When do we get to remove kebab?
People Are Disgustingly Using A World War Memorial In London As Water Slide And Pool
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Shut up you racist you don't know what you're talking about
Muslims were the most affected by all wars and therefore can use WWII memorials as they please
Based muslims.
at least they aren't playing pokemon go
death to islam
Aren't there pictures of French Muslims sitting on graves at a World War I memorial?
Muslims never ever do this shit by accident.
look at all those shitskins
what makes this worse is that half of those little fuckers are going to grow up all DEATH TO THE WEST
that place needs a drone strike
Yep. They just don't even care. It actually makes me a little bit sad.
They wouldn't have fucking fought in any of the wars if they knew that by winning them this would happen.
I love how all someone has to do is put one or two minorities in the foreground, and Sup Forums ignores the dozens of white people in the background.
They're just as bad, dude.
If anything, they're worse since I would expect them to know better.
Who cares.
They died for jews, why should anyone respect them?
Fight for jews, pay the price
The civilized whites having a picnic in the grass in the background? Naw I noticed them despite the shitskins letting their turdlettes play on a memorial.
they can expect their memorials and history to be disrespected much, much more the more time passes and the less of them are left alive to offend.
WW1 is now being rewritten by video games to be a war where a bunch of brave black americans stopped Hitler and Putin. WW2 will be rewritten in similar fashion and all the european goyim who died fighting those wars will be utterly forgotten. they were only shadows and dust.
that meme isn't even worth shitposting, man.
They gave their lives, we should remember them regardless if it was a totally lost cause anyways.
You can't see the white kids playing on the memorial?
it's not like people are actually buried there, right? Chill out and be glad those kids are actually learning what it is to grow up in a safe country and getting activity more likely to result in a productive adulthood.
Daddy is allowed to do whatever he likes with his inanimate property
I count 6 white kids in the water, and 2 more about to climb in.
Idiot architects should quit making memorials that look like kiddie pools.
Should've listened
They're ignorant, nobody would do that without knowing. There's white children on it too, not just mudslimes, but canadians.
Guess they are one of the same.
Are they actually damaging it?
If not I don't really see a problem, it's better for families to be hanging out there than for the memorial to just be totally ignored in the corner of some park.
I wouldn't even have heard that it existed if not for kids climbing on it.
Nobody is buried there. But the fact that not a single person there even has a fucking clue what it stands for is depressing.
History is being rewritten by the left, and by the MSM. And these events and the gravity of it are going to be forgotten in time
If the British cared about their country, this wouldn't be an issue. To attempt to solve this problem without promoting Nationalism would just confuse people. You signed up for this. You are paying for this. Unless you are ready to Breivik - just bend over and go to your happy place.
Pol, stop being racist. There are two children wearing MAGA hats in this photo as well.
Mexi-shits swim in our WW1 memorial in washington DC all the time. More and more of them each year and always shitskins. Absolutely disgusts me.
As a Canadian I don't really give a fuck.
Who cares looks fun
They fought for the enemy. Fighting against your own kind to help some random ethnic minority far from your home that are being persecuted.
I understand respect for poles or serbs that died against germans, because they were actually fighting for their people, but the people from OPs link had nothing to do with that war
This is in London, England. They're brits.
If you actually took 3 seconds to read the article / look at the headline you'd know that you ignorant burger
>If the British cared about their country, this wouldn't be an issue
Says you - with your streets on fire.
Even the pyramids are decaying. People who get attached to stones and sheeeit are lost. Civilizations vanish. Deal with it.
Why should non-British respect the monument? It's not honoring their ancestors.
>When do we get to remove kebab?
See, that right there is THE PROBLEM.
Quit asking and start doing, syrup bro
What I wanna know is why is that niglet on the left stark naked in a public place?
If those hundreds of thousands of brave men saw how Mexishits desecrate their monument, they'd kill all of them.
Traitor. Typical Canadian response.
That's sad :(
Memorials are meant to be enjoyed you dumb shits. By having fun in the memorial you honor the dead that let you have that privilege.
>expecting foreigners to give a shit about anything but money and allah/krishna/buddha.
We asked them to come. Let's not act surprised when they don't give a fuck about history or civic duty.
Enjoyed respectfully, though.
Play on the grass around it.
While I do agree to a certain extent, I can almost guarantee that nobody there knows that that's there for
Just because they probably don't know about putsches or which city was Stalingrad doesn't mean they don't know they're at a war memorial.
I honestly don't see what's wrong with what's happening. If anything the kids will start to read the shit or learn about it as they grow older.
> yfw when magic occult prayers to doom the west worked out
To be fair I honestly don't think most of the real vets would have a big problem with little kids messing around and having fun. They don't know any better.
Adults should though.
tldr: this:
If anything they should go a step further. WW II memorial theme parks. Holocaustland, make history fun.
>dying so that kids can have fun and dance and play with their families on my grave
yeah, how fucking disgusting, really disturbing bro
Those are not homo sapiens. Those are the absurd pathetic sub species we for some reason pity.
>just let them have fun!!!!!!!! they're just kids they dont know what they're doing
>who cares its just a memorial
let them buy a fucking slip and slide
would it be okay for me to go jump up and down on top of the kaaba and hose it down and slide my filthy feet and ass all over it like a fuckin ape? would you catch any of those motherfuckers doing that? i guarantee you would not
>Be British
>Get run over and dismembered
>Have your female family raped and sold into slavery
>Have Shariah Law in London
>Have War memorials mocked and shit on
>Thinking Brexit means anything
>Rule Britannia
>Pakis own your children
>Imagine if a bunch of non-muslims made some slip and slides at a mosque. It doesn't damage the mosque so who cares
See how now it would be considered offensive?
just put up a fucking fence or a gaurd. If people really cared they could make a donation page for a rent-a-cop to come in and tell the kids to fuck off.
Instead of crying to the governemnt maybe gather some lads with safety vests to politely ask people to respect the monument
We'd be hearing about it on CNN if it were the other way around.
They died so their country's children could play innocently like this. It's infinitely better that they're out there being active and having fun than it getting desecrated with graffiti and vulgar slogans.
Oh the people would be labeled worse than Hitler. If some white tourists went to a middle eastern country and did this to one of their war memorials we'd get 20 different opinion pieces on buzzfeed and huffington post discussing our evil white privilege and that we are oppressing them etc etc
Or maybe people should learn some fucking respect and keep off memorial monuments
>wahhh wahhh nobody visits our stupid memorials
>wahh wahhhhhh people visit our stupid memorials
are army faggots literally this braindead?
so what you're saying is that we should treat our civic sites the same as dumbass religious people treat their community halls? not the greatest analogy, gramps.
ditto. Remember we're not them and be proud of it.
Hope you get Zika you 3rd world turd.
>their country's children
>Implying you have any right to complain when you make your WWII memorial a FUCKING WATERSLIDE
This is why you don't do modern art, kids
>TFW il never wave good bye to my wife and child before I travel to Europe to remove Kebab.
Why even live.
i grew up in england, hate ISIS more than any of you
the only way they would become Radcaliasied is if they all stick together and let the Saudi heralds preah wahhabism up their asses
its why there are so many radicals coming up in refugee camps, they have no connection to the people whose country they are living in and then these fuking heralds come and tell them that the west wants to kill you and destroy and pretty mucch convince them
i know this because its happened here, in Sirt, soldiers were captured and said they were being funded by external sources, the heralds had a middle eastern arabic accent and led the entire preach campaigns.
its the fucking Saudis, Gaddafi hated them and so did the people here, thats why they got taken out so fast here, sadly the same cant be said about syria
>so what you're saying is that we should treat our civic sites the same as dumbass religious people treat their community halls? not the greatest analogy, gramps.
Nice exaggeration. But yes we should hold those who lost their lives for our freedom in the highest regard. These memorials are a way to honor and remember their sacrifices, treating them like a fun park/slide and slide is highly disrespectful.
That's one of the worst shops I have ever seen
how many angry posts do you see where someone is complaining that nobody is going to visit war memorials? are you lying to us
also the subject of the anger isn't that people are visiting the memorials, it's that they're treating them disrespectfully
Wow I hate war now
What is so "disgusting" about someone using a park?
There's an ample number of white kids in the background there, fellow Cancuckistani.
...As well as some fucking naked Pajeet-broodling, probably fresh from shitting in the entire thing. At least it was into running water.
>WW1 memorial
Thousands of feet march to the beat. It's an army in despair.
In mud
Stuck in a trench, with no way out.
Thank you for going back.
My grampas (both spent years fighting in the ppcli, some of the first in and the last out of ww2) actually would have liked kids playing on war memorials.
Some people need to be shot.
All of them look middle eastern
Here's a full report with video of the 'memorial slide'...
warning : wouldn't fit your narrative, most of the children climbing on it are white
Can you imagine if someone tried this in the US Arlington cemetery right in front of the guard?
Like it makes a difference from the principle of disrespect.
The remove kebab part was sort of a joke.
I'm just upset in general. It almost bothers me more that it's white people on the memorial, as they should know better.
Doesn't make a difference what race or religion these kids are from. Both them and their parents should know better
Agreed, my poppas wouldn't have objected either.
What are the coins on the graves for and why do people toss them?
deus vult
meh, I respectfully disagree about it being disrespectful. Recreation is not incompatible with respect.
this is supposed to be a first world country?
who does this? how is this acceptable?
Tourists are always climbing all over the lions at Nelson's Column. I'd prefer they didn't, but provided they're not damaging or writing graffiti on the monuments I don't really care.
>People Are Disgustingly Using A World War Memorial In London As Water Slide And Pool
Build a wall.
>this fucking cuck logic
I'd shoot you just to see if you bled chocolate milk. Nobody has any fucking respect for anything anymore. The concept has become completely alien in western society.
>I'd shoot you just to see if you bled chocolate milk.
I'd buy you a drink lad.
Because they are so fucking stupid they don't realize the grave of a famous medal of honor recipient is not a wishing well.
Or maybe they think it's respectful for some asinine reason.
>When do we get to remove kebab?
>Most of the children climbing on the memorial wall are white
>It...it doesn't make a difference
>Both Children and their parents should have known better
I don't see any, OP.