Khizr Khan is on Ashley Madison under the name "KinkyLick


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Hahahah no fucking way

>"""BREAKING: Khizr Khan Family AKA “Kinky Lick” On Ashley Madison, Using Dead Son’s Foundation Building As Fetish Sex Club?"""

Holy kek it's real

You gotta be fuckin kidding me man. Praise Kek, lord of chaos!

Is this real


Please be real

Poo in loo
Pee on me

Chuck Johnson is that you?


This seems fake. Wouldn't surprise me if some Trump tard just made it.

>just made it
>from a leak that happened months ago
are you even trying anymore? Has the coffee machine run dry at the CTR bunker?

Bumping with my portrait

>he's from cville

Figures. The hoos are complete degenerates

Gary Motherfucking Oak

Whats the income tax on a payment of 5 cents user?


I'll ask again? Do we really need to stoop to smear tactics rather than criticizing actual politics?

Guys we're living in a TV show


If true the man smeared himself by using his son's memory to cheat on his wife. Can't really get much lower than that senpai

>posts address of sex club on a scam site inhabited almost exclusively by ronery men
>makes sure to set address public so everyone can see it

Seems legit. I'd go check it out but I have to pay the bribe so pic related can release my SEVENTEEN MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS.


Never shrink from hitting your enemy on the same level they hit you.

You're a jackass Suneo

I guess I look like him, except with dirty blonde hair. kek

Ashley Madison, the gift that just keeps on giving.

So pleased right now.

So other than using this to slander Khan, what's the point that Trumplickers are trying to make? Maybe it's okay to mock the family of dead soldiers based on certain people's sexual activity?

If you're saying that it's ok to slander and abuse sexual deviants, then I think all of /pol and Sup Forums are gonna have a really bad time.

love you kek, you're the best

>u 8 pEE? HUP!
Nice try.

Thanks for Correcting The Record™

khan was nothing but a smear attack on trump


Your ID says you eat pee. KEK is laughing at you, leaflet.

when was the account made?

this seems fake honestly.

>if you're related to a dead soldier you can say whatever you want and you're off limits
So much privilege.

I'm not buying it 100% it's possible that someone made this ashley madison account in order to smear him.

But honestly I wouldn't be surprised at the Clinton supporting scum


But I thought he and his wife live in Falls Church now. What was that about his sons also using the account? I didn't know they had more than one son.

trumpfags getting desperate, first the fake hillary medical leaks and now this



That dirty man, I demand removal.

Why not? that's all the liberals do is smear tactics against all opisition

One does not simply stump the trump with skeletons in the closet.

Lord Sauron is a necromancer and those skeletons will rise again.

I just came here to laugh, and this thread delivers.

Sup Forums rejects degeneracy, you leafy faggot. Khan opened up his whole life to scrutiny when he chose to speak at a political convention for political reasons. If your brain hadn't rotted away for so long from syphilis before you sought medical attention, maybe this would have occurred to you. Why don't you go shoot up some more heroin while the big boys are talking?

#KinkyLickKhan trending on twitter

It's what Mr. and Mrs. Khan did, and you're right, they shouldn't have.

>Note flag

Absolutely. If Hillary knew about this shit it would be easy for her to exploit him.

It brings his sincerity into question if he was being blackmailed.

Heres his wifes outfit.

Khan said Mr. Trump "has a black soul".

Fuck him.



Do you ever think about how you've never once made a single shill post without getting called out on it?

I bet the CTR people tell you it's something we do to give our lives meaning, something in that vein, and blah blah blah ignore it.

But the thing is, we're right and you're here because a shadowy political organization pays you to subvert free exchange of ideas that harm the establishment.

Really activates your almonds, doesn't it?

I realize you don't have the freedoms Americans take for granted, but around here, if it's true, then it's not slander.


That's what he gets for pissing kek off!

Praise K-k!

This is too good to be true. I am eagerly awaiting Khan's handling of this.

>activates your almonds



it will be ignored like everything else about Khan's ties to Loretta Lynch.

>old geizer

Man, we needed this. Remember not to lose faith. Victory is pre-ordained.

Bump. Anyone got a reliable news source? For the normans, ya know?

Tax records say it is him. Residential


Can we start calling them "normans"? It sound like something from a cool book or movie. Normie just sounds childish.

I'm down. The only Norm I like is Norm MacDonald, and he'd think it were funny anyway.


Alright, it's settled, then.

Fuck yeah, m8. The race war is on once again.

Dont spend your nickel all in one place my ratty friend

You know what to do
>Ruin lives

Plz no, the Normans were a great warrior race. Let's not sully their legacy by associating them with cucks.

>tries to stump the trump
>get btfo all the way to timbuktu
every time

Send to Hannity! His people will verify

Nah, I'm pretty sure Norman Bates is the Original NEET.


>MFW this election

You make me ashamed of my nation. Jesus Christ at least Aussie shit posting is fun, this blue pilled, cultural marxist tripe, over and over and over again.

>if he did scat his code name would be caca khan

Are golden showers haram?

google dubai porta pottys
>google dubai porta pottys
google dubai porta pottys
>google dubai porta pottys
google dubai porta pottys
>google dubai porta pottys



Got News has been wrong before i'm going to wait for this to break on libtard sites before I share it.

Damn. It sounds cool, but it just wouldn't make sense. Normie it is.

>trumpcucks make another conspiracy theory
woah.. really makes you think..

Okay, since half this place is autistic let me try distill this down into something simple:

- If you've got a degenerate sexual fetish and your son dies in combat, then it's okay for a presidential candidate to mock your mom's tears.

- If you DO NOT have a degenerate sexual and your son dies in combat, then it is NOT okay for a presidential candidate to mock your mom's tears*

You're welcome.

* But Trump will still gladly take any free medals that you're willing to offer. "It's easier this way".

a fucking LEAF!

More like, if you have a sexually degenerate fetish and host sex parties at your house, you cannot portray yourself as a devout Muslim stand on a political moral highground.

And since YOU'RE the autistic one, the medal thing was a plainly a joke(I know your kind have problems with this) to most people who watched the whole clip - not the soundbyte.

You fucking retard.

Hey its the butthurt leafposter from the other thread. Why are leafposters so cringe-inducingly boring compared to the Cadillac of shitposting, Australians?

>not naming himself khinky lick

comments like are female shills. you guys should know by now not to give these freaks attention.

anyways is there any updates on this? any more validation on the story? i looked up the email on whats supposed to be an old database for the ashley madison leaks and his email does show up as being listed but i need more credibility for this story

Carlos Danger is still funnier