How is this fucking racist?
Are millennials so damn stupid they can't even have a sense of humor anymore?
How is this fucking racist?
Are millennials so damn stupid they can't even have a sense of humor anymore?
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its a love for brownification and the victimhood olympics
>A rich old white woman making a nigger carry her around and do her errands for her
Gee I wonder how this could possibly be seen as racist?
I see very clearly how this could be racist: if you're a massive pussy who is so insecure/paranoid about everyone out to get each other you perceive every comment as motivated by some kind of overwhelming bias because you believe everyone has the same fucked up perception as you do.
>fucked up perception
You mean having a brain and a working knowledge of history?
it's not.
>be me
>be nog working retail
>customer asked me if I could help her reach something on the top shelf
>Liberal arts student with Bernie tattoo on xer face tackles the grandma and calls her a racist
>xe looks at me and apologizes for whites like xerher oppressing us people of colored with their in born white superi- I mean privilege
Bolt is known first and foremost as being fast as fuck. That's obviously the point of the image.
Actually, she is a lesbian. A gay person is oppressed. An oppressed group CANNOT be racist. Hence this picture is not at all racist.
>I'm so insecure about my own "intelligence" I need to reaffirm it by matter of fact stating it as if my views are backed up by logic and reason.
Gays officially off the ladder. Bow down to straight white upper class female teenagers.
If anything seeing him as a black man first rather than a very fast man is what's racist.
Their downfall was when they gave up humor. The pure joy of saying what you're not supposed to is too powerful.
>yfw liberals make Ellen endorse Donald Trump
The picture doesn't make any sense, even in that context though.
You wanna know what's faster than Usain Bolt?
A car.
Rather than making a joke comparing Bolt to a speeding car or something, she decided it would be funnier to go "im gonna make this nigger carry me around on his back"
I like it
Maybe this is the first step to red pilling Ellen, having her liberal audience turn against her and her talking about how PC is for the fucked.
Thank kek for the memes.
There's a black person in it. Obviously rayciss.
You may have autism, friend
Yeah, and maybe she'll grow her hair long and start wearing dresses again too.
Damn, you're a very pathetic person. Post a pictute of your wrists, I want to see how skinny they are.
Yes, most millenia are way too PC to have any fun any more. Can't tell racist jokes anywhere unless you're like this super lefty mate of mine who tells self depracating white jokes only.
>Being this autistic.
>ellen's wife - Portia De Rossi
God damn what the hell happened. Lindsay from Arrested Development is all fucked up
Gee if only america had a history of making niggers do stuff for white people.
there were still slaves alive in the 60s and 70s.
The picture was racist and this bitch is a moron for not realizing it. Literally anyone with a brain would see it
No because comparing him to a car isn't funny and has nothing to fucking do with Ellen. The point was her doing something conventional in an unconventional way, like riding the fastest man on Earth. If he was any other race no one would care, are you excluding blacks from being included in popular media?
Also Usain fucking retweeted it himself, if he finds it funny then why the fuck would anyone be offended on his behalf? Do you not realise how fucking chauvinistic that is?
Wow, Ellen. Check your fucking privilege.
Her head looks shopped in that pic.
>that gigantic top hat
You cant tell me that nigger on the right doesn't know voodoo
Watching the left eat it's own is so entertaining. If Ellen Degenerate hasn't figured out she's playing Calvinball yet, she might after this.
>Ellen Degenerate
Someone post all the hate tweets she's getting.
>trying this hard
Wow she got haggard real quick. It's like all her original attractive features got pulled out and turned her into a caricature
"How was this racist?!?!?"
"Gosh niggers need to get over it"
>How is this fucking racist?
it isn't
"In public relations, Spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through providing a biased interpretation of an event or campaigning to persuade public opinion in favor or against some organization or public figure."
tl;dr spin
>nigger having a job
very problematic
Being gay doesn't give you SJW protection anymore.
There are trigendered polysexuals taking your steam and skin color comes first to SJWs.
Even liberals are getting tired of liberal, PC bullshit.
I don't twitter and I'm not making an account for your lulz. But I hope someone does this for you.
>that nose
Okay so because at some point in history, however recent or distant, we are forever prohibited from making any kind of joke/comment/image that may, however vaguely, relate to the part of history?
Do you want society to make progress or not? Because that sounds pretty fucking divisive to me, particularly when 95% of black people themselves don't give and shit and you're holding them back from being included
Pro Tip: None of these people actually care about the minorities or the racism. All of this is just a method of having control over others.
Blacks vs fags. Although I'm racist. Morally I have to side with the blacks
But in this case it's just them bitching about racism that isn't even there. Butt Fuck ellen, degenerate faggot.
Millenial detected
Yeah, they fucking do need to get over it. Same as the abbos here. If it didn't affect your grandparents then it sure as shit don't affect you.
>having senses
Will she apologize?
I always knew the leftists lesbian comedian Ellen wanted to be a slave owner. I mean, she is a democrat after all.
In the Caribbean slave owners would ride around on the slaves because it was too hot. That's at least what a jew said happened. I'm starting to doubt it now
you are a millenial you fucking cuck
and if you're over 30 and browsing this place thats just even more pathatic
This. That's why the most racist people are the ones seeking to find the racism in everything. Even when it's not there at all.
The real racists are the anti-racists.
Butthurt nigger detected
Kek will rise again.
You with the wrist shit again? Confirmed you're jacking off to people's arms, you deluded hambeast. Fa**ot.
Not stupid, scared. Mostly the same effects, but just different enough that it can bite you in the ass if you treat them like they're stupid.
no i fucking hate niggers
but you're literally a millenial or some pathetic 30 y/o wizard if you're on this site
the joke is literally that he's so fast that riding piggyback with him would be more efficient than driving there with a car
why am i even explaining this
Ill tell you what, go to 10 random black dudes and offer them to carry you around to do your errands, and tell me how well that goes for you.
Yeah, you are forever going to have to walk on eggshells around the topic, that is the consequence of enslaving people.
Its why its now illegal in most countries around the world.
They will get over the racist aspect when you learn to accept thos consequences, which wont be ever. So yeah, like i said before, forever.
Dont ensalve people.
>inb4 they were sold by other africans
That doesnt change anything.
>that is the consequence of enslaving people
Who doesn't have ancestors that were enslaved? Which culture didn't practice slavery? Your ancestors tore out their captives' hearts with obsidian blades, does that mean you're not allowed to draw hearts on a birthday card?
Does the lash still burn nigger?
Not surprised. Everything is racist these days. I told someone I dont like black coffee the other day and preferred cream in it and I was promptly called a racist, anti-black, cream supremacist bigot that needed to check my privelage.
I was afraid to answer when they asked if I wanted decaf or regular.
>"Gosh niggers need to get over it"
That's not a nigger.
Easely someones grandparent.
Could be somones parent.
ayy lmao
It's something I could see a Sup Forums account posting
Is it real?
It wasnt a racial issue. We didnt grab other races for slavery, we ensalved our own poors.
If Bolt was of any other race, the joke would be the same.
>Are millennials so damn stupid they can't even have a sense of humor anymore?
It isn't racist, the left are literally devouring each other.
They have gone completely banana balls batshit crazy.
I thought lesbians couldn't be racist. Why are they mad?
wow a black guy being employed how triggering
that really corrected my record
If you twist it, fold it, bend down and squint at a certain angle, you can take this two ways, so it's best to take it the wrong way.
Millennials have been brainwashed into thinking the way they do. I'm not saying that aren't to blame, I'm just saying it's not entirely their fault. The media that they consume on a day to day basis is mostly to blame.
>Ill tell you what, go to 10 random black dudes and offer them to carry you around to do your errands, and tell me how well that goes for you.
What a fucking retarded thing to say. Try doing that with absolutely anybody on Earth from any race and you'll get the exact same result, so that really makes no point whatsoever.
So essentially you're saying you think people should suffer consequences for crimes they didn't commit? You're starting sound like Sup Forums now with police killings.
Actually making off handed jokes about someones race is not illegal, only pretty much making a racial slur to their face is, which is fair enough. But that has absolutely nothing to do with slavery given that applies to all races. So again, you have no point at all there.
Hmm well we could do that, or we could just not give a shit, tell them to accept that all of history has been cruel, nature is eternally fascist and the world isn't meant to care. And tell them to shut the fuck up anytime they complain. The difference in outcomes is
Your view - A large proportion of the English language is forbidden from use, people's feelings are more important than facts, and almost all discussions are stifled, resulting in nothing but division among races and cancerous identity politics
Or our view - Anyone can mostly say and do whatever they want and everyone grows thick skins allowing all opinions to be shared in an open marketplace of ideas where the best will thrive and we can make legitimate progress with the inclusion of all people and races
What does Bolt have to say on this matter?
kill yourself my man
why would one of the fastest men on the planet care about some dumb image on twitter
I hope you looked at xim with complete contempt. Only colored people have the ability to knock some sense into these people.
He doesn't care. He even retweeted it.
True, but I'm not brainwashed.
It's not. Claiming it's racist is virtue signaling. If you remember the Salem Witch trials, you'll notice that people were itching to show they were victims/witnesses of witchcraft for attention.
These people point out racism as TRUE BELIEVERS and are showing how they are doing the Lord's work in stamping out the evil.
Here's a (you)
can't arrest what you can't catch
If she was hanging on the front of him like that she'd be praised for being progressive.
evil jewess & ellen degenerate . jpg
>nomalfag """"humor""""
>leftists eating their own
I like it.
Well then there we go. /thread
There. Now it's races.
If you truly believe this, then shouldn't complain when white people cross the street to avoid a black person because black people are known to be dangerous.
You can't have it both ways, Jose.
It was really noticeable in the final season of Arrested Development. I couldn't believe it was the same actress.
Much more like it.
And that wasn't racist either. No one gives a fuck about race really. It's all really about the money and power. Rich White people would overtly enslave other white people tomorrow if it was only legal
>someone riding around on the back of the fastest man in the world
seems like a good a form of transportation as any desu