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Iowa shouldn't be that blue and Arizona shouldn't be that lighted red. Same with Georgia.

Only disagreement I have is with Iowa. It's most likely going to go Republican.

>Georgia and North Carolina light red

So we just need Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida? I'm fine with that.

PA is blue

nah, Florida and PA are pretty solid blue at this point

Holy fuck man we haven't even had the first debate

sucks that Trump will win more states, and probably still lose because of the massive inner cities of morons.

pa is so far blue that hillary pulled her campaign the fuck out because it's as good as won
11 point lead means nothing to you?

>Oregon safe
>Maine safe
>Missouri safe
>Michigan safe

>hillary pulls out of PN
>trump moving in this friday
>she has no counter
>he has millions in unspent cash
Literally 4D (time-based) chess

You sure? PA Dems getting a bad rep after that DA got convicted.

I just said this during the other thread. All these """"Polls"""" will never call anywhere utside of Philadelphia and its suburbs. Do you realize that the other 9 million people who live outside of the major cities mostly either live in small towns reminiscent of the deep south, or they live in former industrial boomtowns that are experiencing massive urban decay, and desperately need jobs? It will come around in October.

>user-generated map

nice b8 m8

thats PA... there is no PN

There will be people blocking others from voting. Wait for it. There will be groups banding together. BLM, a PAC someone who will see people with MAGA hats on their heads and try to prevent them from voting. It will get videotaped, put on the news and if the election doesn't go his way, Trump has a case with this video.


Virginia will go Red

That's called democracy

I won't speak for SC, but you can't just bury the GA issue. We were projected to be "light red" (using this map's format) by 2020 at the earliest. Definite swing state by 2024. Georgia is dominated by Atlanta, and then solidified by the leftist shithole of Savannah. Columbus is quickly headed that way too.

At the end of the day, GA will probably go red. But you can't ignore that Trump has done a lot to alienate many Republicans, and until very, very recently, has done little to address their concerns. Any other candidate and GA is safely red. A republican shouldn't have to spend any effort in GA, but Trump is going to have to.

How is Florida blue? I'd imagine the Orlando shooting would've made Trump support go through the roof.

And don't give me the "muh Miami latinos" shit. They're Cubans who don't give two shits about Mexico.

>Solid blue
Not while NorFlorida exists.
Exactly. That's why these memepolls need to be taken with a grain of salt the size of the Statue of Liberty.
>Le Polls xD
This also. Our current Gov. Is hated, who happens to be a Demomeme.
That's called gerrymandering.


Trumptards will just say they were joking and they knew he wouldn't win from the start.

So when Trump handily wins it will mean he has the full support of the nation including traditionally democratic areas.
Excellent it will make MAGA easier.

Are you literally retarded?

In OPs scenario Trump is elected president. If no candidate reaches 270 then the House of Representatives picks the president, which is Republican.

wtf i hate Sup Forums now Wow that really corrected my record I guess Im now a Artillery4 Jill Steiner

Florida Ohio and Pennsylvania's Electoral College members aren't granted to either on my map. That's because they're too close to call.

How good would Trump have to do in the debates to flip New York? Not win, because he'll win that's a certainty, I mean specifically flip New York because that would send a huge message to both establishments.

Before the first debate not really

My bad I assumed you included that faggot Gary Johnson.

>od would Trump have to do in the debates to flip New York? Not win, because he'll win that's a certainty, I mean specifically flip New York because that would send a huge message to both establishments.

You can't be this stupid.

My sources say he's up six in NY and tied in CA.

This really isnt too bad on our side, shill.

See you on the image boards, kiddo.

Way to post the model from four years ago that doesn't factor anything about this years election.

The electoral map is blank right now, jack ass.

Get ready to be made to really think.

Why don't you like Johnson, friend?

>Primary turnout down 20%.

-dude from Portland voting trump

>Open borders
>Literally a hippie hiding behind the libertarian cause.
I respect the Libertarian ideals, and most figures of the group, He's just fucking fag though.

How bout it

So, youre telling me.... he can win


Here's the REAL electoral map

Looks good to me. Nothing wrong here.

I was about to call you a fucking retard, then I turned on my mind and read the file.

>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam

And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer - The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Mental Illness - "We came, we saw, he died! LAUGHS" (Gaddafi) - Hillary Clinton openly states she wants war with Iran to protect Israel - Hillary laughs maniacally about war with Iran

Actually, this is the current map

>Ohio Leaning Anything
>Georgia and FUCKING SOUTH CAROLINA being that light
>North Carolina blue for anyone besides Obama
>PA Blue for Trump
>Actually thinking CT will flip before PA

$0.02 cents has been deposited to your account!

I double checked all the polls, and the only thing I'd change on that map is NC from medium blue to light blue. Other than that, the polls are in agreement. IA and OH are very very close, with Hillary's lead at a statistically insignificant 1-2 points.

>tfw the Great Wall of California will destroy drumpf
Who best state here?

Clinton is only +3 in Oregon.
+9 in PA

A more recent example


Horry shit, Trump is fucked.

Here's the actual map

Is this the new CADbortion?

This will be the election.
The south will have a huge black turnout for Hillary, so will the liberal northeast and west.

Trump will carry the rust belt and Midwest, along with the surprises of Maryland and Connecticut. It still wont be enough.

I'm from the future, don't question it.

>black turnout
>liberal, lily white northeast

yeah ok


NV and IA are likely to go red.

NH is total wildcard.

Other than that, yeah pretty much this is completely accurate. Ohio, PA, and Florida will decide the fate of America.

>States that didn't go red for king nigger will go red for an old white woman

That bitch is fucking crazy.

Arizon = Spics, according to MSM. That's why they think McCain will win his primary but lose his general.

its not democracy
its the state of IL.

You trumpkucks realize that he's only going to double down on his batshit rhetoric, right? His new campaign manager is going to stroke pappy don's little waxy boner while he steams straight ahead to the biggest anal blowout this side of the civil war

It's 25% spics, with more registered republicans than democrats. Romney won by 10pts and the governor won't be letting illegals vote. I think it's safe Trump territory

All of the blue states is where Clinton is currently polling 10+% ahead of Trump. Trump could literally sweep all toss-up states and still lose.

> Many observers have noted that in the last six decades of modern presidential polling, the candidate with the lead in the polls two weeks after the final convention has always won.

Clinton currently leads Trump by 6+% in the RCP average, 3 weeks removed from the DNC.

RCP is garbage that got 20% of state primaries wrong by as many as 15pts

I'd say this is the current map with lightly colored states having the potential to flip and darker ones being locked

>florida and ohio tinted red

I still don't get how any state can lean towards Hillary when she can't pull 100 people to a rally. And Trump pulls in thousands.
This HAS to be the work of the Jews.

this might be the dumbest one I've seen so far

>The south will have a huge black turnout for Hillary,
>blacks didn't turn out enough to turn those states blue for obama, the king migger who was hailed as the messiah who would solve all the problems ever, end world hunger, and bring back every black child's dad from going to get cigarettes even though it's been 10 years
>but they will turn out for a corrupt old white woman who basically has no love from anyone, and is only supported because she isn't trump


polls are great

I wish but they'res no way, in fact I'm going to use your post in the screencaps of when trump loses

Nevada and NH are wrong and I would put Florida under light red.

Obama lost Georgia by over 5 points both time despite having highest voter turnout and 90+ percent of the black vote of the states 27% black population. We are talking about a state Bush won by over 20% we are talking about about state that had the confederate flag as part of the state flag in 2001 and a candidate with "build wall" as a primary issue vs a pro BLM candidate. The idea that GA isn't safe R is fucking straight retarded.

VA CO NV NH and 1 ev in ME should be a toss up, IA should be light red, MN, WI, MI, IL, OR should all be light blue

And I've screencapped yours.

See you on November 8th-9th, BIOTCH!

>Most of the country is painted red
>Hillary wins

WTF is wrong

NW Portland here. Think older hippy dems and SJWs will keep it blue? Maybe the afterberners can flip us red.

I live and work in Penn. and the Trump support is through the fucking roof. If Trump wins Penn. and Florida the election is won cause the states will follow suit.

Wtf i hate trump now. Looks like im a #cuck4her now

>User generated map
You realize that Hillary is winning in over half of the 'red' states. Just admit it, your meme president is the most hated man in America now

Huh. Really makes you think..

is it really fair that california has so many votes? i mean jesus christ

Vote to establish the state of Jefferson

NY will go red


I want this to happen so badly

It would be so fucking cool

Do you not understand that it's not about the amount of land a candidate wins, but the number of people in that land they win?

Holy fuck

States get a number of votes equal to the population living in that state. So the large population states get more votes.

This is starting to become a problem as you pointed out. 100 years in the future, the tiny states will be completely voice less and dwarfed since they literally cannot support nor house a large population to compete with the big states with large land mass.

Why give any fucks if 30 - 20 vote states say one thing, but 3 500 vote states say other wise?

Except the map is wrong about Virginia. Only Richmond and Alexandria faggots will vote for The Cunt.

>mfw we will see an actual criminal elected into office

Hold me Sup Forums.

It's going to be a tough race for Trump with all the lies and how he keeps consistently putting his foot in his mouth, but he'll come out on top at the end.

That's one fucking poll out of literally dozens in the past 4 years dumbass. And it's a gubernatorial poll in a midterm election, not a state presidential poll.

its ok goy the polls are perfect