D,did Trump finally get BTFO?
Literally who?
The Windsor Sandwich Shop.
>Trumpkins are illiterate
not surprising tbqh
Why are sandwich shops a thing? Do people really need to go to a restaurant to put some cold cuts and pickles on bread?
Some faggot in oregon
>Sandwich shop
>Literally paying someone to put bologna on two slices of white bread
For what purpose.
looks like a effeminate swede
I am now a #cruzmissle
time to start giving it 1 stars
>Mexican chips
That's racist
Tomorrow I'll be calling in an order of 50 sandwiches. Tee hee hee
That's a good burn
>not giving your customers what they order
Time for a lawsuit!
Jesus, that place is close to where I live.
Give me some ideas...
Looks pretty good aside from the corn chips. I wouldn't buy a sandwich like that but I'd certainly make it myself.
give them a 1 star
so you can eat the sandwich
>normies gobbling up the Russian agent meme like the first time a college freshman watches zeitgeist
I won't stand for this slander
>russian dressing
really tired of this evil russian narrative
the liberal butthurt is palpable
is that an earpiece? degenerate as fuck
They make better sandwiches.
But Russia is bad because Putin!
I'm gonna go order it and sue him when he spits in my food.
western food looks awful
kek. Here we go.
I know, but you gotta try it man....
Nothing like eating rice and chicken 3 times a day, huh flip?
>this is the news that canadians pay taxes for
Let's burn them on Yelp/zomato
So are they going out of business soon?
Seriously what is it with libcucks and an obsession with penises? Is it a subconscious trait in people who are predisposed to be liberal, or are they just doing it to be funny/piss people off? Any former libs care to explain this to me?
>Mediocre Sandwich Joint-IDF
If they made a Justin Trudeau sandwich, what would it have?
As someone that has worked in restaurants and hotel hospitality, YOU NEVER DO THIS IN PUBLIC.
Keep it up user. The more they visibly retaliate the more they look bad.
Yelp will lock down bad review storms. Facebook however...
burnt ham
burnt bread
and a fuckton of mayo
between two pieces of pumpernickel
What would a Hillary sandwich be? Nutella between two matzos and covered in samosas? Sounds more edible at least.
Sperm and cannabis on Indie vinyls
Actually someone post the Cuck restaurant owner that insulted trump, he got raided on facebook, the came onto pol to try to fight us and an user took a picture of him at work while he was shit posting!
The ad hominem is their last line of defense. If they call someone poor or stupid, they can be proven wrong, but when they say someone has a small/bad penis, they can't be proven wrong without the other person showing said penis (and showing your penis would lead to more trouble than it's worth).
what?? when the fuck did this happen? I remember the t shirt shop scandal but have no recollection of this.
I have to see this
Fucking amateur.
Report them for health code violations. Every restaurant has a few, so the inspector is bound to find something.
also it would be on fire and served to you from the hand of an african who just took a shit, then asks you for a 10 dollar tip
Internet white knights got their quick.
Sup Forums is cucked
>Jesus, that place is close to where I live.
>it's some shitty sandwich shop in canada
who cares?
>tortilla chips are mexican chips
thats racist an inaccurate, tortilla chips are not mexican
This means war
Actually, I fucked up. It's in Windsor, Ont.
Nobody, that's the point.
Fucking faggot
Well, now we know the accounts of CTR staff.
lol im only review
Don't forget the hot sauce.
cmon guys help us out on google review
>hill shills to autistic to understand subtle derision
Not surprising tbqhkysdiaf
Why do canadians care so much about our politics? No one cares about you or what you think. Go away.
facebook com/windsorsandwichshop/
They don't get paid to help sandwich shops though. I would respect them more if they did.
This is just faggotry
whatever you do, definitely don't go there and plant a bomb and blame it on islamic terrorism!
>Hillary Sandwich
>Half eaten
>dripping red with ketchup
>made in mexico
>Have to give half to person in opposing restaurante.
What happened with the tshirt place? I'm right near SF and was enjoying watching a haight st. shit hole getting deservedly fucked with.
I eat shit loads of rice and chicken. Its cheap, nutritious, and you can vary the details wildly to get a unique dish
Jesus fuck, what is with the quality of this image?
>threaten to spit and cum in customers food
why not skip it?
That sandwich looks almost as poverty as that idiots face.
>someone actually wasting their time making and typing that
How pathetic, yet if you support Hillary over Trump I'd expect nothing less
Why are these fucks allowed to use his race as an insult?
Fucking racists.
No need to do anything, they will destroy themselves with their stupidity
It's trending on FB. That is where all of the good reviews are coming from. Google reviews however, are not being paid attention to.
I expected more from you Sup Forums
>not ordering pizza on their address
>not prank calling them
>not asking for battletoad sandwiches
I can't wait til people who do shit like this get sued for slander and put out of business
Oh they matter the most. The Google reviews are what people see when they type "restaurant" into Google Maps.
"Let's not go to that one, it only has 1.7 stars. While the one next door has 4.5."
Aaah, there it is.
This actually looks pretty awesome.
Trump bias aside, no sandwich shop should ever sell shit like this.
>Paying for a sandwich you could make at home and probably tastes better.
Yup, that's a cuck. You can tell through those teary bloodshot eyes his wife is banging somebody he used to call a friend. Can I order a JUST sandwich there?
I prefer Trump and that's still funny as fuck and any butthurt is pathetic
Are you incapable of putting things on bread?
That's the point idiot
>haha we're so snarky without disclaimer now it's okay to spit in your food lololololololololololololol
Just fucking refuse service already.