or your standards are ludicrous.

A good listen. Thanks for posting.

bet he only went to J-Con

Who made this piece? Yanks? Seems typically disinterested and ignorant
A few errors:
>"800 years united kingdom"
>"26 Catholic counties"
>"Eemun De Val-éire"
>completely glossing over the Catholic Irish in the occupied six counties
>presenting "Ulster" as under threat (or undeserved threat)

It's a clip from an American movie if I'm not mistaken

>your hypothetical girlfriend
No I'm asking how to get a cosplaying gf in this country that doesn't look like they have slight down syndrome or should I just go over seas.

Are you a looker yourself?
And why is dressing up as an unspecified anime character a deal-maker for you? Do you want one who is already into it or would you try and get one to dress up without being into it?

>are you a looker yourself
I'm not chad tier but I'm not androgynous either.
>do you want one who is already into you
Of course, I may be autistic enough to have a fetish for girls cosplaying but if she isn't into me and I'm not in her as she is then it's a no go.

>implying androgynous people always look bad

>>do you want one who is already into you
>Of course, I may be autistic enough to have a fetish for girls cosplaying but if she isn't into me and I'm not in her as she is then it's a no go.
How or why did you quote me incorrectly?
I said "do you want one who is already into IT", it being cosplay. Is it "cosplay girl" you want, or "girl who will dress up as I tell her to"? And please tell us what she would ideally dress up as.

Ah, sorry.
>Is it "cosplay girl" you want, or "girl who will dress up as I tell her to"?
>"girl who will dress up as I tell her to"?
Seems a bit mean. I wouldn't force a girl if she wasn't comfortable doing it so I guess it'd be a "cosplay girl" I'd go for but I've heard they're incredible fickle in terms of relationships or outright weird as fuck.
>And please tell us what she would ideally dress up as
Kanbaru from Bakemonogatari

Think Dublin Comic Con will be worth going to this year? I've never been before, it should be interesting.

I know a certain person from Cork who has been there before,he slept on a bench near Connolly station so he wouldn't have to pay for a hotel,he was ill the next day and hated it
he was sweating because of his furry costume which he wore to sleep and his fever,in addition to the heat in the hall itself

Give it a try. The stalls will be good if nothing else.

>>>furry costume

I refuse to believe someone slept on a bench in Dublin in a furry suit.

What should I say,it's those Cork people

>Think Dublin Comic Con will be worth going to this year?
It's a con and it's in Dublin, so no.

>Ray Kennedy in studio
>Catríona Perry exiled to Sligo
>Keelin Shanley still MIA

>knows a furry
>doesn't report them to the gardai
You have no right to complain about dubliners anymore, this is objectively worse than any heroin riddled black muslim dub robbing grannies and throw needles on ground fantasy story you could concoct

If by "know" you mean I observe him and his mental diseases through his yt videos
Anyway,can I even call the Garda from here?

>Anyway,can I even call the Garda from here?
Juncker has a direct line to Leo. Ring Juncker, get him to transfer you to Leo, and ask Leo to ring the Gardaí for you.

Called Crimestoppers just now,they are looking for him

>A small rural community on the Cork-Limerick border is taking unprecedented steps to combat rural crime.

>Locals are mounting patrols outside Masses to prevent break-ins to cars and visiting vulnerable people to offer advice on securing their homes and property.

>People living in Glenroe, Co Limerick, which is northwest of the county Cork town of Mitchelstown and nestled under the Galtee Mountains, were forced to set up patrols outside Mass after worshippers’ cars were broken into.

>Lisa-Marie Sheehy, the chairperson of Glenroe- Ballyorgan Community Alert, said people did not feel safe in their homes anymore.

>Gangs of Dublin-based criminals are driving down the M8 and targeting houses in rural areas of South Limerick and North Cork.

When will the South fight back?

>infringing upon claims
That's illegal, I'm going to sue.

>the elected members of the first Dáil declared war on the UK
Was 1916 an illegal rebellion/terrorism then?
If SF had ran for election in NI in the early years of the PIRA and written a letter declaring war on the UK would that have been sufficient? Would that have been enough to justify their decades of conflict? Or would they have had to have won the majority of seats in the North to not still be terrorists?
Regardless of what international law and already established nation states believe is the right way to conduct war, the fact of the matter is all sides in the North did a lot of horrible shit. Thankfully all of that is behind us now and we have democratic structures in place which will hopefully mean that the violence and injustice previously experienced won't happen again.

>Gangs of Dublin-based criminals are driving down the M8
This sort of thing, gangs from the likes of Dublin and Limerick travelling to more rural areas seems to be increasingly common these days.
Supposedly many of them are beginning to migrate into some town near me, buying up loads of property.

It's a very serious problem. It feels like almost 90% of crimes around the country are caused by Dublin scumbags using motorways for easy access to steal things.

>Was 1916 an illegal rebellion/terrorism then?
Technically, yes. But I will say that the 1916 Rising is a bit less clear cut. The revolutionaries occupied public buildings in an attempt to engage in the British army in open battle across the country. Yes, they didn't have the backing of the people or the state, but there plan was almost incomparable to typical acts of terrorism. However, it still meets the definition of terrorism: "The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims". That said, the fact that they didn't target civilians does position the Rising far below attacks by the IRA and UVF post-Independence in terms of severity and abhorrence.

>If SF had ran for election in NI in the early years of the PIRA and written a letter declaring war on the UK would that have been sufficient?
I don't think I have the expertise to say yes or no there because it's dependent on a lot of "What ifs?". The divided nature of NI society has always meant that SF represent less than half of the people in the region. SF wanted NI to join the Republic against the wishes of the Unionist majority. The only way by which I could see a legitimate declaration of war being made is if SF had received explicit support from the government in Dublin, but ultimately that would have become a war between the UK and Ireland.

>Or would they have had to have won the majority of seats in the North to not still be terrorists?
That would never have happened though - it was numerically impossible.

>the fact of the matter is all sides in the North did a lot of horrible shit
I don't think anybody would deny that.

Road infrastructure was a mistake. Dig up the motorways.

Think I have now reached the age where computer games hold no interest for me. Would probably have a couple of thousand euro if I'd never bought any of them.

>I'm going to sue.
>Poi and his state provided lawyer against my humble self together with OJ Simpson's dream team

>This sort of thing, gangs from the likes of Dublin and Limerick travelling to more rural areas seems to be increasingly common these days.
You need to provide them with boats so that they can raid the Welsh
>Supposedly many of them are beginning to migrate into some town near me, buying up loads of property.
Why move into the greater Rathkeale area,i?m sure that they'll have more than enough rivals there
> It feels like almost 90% of crimes around the country are caused by Dublin scumbags using motorways for easy access to steal things.
The Corkian Furry made a video about city-youths trashing the parks in his area at night,but in groups of more than 100 people where the local Garda can't do anything
Have you ever seen any of them?

>so that they can raid the Welsh
Ah to live in pre-12th century Ireland.

To be fair there aren't many good ones coming out at the moment. I'd feel the same way if not for the fact that I've just started getting into the Kingdom Hearts series.

>Not tens of thousands

I'd say it's around 3000 euro over my 10 year career, including consoles but not including my computer.

>Have you ever seen any of them?
No, but it's not really surprising. Gardai are mostly useless at controlling youths.

It's just a job and there's so much red tape.
Why bother getting in a fight and getting yourself injured or worse, or if you win get punished yourself for being violent?
It's more of the former attitude in my opinion, the really pathetic attitudes come from the higher ups and on a deeper level from the persistence of stupid 19th century liberal anthropology regarding crime and punishment.

If the games you were buying were any good they'd still retain a lot of their value for resale. Japanese games especially.

What are you talking about?

>That would never have happened though - it was numerically impossible
>only way by which I could see a legitimate declaration of war being made is if SF had received explicit support from the government in Dublin
Well this definition of what is an official internationally recognised war and what is terrorism seems a bit shit then.
They can beat the shit out of you on the street, throw rocks and stones at you, march past your house singing songs glorifying wars of religion and the famine, gerrymander your electoral constituency so that those of a similar mind to you will never achieve power or representation, refuse to employ you based on your religion, divert investment and money away from your area and openly insult you in the street and on the airwaves.
But hey who gives a shit, it doesn't meet the definition of what some slave owning Yank and some inbred noble in Switzerland thinks is what defines a "legitimate" war?

I'm over-exaggerating a bit and I don't necessarily disagree with trying to define these things but modern day independence and civil unrest movements tend to be a lot different to traditional wars, and they have to be as it is no longer two lads with guns trying to shoot each other. Those opposing the established state will almost always be less well equipped due to the lack of modern innovations such as aircraft, armour and so on.

>don't think anybody would deny that
Was just making the point in case you thought I was trying to justify everything the PIRA did and terrorism in general. The PIRA emerged out of some really shitty conditions and really shitty governance. That doesn't justify a lot of what they did, but when you create those conditions and don't provide a diplomatic or political avenue to better rights, living standards, equality and so on then what can you expect?