This show was incredible. I can't believe how overlooked it was.
This show was incredible. I can't believe how overlooked it was
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Don't even try. I loved it based Kevin but Sup Forums is plebs for television
And this is better
try again but this time in english, pajeet
>its a Matt episode
the best kind of episodes
he was too good for everyone
season 1 was super boring
I get it they're grieving, now actually do something
ask me how i know you have shit taste
this, young pope and new twin peaks are the best shows of the decade
Agreed, so many newer shows are getting really ambitious with the stories they tell, and the way they tell them.
international assassin is probably the best tv episode i have ever seen
One of my top 5
If you need any more proof that award shows are a popularity contest, look at the Emmy noms this year. the leftovers only got one, and it was for guest actress. It's sad that more people weren't able to see this while it was on.
Man did the score ever elevate this show. That song (I think November by Max Richter) that would play during the more profound scenes was sublime.
The performances especially Theroux were fucking insane.
It took me a while to get through season one, I dropped it at some point. But when I picked it back up, man was it rewarding. No one should feel bad for not liking something, but give it another shot if you can.
>would play during the more profound scenes was sublime.
This show made me feel like I'm watching Lost again. Then as it went on, it was actually even better than Lost. I don't think I've seen a show so consistent when it comes to acting, writing and music. It's just so close to perfection.
Season 1 is the only good season you dumb fag.
>his face when he pushes her off
>no emmy nom
Has Theroux ever been nominated?
The sad thing is Carrie Coon hasn't been nominated either.
fuck knows, I guess these awards are just shit. In addition to Theroux and Coon, I found Christpher Ecclestone to be absolutely amazing aswell.
>not Nora episodes
One job, user...
I hope the Globes make up for it and just stuff them with awards, seeing the Emmy faggots are too good for it (not). One of the best series HBO has produced.
inb4 "season 3 sucked" plebs
i refuse to believe people would think that
s3 was perfect
Imagine how good the Leftovers would have been if it wasn't written by and for retards who think they're deep
go back to your got general
That's what it is though.
Imagine being this retarded
It's hard, I can't actually imagine being retarded enough to think The Leftovers was actually good. See you in the next GoT general thread!!!!
whats so fucking appealing about this show?
i watched the S1 trailer and why the fuck is it such a big deal that only 2% of the population disappeared? is there more supernatural shit or god shit that happens or is it literally just people dealing with it?
this show needs actual commitment from the viewer, if you cant understand that then its just not for you
so its a show that is shit but you have to force yourself through it?
sounds like a waste of time if thats your argument for it
>and why the fuck is it such a big deal that only 2% of the population disappeared
gee i dont know
maybe because millions of people just disappeared with no explanation?
then dont watch it
Yeah, can confirm, show is a waste of time. Wasted my time watching it, pseudo-profound crap from the people who made normie-tier Lost, and in the end it amounts to nothing of value.
>needs actual commitment means its shit
bravo reddit!
i see the leftover shills are back
it would be more interesting if it was 50%
you cant even see a difference in your daily life if only 2% are gone
that hardly will make for entertaining TV
Yeah, you should have spoilered this. Entire series ends with no explanation. Nothing of any significance happens, could have been covered in one episode instead of wasting 3 years making this pleb trash.
Humans crave closure and sometimes life doesn't provide that.
Just a heads up, yesterday I got a warning for "being obsessed with" that website you mentioned, just for making one post like yours.
well if you disappeared i sure wouldnt mind it right now so you might be right
Lost, I understand, but Leftovers made it painfully obvious from the get go that it isn't a show about solving mysteries, so I don't fucking know how dumb does one have to be to watch the entire thing expecting answers.
You'd have to be equally dumb to watch this trash and expect it to be good.
I didn't want answers I just wanted there to be a point. I already know "shit happens."
that's even worse my man, you literally wasted your time watching something that you never liked in the first place.
The "point" was the characters coming to terms with the events that occured in the first 5 mintues of the first episode. I think it's pretty fucking obvious.
Yeah, fans of this garbage think being pretentious makes something good. No use trying to discuss anything of merit with them.
And you wasted your time pretending to understand something that was never meant to be understood and never amounted to anything.
>watch 3 seasons of something you didn't like at any point during those 3 seasons
>yeahhh no point in discussing the fans are just stupid man
simply... epic
no gives a shit about answers, i dont know why you idiots keep spewing this shit. no one was expecting answers to anything because it's lindelof. he writes garbage and you fucking people raise this heap of reeking trash. it's just slapped together random mysterious events. that's it. wow mann how deep we dont need explanations mannnnnn kevin is jesus lol omg kino brooooo
Lindelof's 2 season endings were both the same as the first one. Kevin realizes he just wants Nora and goes home to her. They were fucking pointless.
Sure it's MY fault this show sucks
>he doesn't know what hate watching is
lol how young are you
You would have to be young and unemployed to willing spend 40+ hours being mad at something.
>40+ hours
Or just really fucking despise a certain hack writer.
Uh, spending 40+ hours being mad at something is the average week for an employed adult. You have to be at least 18 to post here.