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Je suis supérieur à vous

Ausie btfo

better edition



>i am superior to you

yeah i did a bit of frog on duolingo, can't fool me

oh my daaaays fuck OFF you perv yeah

Wake up, lad, hahaha, it's almost 1:30 in the afternoon hahaha.

Good post.

yeah, superior at surrendering


I thought I told ya this world is not for ya

Bored of you bunch of fucking drips, someone give me their address so I can come round and show your mother what it feels like to give birth again

not gay, just like having perfectly manicured nails, simple as

new vape came
this one's black

not gay, just like calling aftershave cologne, simple as

Is it a marijuana vape, lad?

I'm scared of the possibility that things will turn out the way I expect

10 Downing Street, London

Come fucking see me pussy

More like downie st LMAO

Emma dyed her hair dark brown. Don’t know why girls do this. Pick one color and stay with it. My sister does this and it drives me mad.


Show me the way to the next little girl
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

Post yfw you realise I could satisfy your mum and she probably yearns for a good rooting from a young fit lad

I love little girls

I keep looking for a place to fit
Where I can speak my mind
I've been trying hard to find the people
That I won't leave behind
They say I got brains
But they ain't doing me no good
I wish they could
Each time things start to happen again
I think I got something good goin' for myself
But what goes wrong
Sometimes I feel very sad
Sometimes I feel very sad
(Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into)
Sometimes I feel very sad
(Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into)

girls gossip is actually quite enjoyable sometimes

I want to install a camera in Emma Watson’s toilet and watch as her anus expands and crowns as it release a big poo.

alri pakiboo

this is what happens when you take too much acid

Emma poster is genuinely mentally ill and will drive himself to suicide like caralad

When I was younger my goals were grand. I'm in my 20s and I still have goals, but they are less ambitious

Married - done
5 children - haven't started
3 sister wives - 1/3rd of the way
$1m/year salary - unemployed atm
Own an entire block of real estate and have a family compound - no property yet
Helicopter to work - no helicopter, no work, no money to even rent one

I'm making progress. Maybe have one or two more down by early 30s. What goals do you lads have?

I don’t hate you boy I just want to save you while there’s still something left to save

haha can't stop watching that magic anti trump flash mob dance

Move to Spain - don’t live in Spain

That’s mine

the silent rorke majority

The porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, says she is ready to spill the beans about a 2006 extramarital sexual encounter with the president now that Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, has acknowledged he paid her $130,000 to not discuss the allegations publicly.

Cohen, who spent years leading the legal team at the Trump Organization, has in the past described himself as the president’s “fix-it guy.”

A lawyer for Clifford says Cohen violated their nondisclosure agreement and that she’s preparing to tell the story in full. “Everything is off now and Stormy is going to tell her story,” said Gina Rodriguez, an attorney for Clifford.

Clifford’s accusations bring unwanted scrutiny to the Trump’s private life, and could also have legal ramifications.

A liberal watchdog group has filed complaints with the Department of Justice and the Federal Election Commission alleging that Cohen’s payment to Clifford runs afoul of campaign finance laws, although GOP lawyers are dismissive of the claims.

Get married
Get a job I don't hate
Never had a gf
Never had a job

alright lads I'm back with my sausage roll haha x

Hey little girl is your daddy home
Did he go away and leave you all alone
I got a bad desire
Ooooh I'm on fire

single and ready to jingle jangle jingle

> In the late 1800s, the city of Pikeville, Kentucky was shaken with an unknown disease, and the most tragic case of all was that of Octavia Smith Hatcher. After her infant son Jacob passed away in January 1891, Octavia went into a bedridden depression where she gradually became very ill and slipped into a coma. On May 2 of the same year, she was pronounced dead of unknown causes while still in her bed.

> Embalming was not yet a practice, and Octavia was buried very quickly in the local cemetery due to the sweltering heat. Barely a week after her burial, many of the townspeople had been stricken with the same debilitating illness and fallen into a comatose state. The difference? After a time, the townspeople began to wake up. Octavia’s husband began to fear the worst and worried that he had prematurely buried his wife while she was still breathing. He procured an exhumation of her grave only to find that his worst fears were in fact true. The lining on the inside of the coffin had been scratched and torn to pieces. Octavia’s nails were bloodied and broken, and her face was contorted with horrific fear. She had died in the ground after being buried alive.

> Octavia was reburied and her husband erected a lifelike monument over her grave site. The monument still stands today. It was later speculated that the mysterious illness had been caused by a Tsetse fly, an African insect that can cause a disease known as sleeping sickness.

Spaceman came down to answer some things
The world gathered round from paupers to kings
"I'll answer your questions, I'll answer them true,
I'll show you the way, you'll know what to do"

Who is wrong and who is right?
Yellow, brown, black or white?

Spaceman, he answered, "You'll no longer mind
I've opened your eyes, you're now colour-blind"

post your best reaction images lads

as they say in Italy.... whadda mistakea to makea!

the kangs revenge


I would fucking strangle you if I ever saw you

Yo, I'm like John Lennon
Except I do imagine there's a heaven
Somewhere, everyone is welcome
All my multicultural brethren
Where, hate is outdated
Today love's the word
Even for people from Luxembourg

>Married - done
yeah you have been mate...LOL

>song mentions british things
This is why I couldn't get in to Everything Everything

love kidney beans
love their texture and capacity to absorb flavour

simple as

>3 sister wives

Mr. House proposes an automatic future for New Vegas: undisputed authority of a technocratic visionary. His long-term goal is to use the attractions of New Vegas as an economic engine to reignite mankind's technological progress. While he has no desire to control every aspect of the lives of those would inhabit the region, neither would the ways and means by which he achieves economic and technological progress be up for discussion. As the ruins of the former world mutely attest, democracy is a failed experiment. The time has come for Mr. House to heroically save Vegas for the second time, forging an independent, dynamic, high-technology enterprise zone.

So long as Mr. House's basic rules are followed, his intentions are to take a "hands off" approach towards the subjects of his kingdom; he is effectively a libertarian dictator creating his own version of paradise rooted in the old world. If the player supports Mr. House, he is supporting the New Vegas libertopia, a place where the strong rule unfettered for as long as they stay strong and where the weak are continually trampled underfoot. But it's a place where Mr. House wants you to dream, that someday, you could be one of the strong.

Pretty girl on the hood of a Cadilac, yeah....
She's broken down on freeway nine
I take a look and get her engine started
I leave her purring and I roll on by.... Bye bye

Free love on the free love freeway
The love is free and the freeway's long...
I got some hot love on the hot-love highway
I ain't going home cos' my baby's gone
She's gone..

still don't understand what anglo means
like english-speaking? english people? from the british isles?

FOY, go and eat a knob at night


anyone here schemin' for a heemin'?

It means triangle men

Somethings getting in the way
Somethings just about to break
I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane

More convenient than a Tesco Express
Close to Windsor but the propety's less
It keeps the businesses of Britain great
It's got Europe's biggest trading estate

It doesn't matter where you're from
You wanna work? Then come along
The station's just got a new floor
And the motorway runs by your door

And you know just where you're heading
It's equidistance 'tween London and Reading

Oh, oh, oh Slough (Slough)
My kind of town
I don't know how anyone could put you down

Lmao bender

>get told something or instructed on how to do something
>instantly forget it
ah yes, very impressive

You don’t have a job?
Lazy fucker.

read all about it, read all about it
news of the world, news of the world

im about to go to britain how do I petition to get to use the royal computer so I can shitpost with the flag

Dating scene is so bad for me that I'm turning to eharmony

just means a person of british descent, typically in the Anglosphere. It's a yank term, we don't use it here.

Im like that

I don’t think I’m a thicko I just can’t concentrate on what people tell me because I’m too anxious and a million stupid thoughts are going through my head



born just in time to witness the neet revolution

>tfw too smart to be intelligent

It’s a real struggle :(

*adds this to the list of things that will never ever happen*

wish i could enjoy the present without being such a wimp

Reckon a neet uprising would be hilarious to witness, a couple of hundred absolute spackers running around kicking recycling bins and nicking trolleys from sainsburys

>tfw worked all these years to save money
>neets will get it in 1 year for doing nothing

cute girl :3
love space talk when a cutie talks :333

would blow that all on drugs unrepentantly

Two years

Learn to fucking read

What about all the unemployed hard as fuck chavs, pikeys, Mandem etc?

it will once retailers and industry start seeing dropping because people haven't the money to spend. many are already being propped up by the benes system

they should just give a tax cut instead

stop killin the mandem

Only 12 days until payday lads

Need it to speed up not gonna lie. Going to run out of cash in a week I reckon

would like to live in the tower of terror in florida


>paying people to exist
this is surely the way for civilisation to go, what with our booming population rates and all

where did you get your memes before Sup Forums

>our booming population rates and all
you mean the third world's booming population rates

You mean a high school?

only race mate, the human race, simple as

I was not aware of memes before Sup Forums

grew my own


