Why do young actresses agree to do nude scenes?
Why do young actresses agree to do nude scenes?
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Because when you're starving and looking for work, you'll agree to just about anything.
Why are you a shut-in?
>LITERALLY what could be perceived as the merchant's shadow on the right
Is this pottery?
because feminism tricked them to think it was empowering or some shit
The real question is why don't they?
It's easy money and it's not like legions of guys aren't already jerking off to them, making and distributing loads of fakes, or hacking your emails to start another fappening.
Why make it so the only person not profiting from you appearing naked is you?
a better question is: why do young actresses refuse to do nude scenes but then when they're old and literally nobody wants to see their tits, they agree to do a nude scene?
Too late, honey. You're in your 30s now. Put them away. No talentless, middle-age, cunt has ever made a comeback with a nude scene.
I don't get it either, if I was a young attractive woman I'd just whore myself out for money instead.
Imagine being good looking, having a 10/10 body and a 8+ inch dick. I sure as hell would take every opportunity to show it off and sneak a dick flash whenever I can.
>reverse image search
>best guess 37 year old women
top kek
>middle age
You're right.
A woman in her 30s is more elderly than middle age.
Then why is a man in his 30's still ripe and young?
>nude scenes
Show me
>Why do young actresses agree to do nude scenes?
Because if they wont, they'll ask one of the 50 actresses who didn't get the job.
You dont get to call shots unless you're one of the handful of A-listers.
she showed her nips when she was 22. based ann
Men and women age differently. An average 18 year old woman and an average 28 year old woman are very likely to be in the same economic bracket. However, Ms 28 and Single is older and sagging, wrinkled around the eyes and mouth, hasn't bothered to take her extra 10 years and learn how to hold a conversation, whereas a decent man just gets better every year.
I already know some ironic faggot is going to chime in telling me to go meet women and allay myself of these notions, to which I rebut that these opinions were formed after dating countless women aged 16 to 30. An old woman is redundant, now more than ever.
is that bad pussy?
get out roastie
A woman in her 30s is not seeing any successful 30 year old men, I guarantee you that
Who is her and where can I see her naked?
>that shadow
no real talent
cannot unsee
How does her family and friends react?
a 65 years old guy can look good and desirable, but most 30+ years old women are ugly and used up. its just a sad fact of life
I generally agree, but oftentimes 30+ women start to show signs of some mental development and can actually be good company. Too bad most of them look like shit at that point.
>tfw only starting to look good now that i'm hitting my 30s
>tfw too late because the crippling loneliness has made me unable to hold conversations
It's never too late if you're male
developing some basic social skills takes a few months if you commit
then you just start enjoying yourself around people and things get better automatically
whats so bad about being partially nude or being seen partially nude?
t. degenerate liberal american millenial
Because if they refuse the directors wish they could just hire somebody else from the pool of other beautiful actors
I feel bad for their dads
t. reddit
They have a good body and want people to see it?
They already explained it here.
There's no shortage of young, beautiful aspiring actresses. They're easily replaceable, and they know it.
t. people who have never seen porn
or an HBO show
>ring ring ring
>"hello? Oh hi dadd-WHAT? who told you about that?"
>"it's art daddy don't worr-
>"Well who's going to pay for my college tuition huh? YOU?"
>"If you cared about me you wouldn't have left me and mom."
>"Your friends? Oh so is that why you called? Because you're worried about facing your friends after they jerk off to your teenager daughter? Well good. I hope you die of shame loser"
>"Oh and I'm dating a black guy by the way"
wat do
brie just did it. and the question remains.
She's my gf I don't care what ANYONE has to say about it.
suicide. seriously, after investing 20 years of money, love and time into a daughter and this is the result... its time to quit
White women peak before 25.
The physical features that are considered attractive on men don't really degrade much until 60 and even then with upkeep some can maintain until 70. The physical features that are considered attractive on women peak at 15 and degrade continuously until by the mid 30's they're not attractive anymore.
why wasn't she paraded full frontal naked in king's landing like cersei was?
You'd think HBO would've taken full advantage of her contract knowing she's a no name actress without bargaining leverage
don't leave her when she's 5 and then try to lecture her when she's 25
I doubt she's starving, she's fucking from a wealthy family
because nobody wants to see old, sagging bitches you fucking autist.
kek was this u
Damn, average human male is pretty disgusting compared to the average human female, when naked
Damn, I thought I was going crazy, glad I'm not the only one. . .
What's her name?
Feminism has also made blowjobs really commonplace, and that's a good thing.
that girl is gorgeous
I thought it was the gays who didn't felt like having a enema
Yeah, but feminism is about making guys more like the gays, hence more blowjobs.
Cuz they want a proud daddy.
Ones that have their shit together and are 40+ tend to be tolerable, though. A lot of the behaviors that you'll see from 12-30 will persist, which is unfortunate, but age and hormones will take their toll and mellow/mature them.
My skill is to get naked.
Don't be /pol brainlet
Women have been doing this for thousands of year. They sell. There is nothing new about it.
There is no wrong or right as well. They are getting paid and they like it. Its sad if you consider they are doing it to pay for their education/medical bills/buying a bicycle.
Pls be educated before turning to hatred.
26 is too old to be acting like a 12 year old. I know w(hores)omen who actually put of "cute"child voices when they're talked to. I want to put them out of their misery so bad. They hold no value whatsoever.
>her parents give her the money she wants/needs
>she's a smart capitalist and found out how to use her body to make money.
yet many men will basically throw money at them and do them many favors just so they keep them company
go figure
when I think of shitty female behavior I blame men, because we taught them it pays off to act like that
>Nudity is considered art
so you can get away with being naked without being called a huge slut
I don't mind that, since it's generally concious and I find it attractive; it's the other little princess stuff that's a problem. "I'm never wrong," "I'm too good for this because daddy said so when I was 5," "The world owes me because I have a funhole" etc.
Basically, white daddies spoiling their little girl that her future mates have to deal with the fallout from.
A older women has learned that she's just as worthless as everyone else and that everything daddy taught her is a lie.
Single mothers usually end up on the road to sobriety as well, too bad the child ruins any potential whatsoever.
You'd think it wouldn't be such a problem in families with single mothers, since the father's princess-influence isn't present, but more often than not those end up guttertrash since the mother is 7:10 the same, or worse, and can't raise a non-piece of shit human if her life depended on it. (And to be face it, for the most part, if she were making reasonable life choices or were mature she wouldn't be a single mother to begin with.)
I just can't understand how anyone could stand it. You're a human being, act like it. You're not some kind of fucking retarded 12 year old little baby girl. Talk with your grow up voice.
I despise women with those voices or remotely akin behavior the second I mean them.
giv teen Jodie Foster gf
why do nude scenes exist in the age of free streaming porn
Because they would not BE young ***actresses*** if they didn't.
I don't understand it either, but I have plenty of friends who get extremely excited whenever they see tits on a tv screen, so I guess the demand is still there
Because there is nothing more beautiful than a young, pretty woman in this world. And despite you being smug about it you enjoy it and you feel pleasure looking at her tits.
Being degenerate is a good thing, embrace it and enjoy you life.
go away dumb frogposter, she's too cunny for you
For me it's the recognition that makes it hot. Sort of like finding a nude picture of one of your female friends you've wanted to fuck since forever. That kind of thing.
Obviously random extras showing their tits does fuck all for me, but when it's an actress I know and find attractive I do get a bit excited.
They're absolutely convinced that it's art, and since it's art, it's okay. It's the same as porn, really. The pornstars never think of themselves as sluts, they think they're """""performers""""" and porn is high art.
admiring the vibrancy of youth is literally the polar opposite of degeneracy
Poosy, The Bad