Trump is regularly depicted eating junk food

>Trump is regularly depicted eating junk food
>Has a sickly-colored skin
>Has a quack doctor make up his medical records
>Men on average live shorter lives than women

Meanwhile, Trumpelinas are claiming videos of Hillary being surprised by fireworks as "proof she's too ill to be president". You don't think she isn't careful of her diet because her husband had heart surgery and is on a vegan diet?

toppest kek.

Donald Trump has enough energy to be running circles around you buttercup

Trump eats junk food, but unlike Hillary, he's been completely alcohol, weed, and cocaine-free throughout his life. The party lifestyle is catching up to the Clintons.

only three of those pictures are "garbage"

Busy man, has to eat on the go sometimes.

I hope he will pass away before November. Though It doesn't matter, Hills is going to win anyway.


Trump hasn't drank in his life he's fine

Just the thought of eating fast food makes me feel somewhat nauseated nowadays. How are adults still eating this fucking shit? It's absolutely beyond me, unless it's simply due to the cheap price.

Nah, he did when he was much, much younger.

Then he saw his older brother die of alcoholism.

>Men on average live shorter lives than women
yes, poor men that work shit jobs.

Nothing you drumpfettes can say will stop my love for my sleeping beauty.

I will be her stool when her eyes flutter and her voice mutters.
I will administer the electro-shock in the middle of the debate, and she will be fully reenergized and comeback against that big orange bully.

>having a drink and smoking a doob once in a while is worse for your health then putting literal shit into your body every day

american education lads


I wish trump tweeted that, so his pathetic carrier is just ripped apart and Lovely Hillary becomes president

t. concerned shill

bernie and ron paul could run laps around this low energy nigga


>HRC has regular seizures and can't stand long enough to do a short rally for the 100 or so followers that will show up
>worse health than a man 2 years older than her


Man, woman or transsomething, if you have rockefeller money you'll be living that long.

0/10 fuck off shill

Hillary should release her medical records.

Junk food is ok every now and again. The problem is that most people will think "every now and again" means a few times a week. I doubt he eats it regularly, plus some of those photos are clearly staged, I mean just look at the fork set-up with his KFC.

>80s millionaire
>never done cocaine
You are dumb af m8


What's to make us believe that Trump isn't lying and has done drugs and alcohol? He's lied about 10,000 other things so far this election.

At least make the lie believable...


>Trump: "The sky is blue."
>Politifact: "Depending on the time of day and weather conditions there are many possible colors the sky can be such as black, pinkish red, orange, grey and many others so we find this claim to be mostly false."

>Shillary: "The sky is blue."
>Politifact: "True, the color of the sky can vary but the most commonly associated color for the sky is blue so we find this claim to be mostly true."

>is on a vegan diet?
wow how desperate to appeal to the younger generation does a person have to be? It's like obama's harold and kumar shtick

>>Men on average live shorter lives than women
Because most of them die early from high risk behavior.

>Implying he actually eats it regularly
>Implying he doesn't do this just for publicity

Sage in all fields

Dude he has a private chef that makes him some dope food everytime he's in NYC or ventures from NYC. Everyone has to indulge a bit, can't eat basic 24/7


You think he eats fast food daily? He has fucking chefs retard. He gets gourmet food on his plane.

The junkfood he eats is supposed to give the "All american" image. I know it's fucking retarded, but he does it for the votes. Does hillary even eat in public? No, she eats in private diners making deals with the bourgeois and funding terrorist organizations.

I don't think steak is "junk food" you fucking retard.

Trump could be on TRT and that is still better off than the cocktail of big pharma propping up grandma.

All those flavors.
And you chose to be salty.

>wowee, he eats corn fried pig anuses just like me. he definitely gets me.

said no one ever.

0/10 Shitpost literally not relevant
>Are you even trying

So the taco bowl is junk food? So you are admitting Mexican food is junk? So you are also admitting that the "culture" of good food that Mexicans diversify us with is junk food but you want them here anyway?

>Trump is regularly depicted eating junk food
He eats it every once in a while and takes a photo of him doing it
>Has a sickly-colored skin
That's products to fight old age.
>Has a quack doctor make up his medical records
[citation needed]
>men on average live shorter lives than women
That's because women live lower stress lifestyles than men do. Both Hillary and Trump are living high stress lifestyles right now, but he's a lot more energetic this month even though he's only taken 2 days off whereas she has taken 7 days off.

You don't think he actually eats that shit do you?
It's a photo op.

does he even get tired, all that traveling and jet lag

He was actually on Michael Savage today and Savage said something about how he eats unhealthy.

Trump is very, very high energy

Pick one and only one. He sleeps 4-5 hours a night and has done so his whole life, yet his energy levels are in the 99th percentile.