>Show has uncut graphic violence, gore, etc
>Censors a nipple
Can anyone tell me why American TV does this? It's beyond dumb
Show has uncut graphic violence, gore, etc
it's to fetishize it both things.
>Show has graphic unsimulated sex acts, genitals, etc
>Censors any kind of violence
Can anyone tell me why European TV does this? It's beyond dumb
Merifats hate everything natural and human. They even go out of their way by mutilating their sons to make sex as unnatural as possible.
Human bodies are normal, human bodies being dismembered with rusty spoons and chainsaws are not.
The gore is fake, the nipples are real
Children being exposed to sex is child abuse by psychiatric standards. Tv violence isn't real. Watching a guy suck some chicks tits is real and not something kids need to see
op said "show a female nipple", not doing anal.
Nearly all of our popular dramas habe graphic sex. Nudity and sex are only censored on day time tv where sponsors will pull funding if there's nudity.
Hannibal is the worst when it comes to this
>censoring fucking paintings
If humans killing each other with tools isn't natural why has it been commonplace for the entirety of out species' existence
Tv violence has no problem with making it as realistic as possible. By that logic, they could cgi nips and pussies and go to town
I mean just think of any popular American show: sopranos, six feet under, american gods, the knick, masters if sex, etc. etc. Tits dicks and pussies in them all
>show bleeps or blurrs out a swear word
>you can still tell exactly what word it is with no confusion or doubt
literally what is the point of this
Personally I get grossed out when people make out with tongues in tv. I can't stop thinking about how their spouses feel and all that shit. It gets even worse during sex scenes where theyre actually naked and grinding on each other. When I see someone blow up I know it's all fake so I don't care.
Im not sure why, I'm no prude, it's just how I react
That being great and all, your personal preference is no reason for censorship.
Who the hell said it was? Who are you arguing with in your head?
are you people underage b& or are there actually 18 year olds that don't remember life before original cable programming?
>privste companies deciding to not show nudity is censorship
Hey now, take it easy, pendejo.
>implying they decided on it all on their own and their own personal beliefs
>implying no outside force pushed them to censor
>being this out of touch
I'm 27. What's your complaint? Not enough tits on the Jeffersons? tv in the 70s and 80s didn't have graphic violence either. But thousands of American movies still had both violence and nudity back then. Why is everyone on this board a moron?
are americans really so class cucked that they think censorship can only be done by governments?
Censorship refers to the government. Cultural preferences pressuring companies on how to tailor their products is called "the free market"
We're talking about television. Network television is legally censored. If you show a nipple you get a fine, but Jack Bauer is allowed to torture people to death.
>Censorship refers to the government
It literally doesn't though.
jesus christ
Networks are technically a utility I think so they have different rules. But most tv channels are cable, and they can do whatever they want at the risk of losing advertisers. Like has already been pointed out, most popular American dramas have both violence and nudity
Explain how that post was incorrect, id love to see you guys combine your braincells and explain how social pressure influencing business decisions is censorship
now THIS is fucking retarded, what's weird is they actually say fuck on the show unbleeped once or twice
>watching JAV
>girl is bound and gagged and surrounded by dozens of naked guys bukkak'ing her, cum everywhere
>gotta pixel her pusy and the tiny dicks though
What show?
look up the definition of censorship, you nugget
1. channel shows a butthole
2. viewers get upset and complain to advertisers
3.advertisers threaten to pull advertising from channel
4.channel stops showing buttholes
Which step is the censorship?
Look up the word censorship in a dictionary if you don't believe me. Social institutions influencing media corporations to suppress certain types of speech is censorship. You can argue about the relative harms of government censorship vs other forms of censorship, but you can't deny that it's a form of censorship.
was meant for
The part where people work together to suppress speech that they think is obscene.
"Cooking with Mads"
You replied to the wrong person, but companies deciding not to show something is not suppression, it's their own business decision. They could choose to ignore advertisers/complaints, but they choose not. Censorship would be if an outside authority prevented a person or company from showing it
You can choose to ignore the law if you want to and pay a fine. Does that mean FCC fines aren't censorship?
So your saying the people are using the free market to censor themselves? Lmao you must realize you're out of your depth at this point, right?
You can thank burguers for that too.
>the free market
You keep using that phrase, buddy.
pro-tip for any would be an-caps who aren't as far gone as this guy: governments are groups of people who work together to advance certain goals.
No, it's an authority making a demand. People requesting companies in a free market to not do something or change their product isn't censorship, it's the literal definition of how a free market is supposed to work. The market decides it does or does not want something, and that demand is supplied by the company by changing the programming to meet that demand
It's a group of people using power in an attempt to suppress speech that they don't like. In this case, market power instead of state power.
Like I said before, you can argue that using market power is less coercive or less problematic, but it's still censorship.
Government in America is representative of the people, but not the people themselves. Legal demands to suppress media is the definition of suppression. Companies tailoring products to mee5 demand is literally not the definition of censorship since the people are still free to demand a show with tits on a different channel if they wish
A marker is always coercive, it's the definition of how supply and demand works, demand coerces business on what and how to provide goods. In this case one market watching channel a says they don't want something and the channel changes it. And that point the makers of that content are free to find a market for it, pay to show it themselves, etc etc. Calling social pressure on businesses is so absurd I can't believe it. We're the bus boycotts censorship of busses as well?
Nipples make my peepee hard but the other stuff doesn't
All you have to do is just look up the definition, I don't know why are you prolonging this circus
Wait, are you an amerifat or a pajeet? I really work out the syntax on this post.
Unless the company uses this in a way that actually makes sense in the movie itself, and not just as a standard blur out or cutoff - it's censorship. Really not that hard of a concept.
It's rude to get aroused in public, they censor the nipple for our honor.
Hannibal, silly.
Japs laws, can't show pussy. Even in porn.
Also, because of that, many JAVs faking it, no real insertion, enjoy.
>the violence is fake
>but the swearing and nipples are real, CENSORED
It's crazy
Yes, I wonder why (((they))) do it.
>He doesn't know where to get the uncensored JAVs
>Pretending the poison of American prudishness hasn't spread over Europe
Why do people do this?