Jew here and just found out about this place. I don't understand how anyone can non-ironically be a nazi in 2016...

Jew here and just found out about this place. I don't understand how anyone can non-ironically be a nazi in 2016. Don't you know about the 6 million Jews who died because of Hitler's stupid nationalist ideas?

Why don't you guys pay a visit to a Holocaust Museum sometime so you can learn a thing or two or just read a fucking history book?

Other urls found in this thread:

I would rater see the great wall of China or the Aztek piramyds.
Pretty dumb idea to waste an holyday to see old dead jews.

The reason I don't believe it happened is that keep talking about it.

That was an embarrassing thing that happened to you, how the fuck are you not ashamed to bring it up? Pathetic. Palestinian tier faggotry.
See, they whine, and you whine too.


Yes you're very important don't worry we won't forget!
>Fucking kike

Because they are still here.

Probably not even bait.

The holocaust never happened. That the problem.

Oh shut the fuck up and stop trolling... you know that museum is full of shit.

The reason I dont believe it happend is that I could be jailed for even saying that.








It's really hard to tell at this point. This board keeps getting shittier and shittier as it's userbase continues to fill up with kids and shills.


I tried, but the Jews wouldn't let me in with a backpack full of stereo equipment. I offered to just leave it there and they got even more upset. Bunch of retards

zzzZZZzzzZzz six million zzzzZZZzzzZzz zzzZZZzzzZzz six trillion zzzZZZzzzZzz zzzZZZzzzZzz six gazillion zzzZZZzzzZzz

I'm a staffer for Trump on vacation from /k/

its called misironically

I've been to the DC Holocaust museum. It was interesting, but when they have clearly incorrect information (like the added chimney on the 3D model of Auschwitz) it makes it hard to even humor.

>Why don't you guys pay a visit to a Holocaust Museum sometime so you can learn a thing or two or just read a fucking history book?
>no mention of gift shop
Nice try, you're not a real kike.

6 gorillion died in holohoax. Next time is gonna be real. Which history book you mean? The ones you fucking shaped to your fucking pleasure?

Nobody here didn't kill any jew. Your holochoax is so full of lies you have no cred left. You whiners was not the only ones having a hard time during ww2. So fuck off.

Fpbp Tony

Totally agreed Original Poster. Thank you for correcting the record now examine these significant repeating integers.

cause that shit is fake


>A fucking pile of shoes
Woah guys shoes a genocide must have happened here!!!

Ohhh. I don't think telling people that hate Jews to study history is a great idea. I mean...Naples alone tried to get rid of you several times, countless other nations/city-states banned you from entering, Edward 1st genocided you for money clipping and made the mark of shame (star of David). Not to mention when the Black Plague was rampant, Europeans went to the age old tradition of purging Jews....

Sup Forums is satire we are actually ancap/libertarian
