Hi I'm Adam and was recently thinking about the current refugee crisis. Do you reckon the refugee's are all that bad personally I don't think they are but I think there is a few that need educating for western audiences. I recently donated quite a lot of money to a refugee welcome cause at my university after they made quite a few compelling arguments. What are your thoughts Sup Forums?
Hi I'm Adam and was recently thinking about the current refugee crisis...
that you are a cuck, and I recommend Johnson&Johnson Maximum Strength Persa-gel@10 with benzoyl peroxide
>What are your thoughts Sup Forums?
Only allow women and males whose epiphyseal plates have not yet fused (5 minute X-Ray) across.
This way you're ensuring the majority of people are either capable of being re-educated or will gain non-muslim partners.
Hi Adam again, that wasn't a very good reply and I think most will agree. Please provide an argument proving me wrong?
Refugees Welcome :)
I'm going to criticise your appearance even though I'm too much of a coward to show my own face.
You face looks like it smells of granny farts
you were wrong when you donated money before asking these kinds of questions
Drink bleach faggot.
This picture was posted yesterday on Sup Forums, fuck off
People cannot assimilate completely. They must be indoctrinated at birth. If they come from a country whose values are totally at odds with Western values, that is a problem. Cultures exist, and the differences between them exist as well.
So what I can't post on two boards? how about you fuck off you jungle nigga go choke on a banana
Got mad I exposed you as shitpost? Go fuck yourself
You look like a botched doctor who regeneration , m8.
Take the knife out of the bin and cut down , not across , for best results.
Gas yaself you third world fuck I will psot where I want and myface where I want
Fuck off you ingrate I know I am not thebest looking but better than your fat diabetidc fuckign ass go choke on a mcdonalds you fag fuck mean prick. I know im not good luking buit I have imprioved over the years
Refugees are just a tool for the destabilisation of governments by the illuminati Adam.
Haha Adam here I love that game series it's so great and I guess you are right in a way, thanks for coming into my thread and being reasonable unlike all the other morons here -.-
Not good looking is an understatement.
You could fry bacon with all that oil
wtf that actually kinda hurt whats your fucking problem asshole, you mum not love you or something ? ha
>your neighbor breaks into your house, drinks all your beer from the fridge and shits on the kitchen table
>you tell him to fuck off
>he recites the times he lent you a lawnmower and showed you how to use it
>he tells you that he's an all around nice guy, but he's in the dump right now and how house is pretty much a mess because he had an "episode" and he's suffering from depression and anger issues
>he asks you whether or not he can sleep on the couch here
I don't care about Arabs on the grand scheme of things, but they can fuck back home all the same, even if they wuz the greatest mathematicians in 1100, I don't give a shit.
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off.
I'm pawn shop, and this is my Rick Harrison. I work here with my old hoss and my man , big son. Everything in the story has a price and a here. One thing I've 21 years learned- you never door what is gonna come through that know.
Hi Adam here I really REALLY like this meme, when I went to see my family in israel they seemed to know about it really funny