I can't believe in creationism.
However, I greatly appreciate the traditionalism and history behind Catholicism and Christianity.
Is there a denomination that doesn't require a belief in creationism without me being a heathen?
I can't believe in creationism.
However, I greatly appreciate the traditionalism and history behind Catholicism and Christianity.
Is there a denomination that doesn't require a belief in creationism without me being a heathen?
Just pick and choose which bits you want to believe in. It's what all the cool kids are doing.
No catholic in this part of the sea believe in creationism. Not even our socialist Pope.
What are the most important aspects of Catholicism you take away?
The no sex and no fap.
And I don't have confession too often, couple of time each year.
every Christian is a cuck just like their faggot cuck leader
The people who believe in Christianity today are not of the same caliber as the people who were Christian in the past. Back then, the best and the brightest believed in Christianity because there was insufficient scientific data collected to disprove it. If those same people were here today, most of them would be atheists when exposed to the information available now. Only the worst people continue to believe in Christianity. The Church is like a glass of liquid where the finest constituents have evaporated and all that remains is the sludge at the bottom. Christianity is a refuge for whores and drug addicts, not a place for serious minds.
Christianity doesn't necessarily mean creationism. Only some American sects preach that. Catholics for example prefer the Big Bang.
Pretty sure there are plenty of more liberal sects of Christianity that are okay with not believing in Creationism.
But why do you believe in a god in the first place? I grew up in a very Christian environment (evangelical private school, family, etc.), and after I realized how bullshit creationism was I actually questioned why I believed in god for once and there was no answer besides "well my family and everyone else does"
>Is there a denomination that doesn't require a belief in creationism without me being a heathen?
literally every single one. Sola Scriptura is heresy, Christians believe in evolution and the big bang theory was created by a Catholic priest. Denominations who believe in creationism are heretics.
>implying there's ever been scientific data to disprove religion
>implying scientists of the past somehow lacked logic and rational
>implying they were only religious due to social pressure but the fact that there's social pressure now to make them atheists means nothing guys it's real this time
I can't even handle this many implications
There isn't scientific data to disprove the existence of God per se, but there have been discoveries which contradict the stories in the Bible. Prior to the 19th century, science did not contradict the Bible.
Like what?
>worshiping jews
There was no mention of Americanism.
We have become increasingly certain that living to 500 years of age is medically impossible. Prior to the Modern Era, scientific minds may have given Methuselah the benefit of the doubt.
>Prior to the Modern Era, scientific minds may have given Methuselah the benefit of the doubt.
>may have
that's an assumption, and a weak one compared to your original claim that there's somehow new data to disprove religion. Remember Sola Scriptura has been heresy for a long time the church's stance has not been to take the bible 100% literal for many centuries.
Honest question, I'm not trying to be hostile or condescending here I'm just curious, but let's take Sir Isaac Newton as an example, because he was incredibly devout. Any 10th grade modern science student can understand gravity now, but that's nothing compared to actually defining it in the first place. This man, using nothing but his own logic and deduction, looked at something everyone took for granted, the fact things fall down, and deduced not only that things are attracted to the earth, but that all mass is attracted to each other. Not only did he deduce this, he proved it, and he put numbers to it. All before electricity, all using primitive technology of some boards with knotches cut in to them. He witnessed an apple fall from a tree and from that eventually explained (correctly) gravity, orbit, and the fundamental laws of physics. All of which were unknown before, all from sitting down and thinking. Do you honestly believe this man could not think logically about theism? That his logic and rational just switched off and he became totally irrational when thinking on this topic? Or that it was simply lack of data, like Methuselah's age that made him come to that conclusion? You believe he came to that conclusion only from lack of logic or data?
>no fap
Literally meme-tier. Bible never said anything against rapping.
Methodists seem to not care about fundamentalism that much. Baptists would have you hung in the streets if they could.
t. Southern Baptist who thinks that, unfortunately, evidence points to evolution.
Isaac Newton is an odd example, because he believed in things that even his contemporaries considered to be strange superstitions.
alright then take choose an example considering the vast majority of scientists throughout history have been Religious. The point doesn't rely on any one man, I'm asking you if in general the men of science of the past who laid the foundation and built our current scientific knowledge, making original discoveries from nothing which have been proven and remain correct to this day, lacked the logic to work out what in the bible was metaphor and what was literal, or lacked the logic to think about theism. What is it about men changed, and when did it change, where they could think in brilliant, abstract, logical ways to come up with their original discoveries of science but were somehow illogical superstitious cavemen when it came to God, to the modern scientists of the last few decades which someone became brilliant enlightened to deny God. Why do you claim there's such a switch in their logic between brilliant to idiot as soon as they think about God, but modern scientists are immune to it?
Just become a cultural Christian
you don't have to believe in miracles and magic
Scientific data is not produced by pure logic. It is discovered through research. Who could have guessed by logic alone that the Earth is four billion years old? Once the evidence is presented, the mind can accept it, but it cannot be deduced logically.
Creationism has never been dogma in any of the apostolic churches, it's only a few silly American Protestants that believe in it
A Catholic priest proposed the Big Bang in the first place (see Georges Lemaitre)
>Creationism has never been dogma in any of the apostolic churches, it's only a few silly American Protestants that believe in it
..... the absolute FIRST words in the bible are as follows.
Genesis 1New King James Version (NKJV)
The History of Creation
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was[a] on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
PLEASE, if you're going to lie at least TRY to make it believable.
This is true in some ways, wrong in others. But it's basically completely true in spirit.
Yes, and?
God will forgive you for not believing in creation if you declare Jesus Christ as your savior
AND, for him to say that any religion that claims to be christian does not believe in creationism is just damned foolishness; though I guess I should not expect much from a man who lives in a country where defecating in the street is deemed acceptable simply because people are too lazy to learn to use a toilet.
We may be at cross purposes here. What do you define as Creationism? I thought OP had Young Earthers in mind
Read that passage again. It's not in agreement with the American Fundie creationism. It fits quite nicely with the Big Bang.
believing everything in a religion is a recipe for disaster, just chose what seems right to you and claim the other shit was added in by corrupt priests
Nah, Methusaleh lived before their age was shortened to 120 year maximums. It is connected to telomeres.
This assumes Adam was basically specifically created to be a farmer and start agriculture and wasn't the progenitor of all man.
But it's within theoretical boundaries to assume that Noah's family was altered to produce short lifespans since they would be a genetic chokepoint.
We should also not consider the bible scientifically reliable in terms of the creation story. God sent angels down to confuse the languages in the region specifically to prevent the advancement of man. It says man could do anything he imagined so they went to stymie their inventiveness.
These things will be better understood when the world comes to accept the reality of UFOs.
Oh, by not reliable I meant God specifically didn't want mankind to advance too soon. Why then should any scientific knowledge be given in the bible?
Satan is the figure that gave man knowledge. It's precisely the knowledge of good and evil that made men aware of suffering in the narrative. Knowledge is not necessarily good.
Imagine if dolphins were given moral enlightenment. They'd have worse rape statistics than niggers. Not good.
It's one thing to leave out information, and quite another to fill the Holy Book with false facts.
but once again, what is the data? Logic can deduce whether or not the entire earth flooded and and was saved by taking 2 of every animal on a boat. I don't think any new knowledge has disproved anything in the bible
There are plenty of denominations that are abominations suited for your abominable beliefs. You believe God did not create the world, even though it is what the Bible plainly teaches. Why bother being a Christian, that is one who follows the teachings of Christ, if you deny the power of the Father?
>Back then, the best and the brightest believed in Christianity because there was insufficient scientific data collected to disprove it.
Back then, the best and the brightest believed in Christianity because the atheists were put to death for blasphemy.
England stop executing atheists in the 1600s. So things have loosened up a bit since then.
Even people like isaac newton struggled with atheism in that age.Its now (((Them))) who is confusing the hell out of us
>Sola Scriptura
Every book about the bible bases itself on the bible. Circular logic.
Most people read heaven as the place where you go when you die? they dont know its the whole universe
>Back then, the best and the brightest believed in Christianity because the atheists were put to death for blasphemy.
More like given social pressure until they simply said yes I'm Christian now bugger off.
>Oh, by not reliable I meant God specifically didn't want mankind to advance too soon. Why then should any scientific knowledge be given in the bible?
What scientific advancement would it have if we know that the earth was billion years old?
genesis being the true story of creation would make more sense then to create a fable
>England stop executing atheists in the 1600s. So things have loosened up a bit since then.
yes this is probably nonsense
Too many damn literalists. Americans aren't good with symbolism.
Catholics aren't Creationist.
Not even the Orthodox are. Fundamentalism is literally and totally a 19th century idea.
Gregor Mendel was a Monk, and Father Georges LemaƮtre developed the Big Bang Theory
Most Mainline and Traditional ones do if by Creationism you mean denial of EVOLUTIANZ AND SHIEET
Yes when i read the bible first as an atheist it was such a piece of shit , the interpretation of genesis was like pic related , you truely need to read it and read it until you finaly understand
this verse took me so long to understand , i always thought it was waters above the earth, but god divided the waters to create the sky like he divided the light from the dark
>6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.