CIVILIZATION 6: Not Just a Pretty Face Anymore

>"One of the things we raised with the art department was how in Civ 5, almost everyone had like this really statuesque and unbelievably attractive model even though in reality, historical leaders were of course just normal people like you and me. So one of things we wanted to do was make them look more grounded and relatable, and I think they did a really amazing job kind of conveying that."

>"Well we had a really long talk about [the Mongols] and whether we should include them in this installment of the series. Eventually we started asking ourselves if it was just time to move in a different direction and finally retire them from the series. The Mongols were known for committing mass rape and murder and just kind of being jerks {laughs}, and how would people feel if we included someone like Hitler in the game? We still wanted to have a nomadic horse people from the steppe though, and eventually someone suggested the Scythians led by Queen Tomyris, who most people never even heard about. I remember we were doing our research on her and Steven literally asked me "How have I never heard of this woman?" So yes, that really fit into the vision we wanted to have of showing off lesser known but still larger-than-life personalities. It was like the stars aligned, basically. Of course Genghis Khan can still show up as a great general, but I'll probably delete him if I ever get him." {laughs}

What in the everloving fuck...

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Women destroy everything.

They can't even raise kids by themselves

Egyptian isn't a tar baby.

It's not entirely bad.

>mongols were just "kind of being jerks"
>what is the Pax Mongolica

Are you fucking kidding me?



>just normal people like you and me
>implying that tatted-out goblin is normal

>killed the Messiah of the Jews

So when are the kikes gonna sacrifice this she beast?

by looking at the hair and tattoos alone you can already see that something's about to get fucked up

Pax Mongolia, just like Pax Romana, or any pax, comes after that civilization has forced everyone else to bend the knee at the edge of their sword. The Mongols were probably the most brutal mass murderers in history, they put Hitler's final solution to shame. But yes, that brutality did lead to increased trade, knowledge, and prosperity once the killing was over. Pretty based tbqhfam

Good way of saying "Well all of us feminists are ugly so people of the past were probably just as ugly haha"

Translates to "Orlando Bloom has a tiny dick I wouldnt want to sleep with him anymore. (I would fuck his big dick all night if he just would let me)"

>everyone should be pig disgusting like me
i fucking despise SJWs

well, that's Civ 6 dropped

>Get rid of a guy who everyone was completely fine with on the basis of "he was kinda a jerk"
>Bring a chick who has done literally nothing notable except kill a guy and dunk his head in blood

Looks like she's got some hefty melons too

>had an empire from Korea to fucking Europe
>no mongols because "they were Jerks haha"

Holy FUCK I didn't expect to rage so hard. Just pillage my shit up

Relevant but very long video. Not buying civ 6 now thanks OP.

You think this is big? Wait a bit, Disney's releasing an animated princess film where the protagonist wears a burka.

I'm still going to buy it and waste hundreds of hours playing it.

>you will never be raped by and forced to inseminate Boudica

Isn't this also the same steppe nomad queen that was more than likely a myth and not actually real?

>being jerks
>being jerks
>being jerks
there is so much wrong with this statement I just wouldn't know where to start
fuck this pink-haired cancer

Huh, first guam flag I've seen here

>Not modding the already existing games for replay value and redpills.

Step up your game famalamadingdong.

Civ6 has cover art red pilled as fuck

I work with someone like this. He's walking down the hallway and everyone walking past him goes, "Oh great, it's XXXXX." He's just a dick who thinks he's enlightened when he's fucking annoying.

>one unit per tile

Into the trash it goes

it'll be worth pirating when the Hitler mods come out.

Found my new target for torrenting.

Right for the most part. Although it led to increased trade, there is no doubt it led a significant dip in overall knowledge. Subjugation does not necessarily lead to increased knowledge. Not to mention the destruction of The House of Wisdom. And prosperity was only for the Mongols themselves and didn't even trickle down to allies like the Georgians or Armenians.

We are worse off as a world overall because of the Mongols, no question.

oldfag here.

I played the original civilization and the original sim city when I was a kid. And Age of Empires 2 when I was a little bit older.

what are the military/strategy/civilization building games that I should want to play casually?

I've seen Murdoch Murdoch refer to Cross of iron 3 or something in one of his that a thing I want?

ignoring the major fighting forces of the world because of PC bullshit is a deal killer for me too. Kahn, Attila, Hitler, Stalin should be in every game.

Really? That shit again? Fucking why.

You're playing a kids toy puzzle/virtual dolls.

I like what she's saying in the first section. The rest I'll just choose not to believe for now.

Stellaris with mods.
Galactic civilizations 2&3

What the actual fuck, I didn´t know this was the producer behind Civ VI, no wonder I felt concerned about this civ game.

>historical leaders were of course just normal people like you and me

post yf when the leftist agenda ruined civ

do you mean "hearts of iron 4"? it's ok, but has it's own PC bullshit. German version has blurred image of hitler, they rename him also, removed the concentration camp minigame.

I can´t deal with this shit.

I thought it was 2 combat units per tile but they have to be opposite range/melee

Why the fuck did they make this game look like Civilization Revolution, CIV 5 looks way better than this cartoonish mess

>they rename him also, removed the concentration camp minigame.

bullshit, and that never existed

>putting a woman in charge of anything
Literally asking for it


this is why i play eu4

Source ??
Please be fake famalam


try the total war series or paradox

You're posting on a japanese cartoon forum.



>woman in charge
>it's a dyke no less


this entire post is about a video game, reply to OP with your grievance.

i dont like the look of it either. the game will include the diplomatic system introduced in Beyond Earth, and the way that also had "wonder tiles" that occupied their own tiles. you can see the menu in pic related.

seems to be a trend

Really makes you go mmmmmh


She literally fucked up the chance for Greater Persia, just to be a spiteful cunt

not that I really cared how the chars looked, but they are supposed to look as close as possible to the actual historical person they represent.....

Yay feminism... As if the last game didn't destroy you, this surely will.

I ain't buying any kind of politicial shitfest of a game, thanks for destroying it. I've been a fan since civ I actually. It's the only game I play still, from now to then. That is Civ5 and BE......

Guess they want to go broke. Thanks for letting me know OP. I won't be preordering this shitfest and get the team to do the same, we were all sceptical to begin with, but this sealed it.

feminism lit kills companies. I see they refuse to learn this, so they will succumb. when this retarded, you fucking deserve it, sorry. Any sensible developer should flee, because you will be blamed when this doesn't sell.
>why not people into buyings?
>surely dev/gfx teams fault
>fuck you devies! more feminism! your code is raysist!

redpill the comment section Sup Forums


The graphics are ugly as sin but the UI is sharp. Plus the fog of war map effect is fucking cool.

Civ 3, best civ

sure I can get it running in wine here

>be Cyrus the Great
>free jews from ancient babylon
>be attacked by proto-muslims
>ask queen for peace and hand in marriage
>declines and kills you


I really, really, really wanted to like this game. It's one of my favorite series.

Why does the liberal agenda have to be pushed everywhere? You can't escape it. There is simply no medium which hasn't been affected.

I can't play a strategy game without propaganda being shoved down my throat. I can't watch an animated sitcom with toilet humor. I can't read an article on an objective series of events that doesn't need to be put through a partisan lens, but it always is. I can't even watch the NBA All Star game in Charlotte, because it's considered inhumane to use two toilets.

What does the NBA have to do with transsexuals? Not a damn thing. But they made it their personal mission to alienate viewers who didn't agree with their twisted set of beliefs, as though they were indisputable.

I don't walk around shitting all over the dining room table, the oven, the office room, etc. I shit in the toilet, because that's where excrement belongs. STOP PUSHING YOUR AGENDA OUTSIDE OF THE POLITICAL MEDIA! If I want to hear a bunch of people spout about their party's beliefs like they coincidentally agree with every one of them, I'd turn on a fucking news channel.

I have opinions, okay? And it's not such a national fucking travesty to believe people should shit in the bathroom that correlates with the genitals they were given at birth. I don't deserve to be chastised and made fun of every time I consume COMPLETELY unrelated media. Christ.

All liberals want is to control. They are control freaks.

Death to tyrants!

Dumb as shit not to include the Mongols, but otherwise I don't mind the current design direction.

Series has been shit since 3 anyways.

They've fucking ruined Queen Victoria, she was actually a real chubby cheeked QT in her younger days.

They're just mongols but not as competent.

It's good to use lesser known civs and leaders, but dropping the Mongols is a poor choice.

>But yes, that brutality did lead to increased trade, knowledge, and prosperity once the killing was over. Pretty based tbqhfam

Literally turned the middle east into a shithole so bad that it's still one today. They didn't "increase knowledge". They smeared it. More people learned, but the level of learning was much, much lower.

Fuck you. Stacks of doom are a dumb mechanic and one unit per tile makes it so you can't just steamroll.

Cover art is based

In-game art direction is garbage.

fuck I didn't even notice how ridiculous they made her look

You know what to do.
Tank it.

the great conquerer of worlds reduced to being deleted from a computer simulation by a mentally ill narcissist

Why would you be following this when you can play Alpha Centauri, free of any of this shit?

>removing the mongols one of the most iconic civs in SMC
>replacing nappy one of the most iconic leaders in SMC

I guess I'm just going to steal this one.

> Cleft chin
> Broken Nose

They've actually gone out of the way to make her look like a boxer.

they're Iranians you retard

History isn't squeaky clean and non-offensive. Stupid fucks. Is anything safe anymore from this plague?

>making everyone look like blocky cartoon characters is "more relatable" because I'm jealous of good-looking characters

Yes, and?

This! Fucking this

Civilization is the only mother fucking game I still play on rare occations, like I dunno maybe I go for a few-dayers once or twice a year when I got time for it.

Shutting the world out, not able to get hold on the phone, driving people nuts for a few days.. hehe.. as in a trance if people come visiting.. just answering "yes, yes, yes, yes you can roll a joint.yes(already rolled and visitor have stated it prolly 3-4 times at this point)

sigh... now this too... a simple strategy game.. I guess the leading tech will be feminism and fembots the best forces along with an all midget nigger marine forces that can attack from water and walk penalty less through dwarf caves in the mountains.....

Last time it was a shit fest, tons of developers quit shitty leadership. It almost went to shit, well it did.

Now they seem to have hired feminists and fucking go down the SJW trap. They are going to die now

Off principal I stay away from this, I see it as foreign propaganda, when they start like this. Seriously hope they start banning shit like this.

Movies and games alike, not that it has any other effect other than sending a signal that this is not OK.

Sudden urge to decapitate the next colored hair millennial I see.

The real reason Mongols aren't included is because they will be DLC later

most of the old monarchs look goofy and inbred

I think its just the style. They all look like Dreamworks characters.

> Ghengis Khan was a big meanie so let's not include him haha

What a dumb fucking reason considering they're including other leaders responsible for genocides and mass rapes

The game does sound like a major improvement over last installment though

Pretty much guarantees the Civ series is never going to adopt more complex mechanics like genocide though

Stacks of doom = retarded

No reason to add the mongols when you already have a horsefucker civ.

also civilization used to be fucking hard on the higher lvls.... this was pretty capped in 5, very stupid AI. IE it decides a place to attack, and it will only attack that place. So... pretty easy to fuck.

So much other crap missing too. Like instigating revolts to take over the cities etc

This, most likely

Now that they're incorporating shit like religion and trade and everything in the base game, I wonder what they'll do for the expansions

I'm hoping one of them adds a future era. When was the last time Civ did future era tech? It was like Civ 2, wasn't it?

That Cleopatra looks fucking awful. She was supposed to be an extremely attractive woman, both in beauty and in charm.

>"For she was a woman of surpassing beauty, and at that time, when she was in the prime of her youth, she was most striking; she also possessed a most charming voice and knowledge of how to make herself agreeable to everyone. Being brilliant to look upon and to listen to, with the power to subjugate everyone, even a love-sated man already past his prime, she thought that it would be in keeping with her role to meet Caesar, and she reposed in her beauty all her claims to the throne."

No we're not talking about Gustav gingerbread fucker, QV was known for being handsome in her younger days (hence why everyone noticed when she wasn't). Even pictures of her at 60 show she looked nothing like that.

I remember a Portuguese leader was Maria something. I have no fucking clue who she was and what has she done.

She was there for being a womyn so this is nothing new really.

>The Mongols were known for committing mass rape and murder and just kind of being jerks

She just described every civilization, ever.

What a cunt.

Even they understand what being a Ptolemy meant.




never buying another ubisoft game

>Not liking civ4


And by total coincidence the quality of their games nosedived the more diverse they got

>playing the worst civ
baka desu ne

Why the fuck does Tomyrus have black hair. She is specifically mentioned by multiple greek sources as having had blue eyes and very unique fiery red hair.