>look outside your castle
>see this
wat do?
>look outside your castle
>see this
wat do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wonder where all the budget went if that's all they could afford to bring.
Can some autist estimate how many soldiers we're looking at in this army?
Send out a few good men.
Assuming each block is 100 men (this is being generous), that's 8,700 foot soldiers plus about 140 cavalry
I just counted the closest rank and multiplied up
It's under 3.5k
What total war game is this?
Better question, what would Based Ramsay do?
Detonate the wildfire that was buried all over the field in case of a siege
I don't intend to be D&D's defender here, but a composition like that would suggest that this is only part of their forces. You don't need or want cavalry to storm a castle and the troops appeared to be Lannister men - it kinda makes sense from Jaime's perspective to not push Tarly's new allegiance by having his men participate directly.
thats a really stupid looking formation they've decided to take there. am i wrong? is that practical in some way?
is this for a field battle? the cav should be mostly on the flanks
cant really tell what types of troops there are - but you generally dont want to have that many reserves (imagine your front line fighting/skirmishing, what is the other 20 lines doing?)
Highgarden is just an other castle without a city around it and surrounded by a plain with nothing.No fields or farms.
>no artillery
>no siege engines of any sort
>doesn't seem to have missile troops
>sitting on an army sitting on fuckhuge walls
Smile, order men at the walls start siege defenses like missiles, hot oil, poles to push the non existing ladders etc. it's gonna be a slaughter
also why is the frontline the shortest? just opens its flanks up
>Damnit! I knew it was suspicious when Lord Tarley convinced my bannermen to go to King's Landing to meet with the Queen!
There were bowmen.
What is happening on the show now? Lannisters and Tyrells fighting?
Euron killing everyone
I would use my superior army and crush those few Lannister men. After all the Reach had the most soldiers at the beginning of the show and they didn't lose a single battle over the course of the story.
Well, it's can't be a marching formation, too wide for no reason, they clearly wouldn't fit through that CGI shrubbery in the background.
I guess they have to stand in certain formation for teleportation spell to work. Either that or they did the battle then very-very quickly run outside and formed to cheer up a nice old lady by having her play real-life space invaders.
Fucking Dabid is out of control.
It's clearly around 6000 men. There's like 90 groups there
They're going to attack a castle, it doesn't seem like the battle took place on the field, so the formation doesn't matter much
Show is getting pants on head retarded, teleporting fleets, teleporting armies, dothraki stuck on a barren rock for weeks on end, some dude is still rowing a boat for ages, true poetry in motion right there.
Summon Gandalf and Frodo.
Defeat them in fair combat, offering mercy to the surviving troops and allowing them to join my own army.
blast some Hitler speeches for keks
Aren't the Tyrells known for being the bread basket of Westeros?
Why would they engage in open battle and not just wait out a siege? Wait for Dany to back her up?
send 20 good men to impregnate that bitch
96 groups x 50 people = 4800 foot soldier.
+ cavalry and shit.
Aren't they too tight together? Don't castles usually have ballistas/catapults in defense?
>find poison antidote
Shit in a basket and throw it at them
Laugh? They have no fucking ladders, siege machines or anything. How the fuck did they lose?
Each block is 3x12, lets say there's about 91 blocks and another 8 half blocks, plus the cavalry, the size of that army is roughly around 3600 man give or take.
die of laughter
If this is the Lannister army that will be present at highgarden when the Dotharki arrive, they are utterly fucked
20 good sewers
no it doesn't, a enemy attacking the front line will leave it''s own flank exposed. the second line is the longest for specificaly for this reason. Also props to keeping the cavalry in the center like they should considering the defensive nature of the formation
Tullys hold out for months to year after Starks death. Tyrlels lose in 20 seconds
Yes adding to the fact that the Tyrells have like 10 times the men they also have provisions to sit inside their castle for years. No matter how you look at this Highgarden could not fall that fast to 10.000 men in any scenario.
Tyrell had 60000 men, where the fuck are they?
Start mowing them down with my FAMAS.
Swearing allegiance to Randall Tarly I presume or so the show wants us to believe
Lannisters and their fucking portals.
Cersei obviously bought a magic spell from a gypsi woman that makes armies and gates disapear. It will be in the deleted scenes. Use your brain.
The whole army, the most numerous of the greatest kingdom (population wise) went with a terrorist queen and betrayed itself?
With so few explanations in the show?
>>look outside your castle
>>see this
>wat do?
I'd go into the options menu and change graphics settings from low to high.
This show has thrown out tactics and common fucking sense seasons ago. I'd just stand there and bend over for the D&D gods.
Not over 6000
Lose offscreen apparently
they had over 120k in season 3
Yeah. Even worse.
What the fuck is that? This show is garbage logicwise
Good plan, but if you were Vining you would massacre the lot of them in hand to hand combat.
>when the Dotharki arrive
How? On what ships from Dragonstone?
the dragons carry them
>posting in this thread
>still trying to predict what is going to happen next based on logic
they will stand on the backs of their horses while the horses swim around the entire continent. D&D don't give a fuck.
What exactly were Captain Picard and Billy Bones doing there if they didn't bring any Tarly men?
Call the police. Tell them to get these LARPers off my property.
If Euron can build a fleet from rocks then surely Dany Sue can build a fleet from the shit around Dragonstone. A dragonglass fleet shaped like utereses.
Christ I forgot all about this
are they actually saying that they built 1000 ship from driftwood in like 2 months
Maybe Tarly is planning the ole switch-a-oo with his men...
>sacking what will now be his castle
Because D&D apparently think that sieges are a cakewalk that happened all the time, and not a bloodbath when defenders can hold out against forces 10 times larger then them.
>over 100.000 men
>sizeable (?) portions of bannerets side with the people that killed their lord for reasons
>apparently they win offscreen this battle with tens of thousands soldiers on each side
>around 5000 good men show up to siege a castle
>no fields to be seen around that huge city, just plains and forests
>they don't have siege engines, but they somehow storm the place easily, the 5000 of them
Bravo, D&D
thing is, the Tyrells died with Mace and Loras (since no others seem to exist in the show)
so if ~100k troops might have been raised by Tyrells in season 2-3, many of them were sent home because no need to keep that large an army mobilized. Gotta send men to harvest and preparing for winter, since paying wages to soldiers is expensive.
So, then in s5 Mace returns to capital with maybe 10k troops? Mostly "personal retinue" from their own lands and villages directly under Tyrell rule, not troops that would be their vassals.
Maybe some thousands of those troops were at Highgarden itself, but possibly thousands of them might have gone POOF as they and their leadership might have been stationed around the Sept of Baelor when the upper nobility of Tyrells went BOOM.
Meaning the Sept of Baelor accident might have resulted in the destruction of large portion of remaining Tyrell household guard, and loss of their officers, commanders, etc.
Besides, how could Olanna, who is not even de factor Tyrell, somehow raise the bannermen who were pledged to Mace Tyrell?
The local bannermen have no reason to raise their troops to defend an old granny who once was married to a Tyrell and whose whole legitimacy relied on her son being the current Lord Tyrell.
tldr: it's a stupid TV show with barely any logic in it, but then again there is no logical reason why Olanna should be able to muster 100k troops from Reach to defend her home castle.
Yep, and they can teleport and have ornately designed steps attached to them so they can drop it down on other boats and their absolute madman captains can rek dozens of people singlehandedly with his godmode cheat activated.
Aye ye what more could you expect from D&D. Only logical explanation would be since the Tyrells have no Heir than Randal Tarly would be the only logical leader to follow
Definitely one of the more obvious "let's just get this shit over with" moments in the series.
This show is so full of shit. D&D... i want to puke.
No he built ship able to teleport
I don't know fuck, but they manage it show how as seen in the trailer
That's a pretty formation.
It would be a shame if someone were to...
She knows it's war. When it's war, you make war. Period.
>They completely cut Garlan Tyrell
This makes me the most angry of all the cuts. He's like the last truly honorable person left in the books and a total fucking badass. Pretty much Arthur Dayne 2.0 without the dank meme sword.
Why are "those who fight" tilling the fields? That's for peasants.
Send a raven to Castery Rock (and Dragonstone) informing them to send magic dragon powers to the rescue.
>be a bannerman pledged to House Tyrell
>House Tyrell is now ded
>keep your own troops working in the fields, gotta prepare for winter and keep producing wine
>old mother of the last Lord Tyrell plans some stupid war
>keep chilling in your own mansion while the house with biggest army in Westeros comes after your previous lord's mother's shekels so they can pay denbts
Besides, the Oldtown is the largest city in the Reach. And Lannisport is biggest city in Westerlands, whilst Lannisters themselves sit at Casterly Rock. For all we know the "Castle Highgarden" was just a village but the local fort was "de jure" capital for Reach.
Around 5000 infantry and maybe 200 cavalry.
Murder an imprisoned family member if the enemy to piss them off
Send a dragon to fly from above with the sun behind him. Even if they manage to fire 99% of the arrows will fall over themselves, plus fire from my dragon.
By the way. Where's the fucking siege material?
>seriously, unironically questioning Dabid and Dan's knowledge of medieval military tactics
What is wrong with you? Do you ask your dog why it can't write a dissertation on particle physics?
almost as lazy as middle-earth or hyperborea
sup bb i haev big cock it gift for you bb you cum to pyke i maek you many cums bb so good me to sex you bb i get dargon with you bb
Bronn, plz
>A field of nothing outside the castle
Agriculture doesn't exist in Westeros then.
Casterly Rock fell to some ladders, why are you expecting anything from these mongs.
Lock the doors, defend the castle, tell KhaleeC to send the fucking dragons. Have some wine.
Realising, from that map, I live in the Reach hmph
''Creating complex conflicts and stories are hard, user''
- Dan and Dabid, 2017
>Casterly "Rock"
How could the fuck it up this badly