The face when it's time to go dilate
who /belly/ here
even her fat is skipping leg day.
High test
>tfw the cisgender patriarchy has blocked you and people like you for generations from becoming who you want to so you can be happy
so this girl has natural boobs and a penis?
pretty much. started estrogen early, so grew boobs but the dick didnt grow, and now got a microdick
kahn jr aka connie from king of the hill
What a disgusting little kike goblin.
>when you skip dilating for a day because it hurts and your dilationologist notices on your next weekly check-up which you have to go to for the rest of your life, so xe recommends an inpatient overnight stay in the dilation chamber which isn't covered by insurance or you risk complete neovagina closure
This stinks, I wish I just kept my girlpenis and did butt stuff.
now that the """secret""" """exclusive""" """underground information"""" of dilating is out on Sup Forums for neckbeards to circlejerk over it'll be 10x more mainstream in a couple weeks, and the surgeons will find a genuine fix for it.
you're doing the trannies work for them edgelord
oh so the boobs are not really natty, its a dude who is just faggy?
And thus preventing him from ever having a mangina made due to said micro dick.
God wins again.
>science will find a cure for the human body treating wounds
its always a wound lass
whats a wound lass?
Wow, what an absolutely abhorrent post.
the lass wound
>so we made it so your body doesnt treat wounds anymore
>we just had to turn off your immune system
>we gave you HIV
>now your vagina wont heal and you wont need dilation
>Hi I'm here for my job interview.
Which one would you rather give the job to?
>that face when
What's wrong with it's nose?
they are pretty natural.
Why am I not surprised?
ashkenazi phenotype
Maybe the mudslime animals have it right throwing these subhumans off of buildings
Supporting these people should be classified as murder.