Do Hillary Supporters Exist?

Trump supporters, how many Clinton supporters do you know IRL?

I know one...out of 100s of Trump supporters.

Btw, FL fag

Other urls found in this thread: Clinton wears diapers&oq=Hillary Clinton wears diapers&aqs=chrome..69i57.2591j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


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TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.

Literally zero.ive spotted 3 or 4 hillary bumper stickers but thats it.Harrisburg PA fag reporting.

I spend 10+ hours per week on I-95 and I-4. I've seen about 100-125 Bernie stickers. One Hillary sticker (100 year old woman driving)

Keep it up user.i registered from your link on a different thread.youre doing the Lords work.

In my experience, I've met a few people who are 'Pro-Hillary' but when you talk to them it's very clear they know fuck all about her. It's not like 'Pro-Trump' people, where we have all these different reasons for supporting the God-Emperor (tells it like it is, only man we can trust, he's an outsider, he isn't bought and paid for, etc.)
With Hillary's 'supporters' they all have the same non-answer: 'Trump is a big meanie :('

ddumb niggggers

Socialist supports a socialist. kys

Clinton is the most disliked, weakest Democrat presidential candidate EVER. And she's still going to win.

> I'll save you the effort