What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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tim and eric
>"""""Adult""""" swim
>Only teenagers watch it
too liberal
most of the live action shit is bad
Rick and Morty
Rick and Morty
You just hate fun.
Mike Lazzo got too old.
Too much Seth shows
Cry to your containment board.
wtf does tim and eric sucking have to do with Sup Forums?
>hurr you can only be a bleeding-heart libtard on blue boards
Fuck off of this website entirely
Not to mention the guy you were replying to said nothing political
deadbeat stoners can't afford their cable bill
The shift when it went from putting good shows on to 'creating content'. Adult swim used to have the best fucking anime and pick up good cartoons that were interesting like home movies.
Now everyone is lazy and they do 'alternative' live comedy shows where the joke is always the same hackneyed bit.
TBS stopped letting late nights run wild with bullshit and introduced the seth mcfarlane power block. 4 unbroken hours of mcfarlane masterpieces.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
i like all five seasons of awesome show but you cant deny they really did kill as
It's getting kind of better ever since Toonami came back. It went wrong around 2006 when they kept making live action garbage.
>tim and eric
wrong, Tim Heidecker
Too much live action shit, also retarded decisions like picking up fucking Mr Pickles but passing on Hellbenders
sorry we just happen to notice networks are run by jews and so is comedy
>newfag detected
>Mr. Pickles
Did anyone like this piece of shit show?
a lot of sam hyde's fans dislike tim and eric because iirc tim helped to get MDE cancelled
even if sam was politically correct mde wouldn't have lasted that long anyway, the humor in a lot of the episodes wasn't that good or original, 90% of the time live action shows on adult swim fail
>retarded decisions
Like cancelling Metalocalypse. Fuck, Smalls got so desperate to continue that he offered to secure independent funding for the next season. Free money for Adult Swim. They still said no, and keep in mind this was a show bringing in ratings and making money for them when they were paying for it to be made. It's insanity.
Tim and Eric was alright, SOMETIMES. MDE's show was great. Then they cancelled it. All this network does now is mooch off edgy teenagers and "cute" girls who "like" anime.
>The humor wasn't good
Yeah, but it was balanced out by some skits not even trying to be funny. This skit is still kino.
Stopped making good ideas.
Less involvement from Lazzo.
Mediocre live action stuff instead of cartoons.
C Martin Croker dying probably shook a lot of people.
They cancelled metalocalypse
They realized a budget was something for other people.
Why spend money on even the most terribly drawn flash animation when you can get retards to make fun of no budget public access for even less money?
We never got The Big O S3
Toonami isn't something that should exist in the current decade. I know they aren't making it for the Sup Forums neets that exclusively used subbed torrents but it's still a waste to watched dubbed anime years after its subbed debut with commercials
Adult Swim is cool because its sort of low-fi but at the same time their unwillingness to evolve squanders a lot of potential.
They need to make more online content and really push the Adult Swim app as a way to see content sooner with ads. Their shows are great for mobile because the art usually isn't the main draw and the episodes are short. Then you have the bumps they do before and after commercials which could be made a little longer and uploaded individually on the app. Stuff like Fish Center, Robot Chicken, and Off the Air are basically perfect for the format. Rick and Morty puts out really short videos all the time and they also did the long courtscene video before. AS should be hiring indie animators and even old Youtube animators like Harry Partridge or Oney to make shorts for the apps. They ought to buy Newgrounds honestly and use it to create an online animators and animation fans' social media platform that integrates into their app and online presence.
12 Oz. Mouse is a show that I could see getting a big second wave of fans if the app ever took off in a big way. The shows to be just the right blend of interesting and immaterial that would justify watching it on a phone. I don't think anybody wants to watch films or other television on their phones because they know the smaller screen will ruin it.
They killed Aqua Teen.
They shat on 70/30 Productions.
muh Sup Forums boogeyman strikes again
>tim helped to get MDE cancelled
this actually didnt happen
mde fans just ran with it cause they wanted someone to blame instead of sam
Literally T&E. Wow, no budget live action weird comedy, so funny. Better churn out 1000 other shows like this, smoke weed to get it lol. The only patrician live action show was Eagleheart.
>Lost Futurama
>Show way too Family Guy and its offshoots
>Shifting away from the Williams Street stuff
>Shuffle anime away to Saturday night when nobody's watching, and don't even run the block twice for people who missed it the first time around, because that wastes precious airtime for Seth Macfarlane reruns
>Focusing way too much on "lol so randumb" live action shit, because it's fast, cheap, and easy, shitting all over what made [as] interesting int he first place (an animation channel for adults)
At least I can still watch the old bumps on youtube.
at least Tom goes the the Mayor had some semblance of a plot and wasn't anti-humor 'humor'
Jews and the fact that millenials are retards.
>wasn't anti-humor 'humor'
It kind of was, though. I went to the AS panel at SDCC the year they premiered TGGTM, before anyone knew who Tim and Eric were (they didn't really hit big until Awesome Show), and the reaction from the audience was crickets. That was during the golden era when ATHF still ruled the roost.
Sam Hyde
too many women writers ofc
>le ebin "joo echo" meme
go back to r eddit
Waaaaaaaah not Sup Forums!!!
they cancelled aqua teen
How has this abortion not been mentioned yet? I don't really watch T.V. nowadays but I remember seeing a commercial for this at work and being completely astounded that it's an actual show.
Aqua Teen is one of my favorite comedies of the last 20 years, and even I'll admit that it was starting to run out of steam in the last couple of seasons.
>show does well
>leftys at as freak out
Yes yes it was sams fault totally not the nu males at adult swim complaining about online boogie men.
Because that's not a turning point for the worse, that's just another link in the chain of shit. For me, Tom Goes to the Mayor was probably the beginning of the end, because it was when Tim and Eric managed to elbow their way onto adult swim, and used that "animated" show as a trojan horse to eventually cause the switch to live action.
Mike Lazzo has really been pissing me off in the last couple of years for letting all this happen.
>Bad original programming such as mr.pickles for example
>almost All live action shows were bad - unfunny.
>Littered with unfunny seth mcfarlane shows. One per night wouldn't have been bad, but it's like 6 episodes per night sometimes more
>They became to politicized, one of their best live action shows ever (MDE) gets canned for no good reason. Mostly because of office celebrity personas.
Let me list a few things they do right
>Toonami. Recently they've been good with it, investing in new animation and extending its time slot. The shows are good.
>Rick and morty is good
He literally told his fans to call AS and get it canned. This is literally on record.
Aqua Teen ended up going full retard and everything else went down with it. Its a shame because its one of my favorite shows of all time.
Rick and Morty is the only thing worth watching now but you'll be called a normie for admitting that on here.
well hello comrades we in Sup Forums will not be ignored, we have the power we are the revolution!
>They killed Aqua Teen.
the one show pretty much everyone liked but didnt espouse enough jewish propaganda so they killed it...
Because every fucking show on as that comes on past family guy is experiemental, be as whacky and as poorly animated as possible comedy. Rick and Morty is the best show to come out of as since Metalocalyspe and R&M has been shit since S2E2
I don't know man. I think Toonami should have just stayed dead. It was great for its time but sitting through commercials to watch dubbed eps when they've already been available for years seems pretty stupid.
>Rick and Morty
Not as bad as people here make it out to be but it's not as brilliant as its viewers would like you to believe.
This ended.
gee I wonder why jews would take this off the air?
Not enough infomercials.
It's just like CN, there isn't enough program variety during the week
Those hacks have no intention of making a new Metalocalypse season.
The rest of their shit is irrelevant.
I mean, they are doing the youtube animators making shorts thing. David O'Reilly, sick animation, and Bryan Wysol all did a few bumpers and shorts for the channel. Also they hired people like alan resnick, who did alantutorial, and the dudes behind paperrad. I do think their current programming is pretty bland and they should feature more indie animators and should fuck off with the reruns. Also a season 2 of mde world peace would be nice
liberals are not left
in the same sentence he told fans of the show to support it
you can blame the dumb buzzfeed writer who made an article about it, you can even blame brett gelman, or you can blame sam for posting edgy shit on twitter
tim had nothing to do with though
but mde fans already hated him long time before it got cancelled, its not surprising that they blame it on him
Their best show takes three years to release a season
New season q3 next year
They only have 4 currently running shows that's worth watching: Mike Tyson Mysteries, Rick and Morty, Squidbillies, and Venture Bros
As a mde fan, I agree with this. Don't get me wrong: I think Tim definitely had input into the decision. But ultimately, Sam brought upon mde's own downfall. It wasn't even that he supported Trump; it was the never-ending over-zealous right-wing twitter nonsense he put up around the clock. I lean right and voted Trump so it's not my disagreement with him politically. But he should have known better that espousing that inflammatory nonsense (the trolling) 24/7 was going to piss off enough people for mde to lose their show.
He could have kept his mouth shut, or even stayed low-key for ~6-10 months and their would have been a guaranteed renewal (viewership ratings, support from Lazzo). But he couldn't shut the fuck up and have a tad bit of professional decorum.
He should have known better.
You slumber, a cucumber
The reasons you listed are spot on the correct ones. Tim could have played a part, but there is nothing definitive to say so, and thus they are strictly unsupported speculation.
>that episode with the singing undercover cop that ends with a dude in a gimp suit surfing
This thread is shit.
>Space Ghost: Coast to Coast
>Venture Bros
>Moral Orel
>Aqua Teen
>Mr. Pickles
>Childrens Hospital
>The Jack and Triumph Show
>Robot Chicken