/got/ general


>shoutout to the butt blasted user hating on her frogliness

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every other fucking sentence is a quote fest now
its bothering me

all bow before queen frog, lady of hearts and dragger of autists

>omg how and why did Tyrell bannermen turn

There are no Tyrells left you retards. Since they didn't have Willas in the show, it was literally just Olenna who isn't a Tyrell, she's a Redwyne. You don't just inherit shit from your sons and daughters.

Also Jon has the teleporting abilities as well, its not like its just Euron. It's been everyone since S5 and now they're just overdoing it.

time for a new pic faggot

>daneyres: what was that sir davos said about taking a knife in the heart for his people?


why actually did Ellaria kill Myrcella... what a cunt

>dragonglass is worthless

u fucking wot m8?

Seems like it should be a pretty valuable commodity even if the white walkers were nonexistenst

hey look, its that user :^)

Danny + Jon arc is best storyline.

I know you autists are all sperging out but is putting leather on armour even something they would normally do for random soldiers?

Remminder that Bran saw Salsa get fuckd!

Also that his arrival was anticlimatic as fuck

Anyone got a summary of what we'll see in next weeks episode from the leaks

he says took a knife in the heart for his people you fucking idiot

Am I alone in thinking this was literally the weakest episode in the history of the show?

>40 minutes of Dany and Jon

Jesus Christ

Cause she wanted revenge

>daenerys' hearing 20/20

so will Grey Worm find Edmure Tully in the dungeons of Casterly Rock?

>I claim no responsibility for the Mad King's actions
>I'm entitled to what Aegon earned and you are bound by Torrhen's oath
l m a o

No. But you wouldn't give random soldiers plate armour either.

t. War of Thrones-fag

random soldiers probably wouldn't even get armor, it's expensive as heck

>No Queen of love and beauty
0/10 episode

This show fucking sucks , go watch a good HBO show instead like rome or the wire.


>dany is killed
>people lose it, demanding to know how she could lose
>D&D: "we've mad it clear from the start she was a horrible leader, a hypocrite and unworthy of her birthright. why did you people like her"

>hire child actors
>they dont get lessons
>most of the cast now act like autists
good casting

>the wire.
t. whitey

No because they finally found someone Clarke has some actual chemistry with after 7 fucking seasons.

Was that actually Lena's tits and ass or was that a double?

Man Olenna scene was awesome, Jaime was about to break.

>that butterface
Nice tits though

you would just wear the leather separately under the plate, theres no point of hammering it in directly in there

>hates kino that shows blacks for the animals they are

user, i...

It took Stannis two weeks to sail from Dragonstone to King's Landing.

It took Jon one day to sail(?) from The Wall to Dragonstone.

in previous seasons it used to take weeks/months to travel from point a to b, and the travels had lots of good writing and moments. now people are just teleporting around to deliver quips to each other.

I don't want Jon to bend the knee to her. Is there anything we can do to stop it?

Well yes but we're working under the show assumption that everyone gets nice armor and leather armor is an actual thing.

Alright guys, here's the post where we discuss and criticize warping in the show.
Westeros is supposed to be as large as South America.

>one day
>he thinks all episodes are a day


You don't know of the Euron Canal Qyburn dug from King's Landing to Casterly Rock? Cringe.

It's too late for her.

a cute!

wheres the equator or is a flat planet?

that map isn't to scale retard. it's made smartass maesters.

do people actually fucking like dany? fuck i hate that bitch

How in holy fuck did Olenna get to Highgarden? HOW?

>Cersei + Jaime
>Jon + Dany
>Sansa + Bran
Is there any non-incest pairing amongst the main characters? Arya wants a piece of Jon as well.


Every house seems to have a standing army vs peasent levies in the show. Leather is a meme, wear winter clothes under it. Not like anyone is capable of doing shit at -60c or below.

speaking of, why has no ever considered digging a canal between the end of the black fork and the sea? people in this universe have managed far crazier feats of engineering

no one knows, not even Sup Forums

She would look cooler in shades

it's implied that we only ever see a portion of the planet

>he thinks 7 kingdoms = Westeros

Westeros includes the huge land in the North, the Lands of Always Winter, which is enormous compared to the Southern tip.

My headcanon: Bronn zips over, breaks her out, gives her the antidote, and they go off to live in Sunspear and fuck until the end of time.

So what place is currently the safest? Seems like Vale men have had it really good, practically just sitting at home for most of this time

Probably the best place to connect the oceans.

>Show the Lannisters marching on Highgarden
>Cut to all the dead Highgarden soldiers
But how did they do it?

Not happening.

;_; rip cute snek

equator is probably need the summer isles/sothoryos so there's probably a whole southern hemisphere we know nothing about

Tormund and Brienne
Sam and Gilly

yes i want GOT to be in real time, no time cuts, and on S03E2

seriously the riverlands would become so much more powerful with this

15 good men.


hate this show

Reminder that Bran has a bigger cock than you

>blue fork not black

woops misread the map. still, thats exactly the place i meant user

Free cities probably.

Is there ever going to be an explanation for why it's just a big rectangle?

what did he mean by this?

But it is.

Only nu male cucks and pink haired feminists . She is literally we wuz kangz : the character.

uh, we aren't good at fighting, the flower and all that...

That was chemistry?


Where do you niggers get this "watched you get raped lul" quote from? All he did was say he saw her in a wedding dress.

Who owns the Riverlands?

It fits in a paper sheet.

it is still a shit idea because leather against metal holds moisture and rusts the metal out.

About as good as we're ever going to get from her.

Edmure Tully, Grey Worm will dig him up at Casterly Rock

>Sam's dad sends him to the wall
>Sam becomes a maester
>goes to the Citadel
>cures Jorah
>Jorah rides back to Dany
>sees the Dothraki army
>joins them in the attack on the Tarly/Lannister army
>takes Tarly prisoner
>Dany roasts him
>Sam's dad gets himself killed by sending Sam to the wall


Those are some large sails.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

are you new here?


Why the hell are they destroying the ships instead of just taking them?

Freys? No idea. they havent touched on the after effects of the frey massacre

what did kelly c need an entire army for when 10 good men couldve impregnated that bitch?

He has a gayer cock, i know that

Shouldn't those XXXXL size sails make Euron's ship a lot faster than the rest and if so, what's the point of using them when you need to sail at the same as the rest of your fleet?

nice fanfiction

>Dude, greyscale is incurable!
>Can just peel it off


>Be forced to build Harrenhal
>Get so jaded to building shit after
>Can't even make the most economic canal in the world

Fucking river dudes.