I love how Sup Forums surrendered to the fact that hillary's gonna win and WW3 will start anyway

I love how Sup Forums surrendered to the fact that hillary's gonna win and WW3 will start anyway

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I hope your pay rate isn't based on the quality of the shill.


but why the fat girl?

>shilling that hillary will end the world as we know it

not fat

Chubby girls are the best


yes fat.

her tongue looks gross


>that thrush
Jesus christ, how horrifying, stay away from my dick.

This one will get you banned akhi

>yes fat.

who is this semen demon

Sand niggers are gross

ya allah

Brother I hope you know that Allah is watching

looks more like cum dumpster to me.

pic related is a semen demon

lel she's hispanic

>impying Moors were not the ship hands for Columbus

Sup Forums is haram

gtfo roach

idc tbqh I just wanna know her name

Oh well pardon me for guessing the wrong type of shit

pol is just a bunch of white trash redneck faggots.. and that goes for all you other nationalist country fuckers who come here. Go to hell all of you. Hillary 4ever.

american education

You have more Arabs than US huehuehue

Go away non-black african cotton pickers.

american education...


>tfw Brazil has as much Arabs as my country has

they didn't come on colombus ships thats for sure, they came in the end of the 19th century like many italians, germans and other nationalities, also they are not muslims many are from lebanon and turkey and are christians

Where is Brazil-fag. Prolly got butt hurt from seeing this.

Brazil has way more Arabs than a lot of MENA countries like Lebanon, Kuwait, a lot of the small ones.


At least there's one white American male left on here that doesn't sperg out about "MUH QT HISPANIC WOMYNZ". Good job user.

still you're the one that got 9/11, but oh wait that wasn't Muslims was an inside job, nevemind

I know they didn't come on Colombus's ships I was being sarcastic

The overwhelming amount of Arabs/MENA-folk that diaspora-ed are christians. Before 1990 in the US, most where Christian, now it's about 50/50 Christian/Muslim in the US

You had a Leb be president or something no?

There are actually more people in Brazil/Argentina with my last name than in the US. It's a Christian last name from Syria area.

>takbir 9/11 was a glorious day that sparked Jihad against the nations of the Cross

Do you happen to be 3rab? I'm just teasing you Brazil m8

yes that's correct, and the best part is that many of the christian arabs are whiter than the "italians" that came here, most have green/blue eyes and light hair and skin, my girlfriend last name is Abdullah and she has blue eyes and brown hair

>be Olympic athlete
>Go to Brazil to compete
>be mugged with 3 other athletes
feelsbadman, this wouldn't happen in USA or any other civilized country, which means your country is a shithole, although it was pretty detailed in the olympics opening ceremony.

It's more interesting to have an end of world scenario rather than Sup Forums winning in politics.

This board is fueled by happenings.

I love how Hillary is going to DIE before the election and there's nothing the paid intern shills nor their employers can do anything about it.

pol is just a bunch of fags and crybabies lmao

kek let me correct that for you
>be foreign naive tourist
>get raped/mugged/shot by shitskins
that's what you get for coming here, also >Tunisia trying to talk about civilized countries

brush your tongue u lil ho

It's much different when we're just ignoring you shills.
Here's your shekels for you reply.

Sorry to break it to you Abdullah is not a Christian last name. It means slave of Allah (still today we affectionately call blacks 3abd

Probably a late convert to Christianity not OG orthodox.

I'm Syrian and you're right about that. I'm tan now because it's summer here but I'm generally light skinned and have one copy of the blue eye gene. I'm dating anglo/irish qt. my son will be the king of Jordan

Doesn't matter, you do your job or don't host big international events.

Tunisia is pretty much the pearl of the Middle East at the moment.

>I love how Sup Forums surrendered to the fact that hillary's gonna win and WW3 will start anyway

>pol is just a bunch of white trash redneck faggots.

Thank you for:




Candidate CLINTON
and the
C.T.R. Initiative
have deposited 2 Shekels into your account.

>Tunisian shitskin thinks Brazil is a democracy
I didn't chose the olympics, is just a bread and games policy to hide corruption
my job is to survive another day in a dangerous shithole, hard times breed strong men

Also have you recovered yet? pic related

No one surrendered to that and its not a fact. If she wins then America dies. If not there may yet be hope. To be safe I stocked up on ammo. Now quit shilling for that deranged useless traitor bitch and go get a job.

>Being a pearl in a sea of shit

>Talking shit about Brazil
The only thing keeping your sick countrymen from going full loli and alternative porn is your crap religion.

sea of shit with a raging volcano in syria

fucking north africa is better than Brazil

your dick would immediately swell up with puss and boils if her tongue came anywhere near it.

her name could be goldstein i don't care, she still has blue eyes, brown hair pretty face and pink nipples/pussy, our children will be aryan

Doing pretty well senpai.

>Being literally shit

is it legal to have that image on your phone in that shit hole?

My penis is my own

actually we are the "pearl" of south america which puts us in the same plane, lets just wait for it to crash in the twin towers

I don't know about others BRs around me, but I would love to see shitskins from shitstan trying to do shit in here. I can already picture they trying to rape our women and them get their shit beaten out of them

they think they got it easy, they are used to going to cuck countries, wait till they deal with real men, muslims around here are pretty passive cause they know what happens if they try anything

Just jerked off to all of this thank you OP.

>"pearl" of south america

she needs to brush her tongue

and then get a facelift

hasnt it always?

stop creating muslim terrorists, and build that fucking wall or you wont last another decade

How's it going over there bro ?
We almost see nothing on the news and 2 million Libyans live here now, when will Libya be great again ?

Tunisians don't count as Arabs.

Then what do we count as ? carthago ?

muslim barbarians

of course you see nothing on the news, everything is going just fine, war is pretty much over no ones fighting each other, ISIS have gotten their asses pounded inside in sirt and have disbanded and gotten out of libya, muslim brotherhood are no longer in the parlimaent and Turkey no longer supports them in libya so they have gone too

Libya is on the road to being great very very soon, also of course Libyans are gonna stay there, the sweet water park in Carthage? or clubs in Hamamat? fuck dude haven't been there in ages

maybe soon we will have that shit here when we start rebuilding

also i think we count as berber, prefeer it over being affilated with the Saudis, NA>ME

Libyans, Egyptians, and Alegerians count as North African. Which is a unique ethnic group closest to Southern Europeans.

Tunisians and Morccons are usually North African, Berber, or a mix.

Shit man, at least it's gonna get well, both of us and algeria shouldn't have borders between us.

>I love you my tasty dick

NA Union?

i get hard at this thought, always like Unions, especially ones that work, but perhaps we need time to heal

i have no problems with Tunisians but some people dont share the same thoughts

in 5 years it would work, we are basically the same country,everyone wants that with algeria here and when libya gets back on it's feet i'm sure it would be plausible

hopefully, im so sick of this shit, we were doing great in 2013 just after the war then ISIS and the Brotherhood started laying out plans for basic sharia laws, that was the point of this civil war, to kick those guys out

no hopfully we learned our lesson and learn to spot these fucks a mile away

you guys were lucky to get back on your feet so quickly, and for the revolution to end so quick too with little bloodshed.

libya, rare.

how do libyans see russia and their campaign or middle easterners in general see them in comparison to the US?

does the average libyan also regret the ousting of gaddafi and hate the us french/nato forces for helping to kill him with sponsored islamic barbarians?


I like russia, always liked Putin, always seemed like a Strong leader who takes no shit, also like that they are fighting ISIS, like ACTUALLY fighting.

im not sure what you mean with the second part of your question.

if your asking what i feel i about the ME then well, mixed feelings basically.

hate the Saudi royality with a burning passion, hate their fucking laws and sharia, also their white outfits that they wear everywhere.

i mean in comparison to the US government i find the US better, at least when the US wants a country to help them out they ask and try to do things diplomatically, the Saudis cause unrest and send heralds to preach wahhabism.

theres a reason there are so many heralds in Europe and are so organized, Saudi $$$ keeps them running

Trump literally asked why the United States doesn't use its nuclear weapons more often.

I don't think Hillary is the one you should be concerned about....

Sup Forums did Gaddafi justice by revealing what he did right, but they also were biased as fuck since they never talked about the insanely bad shit he had done

Public Executions, Bans, Silencing of Opponents, no Freedom of Speech,insane Ego(had statutes and billboards of his face everywhere), and interference in things that needed none

he once banned English Lessons in Schools because the UK embargoed him, he held hostage 2 Swiss businessmen in Libya after Switzerland arrested his son for beating up Hotel staff, he banned SUV's because they were "practically military vehicles", he banned Ties because he said it was like rope around your neck

and also instated communism, FULL blown communism in Libya after being persuaded by Castro, many starved and he had to backtrack, many people and to be silenced after the unrest

and many, many, many more

he wasn't a good guy, but he wasn't the worst either, people had enough of his shit, he was doing fine after 2006 until it was revealed he was getting ready to unveil the Gold Dinar plan.

the WORST thing he could do after fighting Americans for the past 20 years, it looks good i mean and would net Libya a fuckton of cash and influence but would destroy Dollar and French currency in Africa

basically the US wanted to take out Gaddafi but they learned from bush and decided to help the population rather than invade, things are getting better though, foreign invesment and new merchandise makes its way here so in the long run taking him out was the best solution to be honest

thanks for response.

I agree, saudi arabia is a cancer and the us is stupid not to sanction them, especially an arms embargo. the us provides weapons to them, their clerics provide weapons, funding and aid to al qaeda as a proxy who are basically fighting the yemeni houthi rebels, they won't do it directly themselves. yemen is in ruins, thousands of innocents dead and the US is causing it, same with Israel. ethnic cleansing.

surely you also blame the us for screwing over your country because ghaddafi wanted to trade in the gold dinar and move from the us dollar(biggest insult), allowing a vacuum and then allowing ghaddafi weapons to go to then isis of syria and iraq soon after?

holy shit did he actually say that?

thats genuinely terrifying

its better to ask and start a conversation so you get an informed answer than to blindly assume something.

an uniformed decision is more dangerous than an informed one.

I do think trump is that kind of person to not really care to understand how other people might see his comments, or the implications of them.

I think as soon as he gets in to the white house, he'll start to realise that the job is far more serious than running a campaign, spouting crap to get elected and think half the things you say will just blow over peoples heads as harmless when he they are actually in action, i hope he'll understand and be more practical, and not glorify his own actions and other countries, that he sees both sides good and evil and knows what to do, otherwise it's just the same shit agenda.

If heliterally raid it surely you have a link mr ctr,

Oh wait youre just misquoting him because the only way you gain ground is through fear lies an d intimidation. Makes you ponder

i dont blame the US for taking action, it was politics, he pretty much declared economic war against the US when the gold dinar plan was revealed.

he wanted to not only challenge the US but the fucking West, he wanted dominance over Africa, a small ass fucking country like libya with 6 million people is gonna fight back the US and France?

we couldnt risk being invaded, look at Iraq, he had to go, and id rather have the Us behind me then in front of me, especially since they desperatley wanted him gone too

the shitstorm that came after was Saudi arabia planting a government that would cater to their needs since Gaddafi was a brick wall to them, the US no doubt had a hand in the politics here but it was a Small hand, Hillary basically jumped ship after gaddafi was gone and couldn't give two fucks about Libya anymore.

basically im not mad at the US wanting gaddafi gone, it was an obvious move, what i am mad about is that they didnt try to stop the country from collapsing

had they done so Libya would have been gratful and they would have a friend in North Africa, and having america as a friend is the first step to going forward

Gaddafi should never have antagonized them or Europe, biggest mistake he made

Looks like the only person it took to stump the trump was a woman.