Sup Forums needs to be uncucked

Face it, Sup Forums. Women—white women in particular—expire at 18.

By then they're shameless roasties and damaged goods with gaping pussies the diameter of a fist. Most American girls lose their virginity at the ripe age of 12 to virile drug dealers, the constant stream of violent sex, feminist theory, chick flics and media brainwashing corroding their vulnerable minds into irreparably degenerate vipers and slaves to impulse, incapable of properly rearing a child.

The ultimate redpill: To uncuck society the age of consent must be lowered. Why are Millennials having less sex? They need fresh, tight pussies. Despite their brainwashing, their mammalian minds instinctually understand that the pussy on the market right now is rancid and beyond the reproductive peak. We need to stimulate the pussy market with higher quality pussy.

Seems like there's more to that picture. If you don't post the rest I'll call the FBI on you.


I second this post.



Oh, Sup Forums. You're so silly.
It's nothing but a wholesome coin-operated ride!

>Most American girls lose their virginity at the ripe age of 12
>corroding their vulnerable minds into irreparably degenerate vipers and slaves to impulse, incapable of properly rearing a child.
>The ultimate redpill: To uncuck society the age of consent must be lowered.
Lowering the age of consent to 12 would just making fucking 12 year olds legal. How would this be any different if they are already losing their virginity at that age as you say?

Tell me more about it op

phew. I thought something illegal was happening. carry on then

Ultimate redpill; to fully uncuck our society, we must embrace full yif furdom masterrace.

Fuck This, I'm outta here.

//Sup Forums

>No google search results


>Googling this image
Your name now appears twice on The List, user


same post every few hours for the last week.

Fuck off pedofag.


shit like this always makes me wonder if they aren't shills looking to see who responds and how to collect information on people. this whole site is a data collection shit hole now

Thanks for correcting the record, boys.

kikes want to legalize it, i bet it is to free jamal and ahmed from prison

if you really want the video
go to the land where they have webms
media slash
Nlbk dot webm

it's much tamer than it looks tho, very short

what did he mean by this

>I left all of it at that "place"


the webm... land

slash media slash Nlbk dot webm

The gunge king

damn really makes you think




Hahaha I'm out

use a search engine to find the land where they have webms

Hey leaf, waiahopi station is compromised. Ohh and just for the bellends over at css...
John McCain, Robert Ford, Huma Abadin, John Kerry, Joseph Biden, Cass Sunstein, Samantha Powers, Robert McNamara, George Herbert Walker Bush, George Walker Bush, Susan rice, Dick Cheney, Philip Breedlove, John Brennan, John Inglis. As well as ANYONE else who knew the CIA was funneling weapons to Daesh Through third party groups such as, Jabhat al-Nusra, Korohsan, Harkat al-nour al-zinki, laishkar et-tiber, Abu Sayyaf Al-islam, the Taliban, Al-Shabaab, Ansar al-Sharia, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, Al-Qa'ida

These people should be charged with providing comfort, aid and material support to the enemies of the United States of America during a time of war. As well as gross collusion with the enemies of Inviolable human dignity. They should be tried for treason and sentenced to the standard capital punishment of hanging from rope by the neck until dead.

Also, leaf... I have chinese hypersonic glide vehicle derivation data sheets for Q2 2016... You want? Find me...

Lmao 32nd floor, sipr, nipr and mens shoes... You'll never find our bugs. Once we figured out how to do it to cats, roachs and flies were not too far a stretch...